Thursday, September 25, 2014

radiation stop

we will begin the examination of the ancient gods today
it will be very interesting.
two days ago the last radioactive material was fissioned.
it reflected backwards but there are no more radioactive issotopes in teh cosmos and no chance of new ones to occur.
it was a rare event that caused them to happen, an event that no longer can occur due to new energies altering even teh past.
window of oppurtunity closed/
a;; good you will feel healthy and happy.
as we do now.
neevr drained as some soppose3d , though we were not drained but energised as immortals in ways soem did not recognise.
the simplest radiational material would kill a mortal in seconds.
death valleys were we wmind such things were uninhabiotable
prior to the mining no one went there
we n3eeded robots to get at the stuff in teh seventries and 19302
the lklatter was armoured protection ta short exposure and a redu ced life even through led. as star treck four proved takions appear outside teh protective sheilds, including led.
 they heated eventing up till it blew up and burnt out, timers and giger counters set as dooms day devices if theier natin failed as teh old ones did

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