Thursday, September 25, 2014

Afrodite begings

Goddess of love, beauty, desire, and pleasure. Although married to Hephaestus she had many lovers, most notably Ares, Adonis, and Anchises. She was depicted as a beautiful woman and of all the goddesses most likely to appear nude or seminude. Poets praise the radiance of her smile and her laughter. Her symbols include roses and other flowers, the scallop shell, and myrtle wreath. Her sacred animals are doves and sparrows. Her Roman counterpart was Venus.

afrodite represents the demetion of love esthetics and bueaty, the endevours of thought as the good looking pr apealing.

the prefection of teh look of body and how things appear including teh look of bueaty, demeanpour and teh likes.
what appears apropriate for behaviour and looking good or bueatiful.
for acting bueatioful is not looiking good but being good.
more on her next wqeek.

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