Saturday, June 2, 2012


A Hymn. Only-Begotten, noble race of Jove, blessed and fierce, who joy'st in caves to rove: --pellas the king who is a divinely born only beggotten like christ. O, warlike Pallas, whose illustrious kind, ineffable and effable we find: -- the worrier who acted well without fault Magnanimous and fam'd, the rocky height, and groves, and shady mountains thee delight: -- as geberous and great as a mountain, he was divinly of a large stature. In arms rejoicing, who with Furies dire and wild, the souls of mortals dost inspire. -- he inspired and waas loved for who he was Gymnastic virgin of terrific mind, dire Gorgons bane, unmarried, blessed, kind: -- a nymphantios, ( unmarried is misinterpreted) christ was anymphantos, meaning divinely blessed as a watcjh opr male witch, anymphafty is the women its the root of nymph as is tree nymth, elder or parent daughter and son as virtueos one. virgin means of parthenon like parthena , gymnastic means trained as such gymnasmenos. of the trinioty ogf the gorgon thesius become one with, authority of these and morrre. Mother of arts, imperious; understood, rage to the wicked., wisdom to the good: -- to his wife and goddesses that bind who rages against evil and uis wise good fair and just. as a fair women marrying ben elohim, sons of god who are dikey verses the men who are dickees. Female and male, the arts of war are thine, fanatic, much-form'd dragoness [Drakaina], divine: --if ART AND THE ART OF WAR, THE WISDOM OF TACTICS AND STRATEGY PLAYED IN KLIFE AND ON BOARDS. OF FANTASY ROL;E PLAYING AND DRAGONS TOO, DRAGONS AND DIVINBE SHE AS HG=HE IS POWERFUL. Drakaina IS THE WOMEN'S GAME PLAYED PEACEFULL WITH pALLAS IN PEACEFUL UNITY. A MATRIARCHAL SCOCIETY O'er the Phlegrean giants rous'd to ire, thy coursers driving, with destruction dire. --OF THE ALIEN FIRST OF WOMEN THEN UNIFIED WITH THE ICE GIANTS KNOWN AS Phlegrean AMULGIMATING AS ONE PEOPLE AND DESTROYING THE CORRUPNESS OF THE OLD.bELIEVING OF BOTH SEXES OF GODS. Sprung from the head of Jove [Tritogeneia], of splendid mien, purger of evils, all-victorious queen. --WITH THE Tritogeneia A MATRIARCHAL ATHENE THE WIFE ALSO DIRED OF THIS IS THE NEXT RACE TO ALLY WITH YOU PALLAS AND ATHENE. THE TIOTLE GROUP OF VICTORIES QUEEN BY THE SAME NAME AND title. of good demeaner and appearances. rich in splender Hear me, O Goddess, when to thee I pray, with supplicating voice both night and day, --heere we pray to the goddess and god as these including goddess uquantuum universal we pray for godess this includes the wife and all the good as goddess, qwomen and men. And in my latest hour, peace and health, propitious times, and necessary wealth, --help us be happy, healthy, pursue a good and prosperous life. And, ever present, be thy vot'ries aid, O, much implor'd, art's parent, blue eyed maid. of pall;as and athene to all the gods bring us victory and wisdom of arts as you are all ever present

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