Thursday, September 25, 2014

returning to normal.

I will continue with the twelve gods next week.
the system is upgrading
the weather went well as soon as teh radiation ceased/
it turns out during teh equanox winter sports start
although it was avetha and not fretha
the devices , including long wave cold radiation hothey and skying ambiance were remote;ly released from thier led boces, devices on satelites read them as too radiation hot and self destructed, doom days devices raining radiation on all,. you felt almost a puke like sensation in teh back of teh throart, over 1000 rads a second., onl;y immortals live and all radiooactive substances burnt up., no more nuclear powerr, as teh desater in former japan at eth start of teh war proved/
we are better off cause trhe shimer , like heat waves had fooled people into thinking bewnign devivces became magically empowerreds, mav has nothing to do with lethal radiation, but they thought so and died.
its like the shimer on gold leaf freskos that look odd and were thought to cause bad things to happen.
iconoclasm, real truth pewople simply di4ed that was it.
mev did not work that way, but radiation through some substances, minute amounts can cause wierd sensations even death.
the benign stones are returning to normal.
no radioactive material anywhere casmocally
praise godthit and all the rewal gothiters
till next week.

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