Sunday, June 10, 2012


The Fumigation from Manna. O Powerful Victory [Nike], by men desir'd, with adverse breasts to dreadful fury fir'd, Thee I invoke, whose might alone can quell contending rage, and molestation fell: 'Tis thine in battle to confer the crown, the victor's prize, the mark of sweet renown; For thou rul'st all things, Victory [Nike] divine! And glorious strife, and joyful shouts are thine. Come, mighty Goddess, and thy suppliant bless, with sparkling eye, elated with success; May deeds illustrious thy protection claim, and find, led on by thee immortal Fame. here manna is burnt to signify the unity of the body or soma of God, this manna is the same as that used by pharceys and other indo iranians. its made of casha indica, purple puffy poppi nectored gum and a flower called ephrindata the purple white kind and sphrini, yellow gold. to nike and the victory of this goddess, to victory by engendered or neutral glory for all, what all desire and whose breast or bosom to dreadful obstetrical and adversity is turned to, for true victory is facing that which you must triumph over and win in the way appropriate to that game, as a gentil person by game and by defence of virtue and justice in war and in life. we cal;l to victory cause it quells rage and the feelings of being mistreated and misused. for the good and just ways are victory and realising the good win together gets rid of anger against injustice and the mistreatment of those who try to molest or mistreat you. yours is the rite that bestows the right of the crowning virtue of victory , the true prize of war and competition, for crwns are diadems and the blessing for virtue , justice and goodness. truly what is known and told are the good deeds of true victors , the virtues, as they triumph over the wayworth injustice of those who assalt the virtuous and good. all truly glory and need of action in strife is of this type of divine virtue and true victory and only by such triumphant ways , the only ways to win are the shouts of victory acclaimed. For you victory in only divine ways, by name and act of divine virtue and will , truly rules all as the rule of how to win, how to be triumphant in the only ways one can. So come goddess and the victory you represent, whops humble supliance brings blessing and grace, with eyes that sparkle with true sight of what the true pride and ways to true blessed victory is and comes to be. This is elated true blessed true victory. For all true victories using the divine ways of God are protected and renowned, for when God(s) call you a winner you are always a winner, for calls you that only when you prove you are only cable based on achieving a true divine will, to be just and virtuous always and thus always win, the reality governing victory which is symbatic is Godz and the good always win. your truth remaining as true victories claim that always in victory is God, goddesses and alls ( God[s]) true immortal universal Fame.

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