Saturday, April 25, 2015

for next week plus update

we will be interpreting this for next week :

For this are Phoebus' oracles explored,
To teach the Greeks to murmur at their lord?
For this with falsehood is my honour stain'd,
Is heaven offended, and a priest profaned;
Because my prize, my beauteous maid, I hold,
And heavenly charms prefer to proffer'd gold?
A maid, unmatch'd in manners as in face,
Skill'd in each art, and crown'd with every grace;
Not half so dear were Clytaemnestra's charms,
When first her blooming beauties bless'd my arms.
Yet, if the gods demand her, let her sail;
Our cares are only for the public weal:
Let me be deem'd the hateful cause of all,
And suffer, rather than my people fall.
The prize, the beauteous prize, I will resign,
So dearly valued, and so justly mine.
But since for common good I yield the fair,
My private loss let grateful Greece repair;
Nor unrewarded let your prince complain,
That he alone has fought and bled in vain."
"Insatiate king (Achilles thus replies),
Fond of the power, but fonder of the prize!
Would'st thou the Greeks their lawful prey should yield,
The due reward of many a well-fought field? 

skoli is finishing for fretha ( winter)

in two years, not this zatha but the next one everyone is finished their three year brithet ( ba) and the following zatha ( summer) on the third year everyone is certified and finished as in regards to their positions and kobs, everyone is done, though some will continue being educated, and the whole system will be  certified and working in 12-13  years when dark city ends, darkest city ends three years from now.

the bind of the last spiritual child of the old , now defunk non functioning, dratha system is scheduled for birth in june 5, the bind of all gothetic systems is based on every adult, baring the 19 year old still in hafaf ( high school)  has finished at least the core three courses at unidiversity, 4 is the minimum courses completed, though these students are full time, so everyone will have finished prepairment school two years

everyone has atleast 4 courses, like a minour study , there are no adults not a unidiversity student with enough study, one block, to be called a some post secondary education,

on wards ambient intelligence is going through the roof to where it should have been, one apartment above.


till next week

iliad 1 prophet accusation

The prophet spoke: when with a gloomy frown
The monarch started from his shining throne;
Black choler fill'd his breast that boil'd with ire,
And from his eye-balls flash'd the living fire:
"Augur accursed! denouncing mischief still,
Prophet of plagues, for ever boding ill!
Still must that tongue some wounding message bring,
And still thy priestly pride provoke thy king?
[pg 006]

    Here the prophet that tried to find the source of the plague realizes, what he orates to the others as the king filled with fire and unease, he was perturbed.  The prophet exclaims that unlike the augur who wanted not to see mischief, which is more a device to state: there is mischief a foot, the prophet of the investigation of plagues knows what ills might body ill and this type is an attack, how can you claim with pride of power before your Kaz  (king) that you did no wrong and this is a sign to return the hostages.  In so many words he is accusing them of attacking due to the hostages.

iiliad 1 innocence speaking

Encouraged thus, the blameless man replies:
"Nor vows unpaid, nor slighted sacrifice,
But he, our chief, provoked the raging pest,
Apollo's vengeance for his injured priest.
Nor will the god's awaken'd fury cease,
But plagues shall spread, and funeral fires increase,
Till the great king, without a ransom paid,
To her own Chrysa send the black-eyed maid.54
Perhaps, with added sacrifice and prayer,
The priest may pardon, and the god may spare."

    Here the chorus as the blameless innocent claims that the plagues have nothing to do with anything but the hostages of Chrysa and the insults of the priests of Apollo who came to request her return, without a return of the hostages more plagues and death will ensue.  Only after such a return might the gods pardon the Greeks, prayer and sacrifice can help, it cannot hurt.

from :

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Iliad 1 sychophanty Pelides style

'Tis sure the mighty will revenge at last."
To whom Pelides:—"From thy inmost soul
Speak what thou know'st, and speak without control.
E'en by that god I swear who rules the day,
To whom thy hands the vows of Greece convey.
And whose bless'd oracles thy lips declare;
Long as Achilles breathes this vital air,
No daring Greek, of all the numerous band,
Against his priest shall lift an impious hand;
Not e'en the chief by whom our hosts are led,
The king of kings, shall touch that sacred head."

--Here they call on Pelides to tell them what is wrong and to allow for the good and mighty to prevail against the bad. Pelides is instructed to say all, to hide nothing.
Pelides being also a cleric begins with a sycophantic declaration, he incites God ( Godthit) and the blessing of the Greeks, the blessing of the Greeks also tells you who he is in allegiance with as mist as the blessing of God is to show piety and belief.
He blesses the monarch by declaring what he says as oracle and blessed of the high and divine.  Achilles as you recall is in charge of the national army, guard and they were in charge of policering.  So the priest incites Achilles as vital to his safety that no one would strike a priest as long as Achilles is in charge of the armed forces. Thus no one at this meeting will strike this priest.    The lawfulness show allegiance with Achilles as the previous oracle blessing of the monarch shows allegiance to the monarch.  It shows that he is also lawful to the laws of this current regime.  He is also showing he is at peace with those at the assembly.  He even reinforced the lawfulness of personage and reinforces Achilles credentials, authority and power to even keep the monarch at bay.  He is also saying Achilles is worthy of being at this meeting, it is secure.

iliad 1 invite meeting of secrets

"Beloved of Jove, Achilles! would'st thou know
Why angry Phoebus bends his fatal bow?
First give thy faith, and plight a prince's word
Of sure protection, by thy power and sword:
For I must speak what wisdom would conceal,
And truths, invidious to the great, reveal,
Bold is the task, when subjects, grown too wise,
Instruct a monarch where his error lies;
For though we deem the short-lived fury past,
     There is a call to Achilles to vow under the rules of the hospites of princely and kingly secrecy.  This bond is of the sword and the faith of the unity of assembly and the authority of that system thereof.  What must ve revealed is great and grave and if people become wise to it they will become disorderly and harder to handle
    The monarch looks for advice though the greater calamity has past.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

like the read?

If you recall we have analysises everything from Hercules, to Theseus to the Odyssey Bellegeron, please look to the earlier part of the blog for each part ,
later wew will look at teh edipus works and the gods and what other myth. 
But if you like this type of analysis please look at other works we have analysis like Cadmus.
till next week.

Iliad 1 dease running

Thus Chryses pray'd.—the favouring power attends,
And from Olympus' lofty tops descends.
Bent was his bow, the Grecian hearts to wound;50
Fierce as he moved, his silver shafts resound.
Breathing revenge, a sudden night he spread,
And gloomy darkness roll'd about his head.
The fleet in view, he twang'd his deadly bow,
And hissing fly the feather'd fates below.
On mules and dogs the infection first began;51
And last, the vengeful arrows fix'd in man.
For nine long nights, through all the dusky air,
The pyres, thick-flaming, shot a dismal glare.
But ere the tenth revolving day was run,
Inspired by Juno, Thetis' godlike son
Convened to council all the Grecian train;
For much the goddess mourn'd her heroes slain.52
The assembly seated, rising o'er the rest,
Achilles thus the king of men address'd:

n  Chryses prays as the tide seem to be on her side aginst the Greeks.  A bloght struck the Greeks as gods using silver appear and teh sents of pires fill the sky, it soundslike teh Greeks were under attack and the bio warfare stuck , it took three nights for disentry to set in.  The silver shaft is like teh silver lance, its mefical attacks and illnesses.
Here achielis is addressed as the king of man and a assembly is called due to the bloght.

"Why leave we not the fatal Trojan shore,
And measure back the seas we cross'd before?
The plague destroying whom the sword would spare,
'Tis time to save the few remains of war.
But let some prophet, or some sacred sage,
Explore the cause of great Apollo's rage;
Or learn the wasteful vengeance to remove
By mystic dreams, for dreams descend from Jove.53
[pg 005]

--at distance and across teh sea the jkudgement of teh plague descended through out the lands killing those who the sword would not as they caused nothing to merit such a death but their evils did merit death by desease and this is why some li8ke the norse believed such a jusdgenment ment you were not good enough to sdervive and it was better to die in battle as even okd people fall defending teh wrong side.may a prophet or a sage, a scholar, look into the reason for the plague.  What caused it and what wrath allowed it to stick.  Why did teh priests and other of chryses country strick the Greeks with bio warfare, the remnents of war are ending.thus teh jusdgement began as war and is not ending with plague.  It was over ethe women and she directly had no cause of it  someone did not like what teh Greeks had done.
If broken vows this heavy curse have laid,
Let altars smoke, and hecatombs be paid.
So Heaven, atoned, shall dying Greece restore,
And Phoebus dart his burning shafts no more."
He said, and sat: when Chalcas thus replied;
Chalcas the wise, the Grecian priest and guide,
That sacred seer, whose comprehensive view,
The past, the present, and the future knew:
Uprising slow, the venerable sage
Thus spoke the prudence and the fears of age:

n  If an offence occurred towards the gods then might we burn inscents and do what is needed to find what is needed to cure asnd restore Greece the Chalcas introduces himself and if he is true to what he says he know past present and future and is omniscient to some degree or level.  He has wisdom of prudence and fear of the ages.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

schools almosy done thretha

so it tunrs out that about 82 % of you will have finished teh brithit, three year unidiversity requirement, by next year zatha ( summer) we are full caught up and program done, yes a three year commerce business is enough to run your own store a core study
its over 65% at the end of this zatha.
all good, one can feel the diference.till

till next week.

iliadone prayer for insight

"O Smintheus! sprung from fair Latona's line,47
Thou guardian power of Cilla the divine,48
Thou source of light! whom Tenedos adores,
And whose bright presence gilds thy Chrysa's shores.
[pg 004]
If e'er with wreaths I hung thy sacred fane,49
Or fed the flames with fat of oxen slain;
God of the silver bow! thy shafts employ,
Avenge thy servant, and the Greeks destroy."

Smintheus an epithet taken from sminthos, the Phrygian name for a mouse, was applied to Apollo for having put an end to a plague of mice which had harassed that territory. Strabo, however, says, that when the Teucri were migrating from Crete, they were told by an oracle to settle in that place, where they should not be attacked by the original inhabitants of the land, and that, having halted for the night, a number of field-mice came and gnawed away the leathern straps of their baggage, and thongs of their armour. In fulfilment of the oracle, they settled on the spot, and raised a temple to Sminthean Apollo. Grote, "History of Greece," i. p. 68, remarks that the "worship of Sminthean Apollo, in various parts of the Troad and its neighboring territory, dates before the earliest period of Aeolian colonization."

Here appolo seems to be likened to the pipe piper whose song like appolos rid the land of rats and caused the people esp the young to follow a new tune.  The tune of course is divine.  The mice settled and created a temple, taking armour off, the mice seem to be a people who had evolved to become peaceful worshipers of Apollo, it is wghere they resettled after they heard his song and created a way to Godthit.

Here the priest far from their enemies begins to curse the Greeks for not releasing the daughter of their city.  We observe that a cirse is incanted by the priest as a form of maficm ( mav)
Oh rats sacred and peaceful come from the line of lotana,  guardians of the power Cilla the divine, who are one with godthit, gothetic systems.  They are a source of divine enlightenment that the people of Tenedos adores  whose wisdom is chrysas shores blessed brighteness.
Thus we are insighting enlightenment godthetic systems to attest to what must be done.  IYje invocation incits a conditional, either if the pries’s prayers merit Godthetic revenge or rectification may the fane be hung, either, the fkames of your discontent will cause no more than a meal cooked and oxen blood spilled and no wrath opn the pnes we though deserved it.  Thus to godthit and thy bow that only shoots justly shoot thy arrows at those who deserve it bless us and all that are on the just side and destroy the Greeks. If they have wronged,