Thursday, September 4, 2014

Feeling amazuing

Next week I will tackel the next great grethetic myth.
I am not certain which one but I will pick one by then.
Hope everyone evjoys the world and teh new year as it truly is that powerful amd amazing
its clean
enjoy teh skoli
most peopel from our time esp after 180's servived, most people last century servived.
but people giot primitive as time went back.
we did amazing
many servived from teh past too,
most secind incarnation jad learnt their lesson
tehre were as we always knew fewer people in teh past
modern medicine and knoqwldeg has prolonged life and increreased consciouness.
thanks media and modernity its in contemporary teck and moral common sense.
wew win
peace and enjoy teh year it will be a good one
everyone is feeling much better than ever before
well minus afew last threads
ya I feel great
full of energy and I have beeen doucle xed so I still look as hot as before but 18 forever baby.

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