Saturday, June 23, 2012
Set plane theory.-realities besetting realities
if all potential were to be made actual to allow for reality to begin it must be running into the meld in which a situational point takes into context the promise of self entailed predicated preexistence. thus a point matrix access point that actuates the intended calculated reality by which all created mystified craeation come into potential and actual creation from the fixed point going forward from all widths.
Thus realities sit and are created due to the realities that set the parameters above them, for instance set pragmatic realities based on redeemed but fluid self will fix points into reality based on higher realities such as the programs set forward.
the pragata of situation set forth reality based on a larger unity and ranges that are defined as possible or actual is set patterned due to the higher reality that is based on the principals of the synband. thus precepts due to concepts principals controlling dictums that govern reality mondus are consecrated into being as the set good that allows for the presence to actualise rather than be forwidth thrown outside protecential control. Thus the next level lives in set coined reality though the highest abiove the top in set frames that see all posibilities as ends from start to finish and these prospectives alter pbased on teh wifde range of teh being practicing them. Thus the capela of the divine cosmos in thier ordained perfection based still perfecting the self as the God that is becoming see mass ranges as lines continuums fixed though the loabs see them as fuzzy lines from teh same hieight of perspective. the diagiani of the mondus reality space place the line with perfectin or the inperfect beings of teh impart( divine cosmos) see reality as coninuum ranges lines and spaces equal the the whole transected based on aperspective of reality based on teh prinicipals of reality mondus that are the principals of the synband acted out ion, they are based on them as dictems from teh principals and framed to full control of that lebvel as they are based on teh perfect ultimate optimals of the previous, the sethi of teh lower multiplicity level of reality see them as dot=s set in a background influxed as spaced both from within the nods of light and the black outlines. the dripi or stafi of the loweer trthic are like amits( new amin name , race name ) sees reality as set tubes of continuums bound and spaces between realities fuzzy at points they branch from or solid in perspective scapes. these run realities but relate the optimal ultimates back to the set width based on the design of teh optimal, this is real this is fantasy. the necada of the continuum level see the lines as palces plains split by light or dark depending on the dimentional fram of the continuum glue or connective reality set as the fixed pattern ranged for the split. the Dagathis of the lower continuum level see plains as ripples beset by short gaps based on sethi or set glide over perspective of living between the lains in inner space. Higher beings in set rages like continuums are higher spaces though some are inner spces other integral others out space ,a higher space, teh imperfect in out confic or corruptible space, its perfective cause it lives front ot back as optimal, no way to fuc up , same with reality higher line beings set between reality levels and inperfect levels, the multiplicity level begins to challege ideas of difference and can chose to actuate wrongly what it thinks is optimal though the goal; is not perfect through teh ranges. these are the lower reality beings like the mafi that see reality as a set orbital relative to the active joint idea. it has various perspectives.
the multiplicity level can chose to run non optimal or in good programs though at each mentioned levels one can actuate a program making one a good and inperfect level acting being, a divinely blessed transcendent being.
the droup live the realities et but from a close reflux in the lower continuum and plain levels thus they can live the laws set by the higher levels as teh realities that must be embraced based on symbatic dictums or ca lapse to falls or correction, a penalty box for those who need to learn to play fair and be purged from errors and misbehavior.the gropi see plains as single places spread with dimensions that are plainier links to other continuums plains and set reality continuums. Dimensional beings like the crathi live with mixed dimensional ranged though they can lock drati or sequences and live a smooth unity.
it us humans like the terrains that started as the druopi and developed being from the floor up a dethic ranged program that from a fixed point or singularity came into being allowed for the big bang that set the infinite into place allowing foreseeing as the preexistence that allows the other to persist in timeless reality since the fix point that is everyone and the someones actualised from a @000 (at zero zero zero) that allows for it to peredamatically jenifiably into presence cosmically. Thus the point is self enveloping from start to finish as the inperfect alignment of the lowest points including derec races like elementals from below or from the rafithi range as well as those above those of the delethic range, demons verse elementals. Both Good. Thus each level created a reality that allowed the reverse set one dimensional smooth beings like the earlier Terrans of the last century and before to set realities that and build to the current point in which the reality built up to the fix point which is now that allows it to bring the reality set from bottom to set upper reality ensuring its actuality.
This is the someones fixed focal point
So we ran the reality chain mastered each from scratch and set the reality into being both infinity from above dependently from the middle and from elements ranged at predicated existence which includes the unity perfection of the whole thing or GOD and thus substantiated existence in all the ways it could be and is becoming , and since we existent to talk about it we thus succeeded. The harmony of the unity necessitates segmenting transmigration into policing, dieing plains as no pian exists now except those who try to cause it and they suffer it in a pain level as they are being corrected from its misuse. I feel no pain but aversion feelings to avoid things like fires , but no burning pain as it was a bad spell and we got rid of it. thus segmenting bad to a dimension then an another plain allows one to not to be effected by the bad will of those that in all realities created a reality by thier evil to suffer by, try to murder you instantly are in anther plain suffer the pain and death you thought you could cause which we the good never felt. there are also education plains that allow safe upgrade, the main reality does this too. Set plane theory.
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