Saturday, June 30, 2012


[34] XXXIV. TO LATONA [LETO] The Fumigation from Myrrh. Dark veil'd Latona [Leto], much invoked queen, twin-bearing Goddess, of a noble mien; Cæantis [Koiantis] great, a mighty mind is thine, offspring prolific, blest of Jove [Zeus] divine: Phœbus proceeds from thee, the God of light, and Dian [Artemis] fair, whom winged darts delight; She in Ortygia's honor'd regions born, in Delos he, which mountains high adorn. Hear me, O Goddess, with propitious mind, and end these holy rites, with aspect kin Leto From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Leto (disambiguation). Leto The Rape of Leto by Tityos ca. 515 BC. From Vulci. Leto is third from left. The Rape of Leto by Tityos ca. 515 BC. From Vulci. Leto is third from left. The Sun Abode Delos Symbol A Wavy Sun Consort Zeus Parents Coeus and Phoebe Siblings Asteria Children Apollo, and Artemis Roman equivalent Latona In Greek mythology, Leto (Greek: Λητώ; Λατώ, Latō in Dorian Greek, etymology and meaning disputed) is a daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe and the sister of Asteria.[1] The island of Kos is claimed as her birthplace.[2] In the Olympian scheme, Zeus is father of her twins,[3] Apollo and Artemis, the Letoides, which Leto conceived after her hidden beauty accidentally caught the eyes of Zeus. For the classical Greeks, Leto is scarcely to be conceived apart from being pregnant and finding a place to be delivered of Apollo and Artemis, for Hera being jealous, made it so all lands shunned her. Finally, she finds an island that isn't attached to the ocean floor so it isn't considered land and she can give birth.[4] This is her one active mythic role: once Apollo and Artemis are grown, Leto withdraws, to remain a dim[5] and benevolent matronly figure upon Olympus, her part already played. In Roman mythology, Leto's equivalent is Latona, a Latinization of her name, influenced by Etruscan Letun.[6]d. from the dark garbs of a divine or dim that represented the twin birth of two twins of God. The first son was the first titan autocrator, Titans Coeus and Phoebe and the sister of Asteria, the first king of lydea Phoebe and the queens of an area of asia minor called Asteria its near phragea. Middle east bit north of center, center Turkey on the eastern side near former nahata. She gave birth to sunshine and the host embodiment of God as providence, sunshine and what grows there. Cæantis [Koiantis] great the great king of former cyprus. Was well minded and smart snd blessed, an avatar of Zeus. Phœbus proceeds from thee, the God of light, and Dian [Artemis] fair, whom winged darts delight; the theo vos or god bolt or light of God proceedeth from you. the God of light as well, the dien or female arta of dion , female twin of Gopd, artemis or provenience. Dien is the root of the divine name Diana or Artemis is letino. For Diens are fair as in just and the wives of ben elohim. seeing that they were fair these males took them as wives. The wuings or flight of power darts or moves quickly and with delight. She in Ortygia's honor'd regions born, in Delos he, which mountains high adorn. Ortygia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Ortygia (Italian: Ortigia) is a little island and it is the historical centre of the city of Syracuse, Sicily. The island, also known as Città Vecchia (Old City), contains many historical landmarks. The name originates from the Ancient Greek ortyx (ὄρτυξ) which means "Quail". The Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo has it that the goddess Leto stopped at Ortygia to give birth to Artemis[1], the firstborn of her twins. Artemis then helped Leto across the sea to the island of Delos, where Leto gave birth to Apollo.[2] Other ancient sources state that the twins were born in the same place—which was either Delos or Ortygia[3]— but Ortygia was an old name of Delos. Further, there were perhaps a half-dozen other places called Ortygia, so that the identification is uncertain.[4] It was also said that Asteria, the sister of Leto metamorphosed into a quail (Ortux), threw herself into the sea, and was metamorphosed into the island Ortygia. Another myth suggested that it was Delos instead of Ortygia.[5] from Aresteria is the sister of Leto and threw herself like a quell into the sea, the island of delos and Ortygia were once the same island, before the deluge caused by hercules or defna the ancient titan who first flooded the mediteranian, tethmos closed it bandf hercules reopened it, prior to them crafa brouht water in a small mid flood and taha closed it thre generations later as rafti raiders from former new orleans tryied flooding the open plain. the two islands were one island and artemis was born on the whole thing and apo;;o on the delos after the deluge. her sister was queen on Ortygia. A Generation later the child representing her people, Artemis brought the people of her liniage, her mothers people to delos. Apollo was born after on Delos, placing him according to this cronology as a younger God to artemis. the twins really mean dion or divine twins of God, they were twins of each other too, equals. You can imagine that Leto gave birth to these twins in her life time, several children listed . They were high end noble beings at divine equal hight to the Gods on mount olympus and zion. Hear me, O Goddess, with propitious mind, and end these holy rites, with aspect kin Propitiation is the act of appeasing or making well disposed (from Latin propitiāre, to appease, from propitius, gracious), [1] especially a deity, thus incurring divine favor or avoiding Divine retribution. Bring us Goddess divinely favoured mind , will and action, and have these rites end with equal divine favour.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

the reality of the good life scientificated

to continue explaining the discusion of reality. the capella or loads see the matrix as an extended reality started and finished within a wave band range equal to the points dimetrasised from the continuum flow, the optimasl is calculated as fixed points spoking to the higher reality of ggopd or Modus At large., To GOD the whole system of being that encompasses all that can be, all that is as non being and what can be. Thus for the loab or terestia of the top head reality is set to optimals based on a broad band fixed out geared at optimal results based on the infinite timeless |Gohota or divine that is fixed to points within the matrix based on it being there both eternally and actualised through the various levels self creating its reality from the base level fixed to one smooth unity amulgimated dimenmtionality that both gave the idea of independence and also brought it into being as a oneness preset rationally to relative self motivated realities. the the reality level so the herthra who are continuum builders and sub set reality beings build realities based the higher realities and impaert programs but build diemetrically to the relation f the rules allowing transfixed realities to build up and self prone the objections that the system of symbatic laws does not afford to exist. they also enter systems created and repair them from within as does god when people become avatrs with God, walk with God. its a simple oneness as one becomes not just unified with its oneness but becomes one with the essence and oneness. the beings below see more structures as discussed in the previous post, however when you come to humans as first created they are locked into a dimentuional view that hides optimals but a;llows for realisation of the dictems of the symbatic accordance of universal form and formless reality, the symband is not a place but the locked unity of the laws and prioctipals that govern everything , the whole thing , all inclusive, b it as a be o these also are governed by the reality programs of the above and below matrixes. thus the program wanted to reinforce its being , amnd the not being is ( the was that was but is not and that is Giod, the wasis for the indentata_ God was (actually) but is becoming and is not an is but a becoming)), what is is actualisable what was has been what is Gods being is not but is.) thus it took humanity forming reality as if preformed and foixed to laws in unisen with all the other levels to unwind it and fix it to self produce itself and ensure through all the ranges and ways of creating something that can be to allow the someone to help actualise the nexus or focal point, point insert for God as thye equally existing predecate and rationally deduced indiction that allows for us , me and you to existy, including a grand unified essense that potentially allows all the actualities including it self through the system bvasded on the perfect ultimate uptimal called the good and the good just life fopr all those who by name self intented are good. same just laws as always. The good never die they transacend, immotrtally.

Set plane theory.-realities besetting realities

if all potential were to be made actual to allow for reality to begin it must be running into the meld in which a situational point takes into context the promise of self entailed predicated preexistence. thus a point matrix access point that actuates the intended calculated reality by which all created mystified craeation come into potential and actual creation from the fixed point going forward from all widths. Thus realities sit and are created due to the realities that set the parameters above them, for instance set pragmatic realities based on redeemed but fluid self will fix points into reality based on higher realities such as the programs set forward. the pragata of situation set forth reality based on a larger unity and ranges that are defined as possible or actual is set patterned due to the higher reality that is based on the principals of the synband. thus precepts due to concepts principals controlling dictums that govern reality mondus are consecrated into being as the set good that allows for the presence to actualise rather than be forwidth thrown outside protecential control. Thus the next level lives in set coined reality though the highest abiove the top in set frames that see all posibilities as ends from start to finish and these prospectives alter pbased on teh wifde range of teh being practicing them. Thus the capela of the divine cosmos in thier ordained perfection based still perfecting the self as the God that is becoming see mass ranges as lines continuums fixed though the loabs see them as fuzzy lines from teh same hieight of perspective. the diagiani of the mondus reality space place the line with perfectin or the inperfect beings of teh impart( divine cosmos) see reality as coninuum ranges lines and spaces equal the the whole transected based on aperspective of reality based on teh prinicipals of reality mondus that are the principals of the synband acted out ion, they are based on them as dictems from teh principals and framed to full control of that lebvel as they are based on teh perfect ultimate optimals of the previous, the sethi of teh lower multiplicity level of reality see them as dot=s set in a background influxed as spaced both from within the nods of light and the black outlines. the dripi or stafi of the loweer trthic are like amits( new amin name , race name ) sees reality as set tubes of continuums bound and spaces between realities fuzzy at points they branch from or solid in perspective scapes. these run realities but relate the optimal ultimates back to the set width based on the design of teh optimal, this is real this is fantasy. the necada of the continuum level see the lines as palces plains split by light or dark depending on the dimentional fram of the continuum glue or connective reality set as the fixed pattern ranged for the split. the Dagathis of the lower continuum level see plains as ripples beset by short gaps based on sethi or set glide over perspective of living between the lains in inner space. Higher beings in set rages like continuums are higher spaces though some are inner spces other integral others out space ,a higher space, teh imperfect in out confic or corruptible space, its perfective cause it lives front ot back as optimal, no way to fuc up , same with reality higher line beings set between reality levels and inperfect levels, the multiplicity level begins to challege ideas of difference and can chose to actuate wrongly what it thinks is optimal though the goal; is not perfect through teh ranges. these are the lower reality beings like the mafi that see reality as a set orbital relative to the active joint idea. it has various perspectives. the multiplicity level can chose to run non optimal or in good programs though at each mentioned levels one can actuate a program making one a good and inperfect level acting being, a divinely blessed transcendent being. the droup live the realities et but from a close reflux in the lower continuum and plain levels thus they can live the laws set by the higher levels as teh realities that must be embraced based on symbatic dictums or ca lapse to falls or correction, a penalty box for those who need to learn to play fair and be purged from errors and misbehavior.the gropi see plains as single places spread with dimensions that are plainier links to other continuums plains and set reality continuums. Dimensional beings like the crathi live with mixed dimensional ranged though they can lock drati or sequences and live a smooth unity. it us humans like the terrains that started as the druopi and developed being from the floor up a dethic ranged program that from a fixed point or singularity came into being allowed for the big bang that set the infinite into place allowing foreseeing as the preexistence that allows the other to persist in timeless reality since the fix point that is everyone and the someones actualised from a @000 (at zero zero zero) that allows for it to peredamatically jenifiably into presence cosmically. Thus the point is self enveloping from start to finish as the inperfect alignment of the lowest points including derec races like elementals from below or from the rafithi range as well as those above those of the delethic range, demons verse elementals. Both Good. Thus each level created a reality that allowed the reverse set one dimensional smooth beings like the earlier Terrans of the last century and before to set realities that and build to the current point in which the reality built up to the fix point which is now that allows it to bring the reality set from bottom to set upper reality ensuring its actuality. This is the someones fixed focal point So we ran the reality chain mastered each from scratch and set the reality into being both infinity from above dependently from the middle and from elements ranged at predicated existence which includes the unity perfection of the whole thing or GOD and thus substantiated existence in all the ways it could be and is becoming , and since we existent to talk about it we thus succeeded. The harmony of the unity necessitates segmenting transmigration into policing, dieing plains as no pian exists now except those who try to cause it and they suffer it in a pain level as they are being corrected from its misuse. I feel no pain but aversion feelings to avoid things like fires , but no burning pain as it was a bad spell and we got rid of it. thus segmenting bad to a dimension then an another plain allows one to not to be effected by the bad will of those that in all realities created a reality by thier evil to suffer by, try to murder you instantly are in anther plain suffer the pain and death you thought you could cause which we the good never felt. there are also education plains that allow safe upgrade, the main reality does this too. Set plane theory.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Whose locks are gold, whose oracles are sure, who, omens good reveal'st, and precepts pure: Hear me entreating for the human kind, hear, and be present with benignant mind; For thou survey'st this boundless æther all, and ev'ry part of this terrestrial ball Abundant, blessed; and thy piercing sight, extends beneath the gloomy, silent night; Beyond the darkness, starry-ey'd, profound, the stable roots, deep fix'd by thee are found. The world's wide bounds, all-flourishing are thine, thyself all the source and end divine: 'Tis thine all Nature's music to inspire, with various-sounding, harmonising lyre; Now the last string thou tun'ft to sweet accord, divinely warbling now the highest chord; --for you have a accord with the divine, a resence and dimention in the divine song. It in sinc achord with the divine song and resence of divine programs. Th' immortal golden lyre, now touch'd by thee, responsive yields a Dorian melody. -- the golden instrument of infinite immortal time in dorian rythems as an ansetral spiritual line. This appolo was dorian and smethata or mixed through the grandfather on the fathers side though mom was dorian as was grandmother to draha drawing through hebrew( the language unspoken except in seremony like latin)) to dretha davids wife. He was adivine fruit an when touched by the divine dio valenti he resenated in harmony. All Nature's tribes to thee their diff'rence owe, and changing seasons from thy music flow --you apollo are of all tribes, pamphilius, of change as seasons and never stagnate forcing return to curruption sent away as teh music flows you upgrade with it as you add yours to it. Hence, mix'd by thee in equal parts, advance Summer and Winter in alternate dance; --mixed by thy in equal ways the parts and extremes to meld a good full range so no one fears destruction of being one extreme without the other, or half witted ass you do say say they miss all the middle ways too. This claims the highest, that the lowest string, the Dorian measure tunes the lovely spring . as a dorian you through ts universal prospective melded the realities of all world together, for it bridges the high with the low making everthing and the belt invetween equal. Hence by mankind, Pan-royal, two-horn'd nam'd, emitting whistling winds thro' Syrinx fam'd; --for all people equally , the pan royal divine shared by all God(s) and all teh authority rights gained on earth , terran to make the rights justly obeyed, two horned way, meaning off both common people and teh royal and the third hiden in both be the divine, song wstling through the breath of pneuma and the spirit of GOD as goddess sirens famed and beknowst songs and lyre players. Since to thy care, the figur'd seal's consign'd, which stamps the world with forms of ev'ry kind. he who used divine seals and rewards to seal his world the best he could divinely blessing teh good, making immortal Godz( plural singular verses God(s) which is teh reverse) Your forms and grace added dimentions and reality to it, objects and just rules, as you are a god in unity with Gods. Hear me, blest pow'r, and in these rites rejoice, and save thy mystics with a suppliant voice. blessed power and the powers we share as teh hood, by rites remebered as you are called betha buddha pre buddha, st jerathy of jevone, dyes crarethi or defi. and the wisdom as a divine voice of God who took the full grace of oneness with divine will, one with the totality of teh essence as teh someone who is dyes grathata m dethenata , mahareta, and mouta and so on beloved friend and guild as he has guilded back. Blessed be thy I have also met the incarnation, the resserected God who is from up high . meaning nver died but takes other forms, he is teh someones avatar. the the someonelses too, she be hot I say, you lucky somebody you.

Friday, June 15, 2012


33] XXXIII. TO APOLLO [APOLLON] The Fumigation from Manna. Blest Pæan, come, propitious to my pray'r, illustrious pow'r, whom Memphian tribes revere, -- singing with triumph to the tribes of memphis that ruled from drayada the place up borth. where did the mempheeans go? everywhere.... the son of the Pæan is the chorus of peoples sing the same divine dirge. Slayer of Tityus, and the God of health, Lycorian Phœbus, fruitful source of wealth . --TITYOS (or Tityus) was a Phokian giant who assaulted the goddess Leto as she was on her way to Delphoi. Her son Apollon came to the rescue and despatched the giant with his arrows and golden sword. As further punishment for the crime, Tityos was condemned to eternal torment in the underworld. There he was staked to the ground and two vultures set to feed on his ever regenerating liver. His name might be derived from the Greek word tisis, meaning "he who suffers retribution." Alternatively Tityos may be connected with the Tityroi, a Boiotian name for flute-playing satyrs. In this guise he resembles another of Apollon's opponents, Marsyas. Certain elements of his story also closely resemble those of the Boiotian giant Orion and the Titan Prometheus. from Phoebus Apollo is one of the appolos. He is a god of health and fruitful prosperity bringer. Spermatic, golden-lyr'd, the field from thee receives it's constant, rich fertility. sperma or seeder( sperm in greek * (elacian) is seed as in grain. of a golden divine song played on lyritha the field of its heaven even on earth remains fertile and prosperous and thus rich. Titanic, Grunian, Smynthian, thee I sing, Python-destroying, hallow'd, Delphian king: --Grunion are two fish species of the genus Leuresthes: the California grunion, L. tenuis, and the Gulf grunion L. sardinas. They are sardine-sized teleost fish of the Atherinopsidae family of New World silversides, found only off the coast of California, USA, and Baja California, Mexico where the species is found on both the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of California coasts. Many people enjoy catching grunion at events called "Grunion Runs." from Smynthian, is on the west coast of norway near krayatheta an isleand part of eth former denther series. thus from the north to the south near california to the menmphesis set around the world including memphanta in former china, menthatha in former australia and those in south and northamerica and so. Its more than just a city in Elacia and former egyprt, try memphuta in former northern russia. This appolos spread of peoples and divine empire through cruthut the legal emporer of the then trathetyc or tythic peoples of the menphases. Rural, light-bearer, and the Muse's head, noble and lovely, arm'd with arrows dread: --of rural life, enlightener, inspirer with his wisdom, virtuous and true. faithful and defending with arrows divine, material and true. Far-darting, Bacchian, two-fold, and divine, pow'r far diffused, and course oblique is thine. -- far moving and influencing, of the two natures of human and of God. Power difusing the cosmos like a light of an enlightner, The divine course is oblique and seen solidily by thee. He is also of secret teachings and ways. O, Delian king, whose light-producing eye views all within, and all beneath the sky: --Of the de;ean line, see earlkier posts on orphic hims on this blog. Delian League: modern name of the Athenian alliance, founded after the Persian Wars as a military organization directed against the Achaemenid Empire, but converted by the Athenian politician Pericles into an Athenian empire. The Spartans launched the Peloponnesian War (431-404) to force the Athenians to give up the Delian League. Origin In 480, the Persian king Xerxes invaded Greece, defeated his enemies at Artemisium and Thermopylae, and sacked Athens. Although his navy was severely damaged in the naval battle of Salamis, it was obvious that the Persians were the strongest. So, the great king recalled many troops (perhaps because Babylonia was unquiet.) This gave the Greeks the breathing space they needed, and they defeated Xerxes' right-hand man Mardonius at Plataea. More or less at the same time, a Greek expeditionary force attacked the remains of the Persian navy at Mycale, and started to liberate the Greek towns in Asia Minor. from of the delian right of kings and authority through ancient greece of ptolemies right passed through orpheus and appolo drathi also known as Zues dathena the fifth zues and lovers of whales, his walk with the divine (God) was partly in the sea. the fish grathi of fruitful seeds in the sea, his family tree runs through those who discovered them eons before him, very ancient name. The ways fostered by this enlightenment taught one to both look inwards and out. I will continue this tommorow.... Whose locks are gold, whose oracles are sure, who, omens good reveal'st, and precepts pure: Hear me entreating for the human kind, hear, and be present with benignant mind; For thou survey'st this boundless æther all, and ev'ry part of this terrestrial ball Abundant, blessed; and thy piercing sight, extends beneath the gloomy, silent night; Beyond the darkness, starry-ey'd, profound, the stable roots, deep fix'd by thee are found. The world's wide bounds, all-flourishing are thine, thyself all the source and end divine: 'Tis thine all Nature's music to inspire, with various-sounding, harmonising lyre; Now the last string thou tun'ft to sweet accord, divinely warbling now the highest chord; Th' immortal golden lyre, now touch'd by thee, responsive yields a Dorian melody. All Nature's tribes to thee their diff'rence owe, and changing seasons from thy music flow Hence, mix'd by thee in equal parts, advance Summer and Winter in alternate dance; This claims the highest, that the lowest string, the Dorian measure tunes the lovely spring . Hence by mankind, Pan-royal, two-horn'd nam'd, emitting whistling winds thro' Syrinx fam'd; Since to thy care, the figur'd seal's consign'd, which stamps the world with forms of ev'ry kind. Hear me, blest pow'r, and in these rites rejoice, and save thy mystics with a suppliant voice.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


The Fumigation from Manna. O Powerful Victory [Nike], by men desir'd, with adverse breasts to dreadful fury fir'd, Thee I invoke, whose might alone can quell contending rage, and molestation fell: 'Tis thine in battle to confer the crown, the victor's prize, the mark of sweet renown; For thou rul'st all things, Victory [Nike] divine! And glorious strife, and joyful shouts are thine. Come, mighty Goddess, and thy suppliant bless, with sparkling eye, elated with success; May deeds illustrious thy protection claim, and find, led on by thee immortal Fame. here manna is burnt to signify the unity of the body or soma of God, this manna is the same as that used by pharceys and other indo iranians. its made of casha indica, purple puffy poppi nectored gum and a flower called ephrindata the purple white kind and sphrini, yellow gold. to nike and the victory of this goddess, to victory by engendered or neutral glory for all, what all desire and whose breast or bosom to dreadful obstetrical and adversity is turned to, for true victory is facing that which you must triumph over and win in the way appropriate to that game, as a gentil person by game and by defence of virtue and justice in war and in life. we cal;l to victory cause it quells rage and the feelings of being mistreated and misused. for the good and just ways are victory and realising the good win together gets rid of anger against injustice and the mistreatment of those who try to molest or mistreat you. yours is the rite that bestows the right of the crowning virtue of victory , the true prize of war and competition, for crwns are diadems and the blessing for virtue , justice and goodness. truly what is known and told are the good deeds of true victors , the virtues, as they triumph over the wayworth injustice of those who assalt the virtuous and good. all truly glory and need of action in strife is of this type of divine virtue and true victory and only by such triumphant ways , the only ways to win are the shouts of victory acclaimed. For you victory in only divine ways, by name and act of divine virtue and will , truly rules all as the rule of how to win, how to be triumphant in the only ways one can. So come goddess and the victory you represent, whops humble supliance brings blessing and grace, with eyes that sparkle with true sight of what the true pride and ways to true blessed victory is and comes to be. This is elated true blessed true victory. For all true victories using the divine ways of God are protected and renowned, for when God(s) call you a winner you are always a winner, for calls you that only when you prove you are only cable based on achieving a true divine will, to be just and virtuous always and thus always win, the reality governing victory which is symbatic is Godz and the good always win. your truth remaining as true victories claim that always in victory is God, goddesses and alls ( God[s]) true immortal universal Fame.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Reality and subset subsistence

realities are built based on the highest or strongest reality, it is based on symbatic principals that govern reality by what ever measure of strength or highet of hierchy you decide to use, highest or lowest. The reality mondus dictems based on the symbatic laws govern whether a reality governs with authority as a dimension of reality present rather than govern a sub reality that exists by ultimate unified optimals realised before the subset system even acts. For instance I would be aware that you wanted to try to fool me with your program and rob me before teh program or reality subseted into present quantuum activity and thus the modus reality the greater one subrates teh subset to policing and allows no activation of a quantuum reality in the mainframe program use or to the offiliate protected from such trespassing. thus you get arrested and your robbing program does noty activate or do anything. like mesma the program check the utility and proprity of the spelled ou program activation, checks to see if its a failed hierda or bad spell and the reality preset of the user acts against the user and those bound to that set reality by being a part of it, othersie the mesaic realtional based on the dictems governed by the symbatic laws that govern the realities and presets concerning how things interact based on realational; interaction. thus since you must have clear minded full concent to something to happen, any attempt to fool me fails the ultimate clear minded consent I gave you that did not include permission to do the fooling , you coulod not even fool me into it, and thus you suffer the penalty, sometimes governed by other realities like planetary laws that lead to prison, one can not be framed as the higher reality now effects the subsutance of the rules that regulate behaviour as a whole,.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


A Hymn. Only-Begotten, noble race of Jove, blessed and fierce, who joy'st in caves to rove: --pellas the king who is a divinely born only beggotten like christ. O, warlike Pallas, whose illustrious kind, ineffable and effable we find: -- the worrier who acted well without fault Magnanimous and fam'd, the rocky height, and groves, and shady mountains thee delight: -- as geberous and great as a mountain, he was divinly of a large stature. In arms rejoicing, who with Furies dire and wild, the souls of mortals dost inspire. -- he inspired and waas loved for who he was Gymnastic virgin of terrific mind, dire Gorgons bane, unmarried, blessed, kind: -- a nymphantios, ( unmarried is misinterpreted) christ was anymphantos, meaning divinely blessed as a watcjh opr male witch, anymphafty is the women its the root of nymph as is tree nymth, elder or parent daughter and son as virtueos one. virgin means of parthenon like parthena , gymnastic means trained as such gymnasmenos. of the trinioty ogf the gorgon thesius become one with, authority of these and morrre. Mother of arts, imperious; understood, rage to the wicked., wisdom to the good: -- to his wife and goddesses that bind who rages against evil and uis wise good fair and just. as a fair women marrying ben elohim, sons of god who are dikey verses the men who are dickees. Female and male, the arts of war are thine, fanatic, much-form'd dragoness [Drakaina], divine: --if ART AND THE ART OF WAR, THE WISDOM OF TACTICS AND STRATEGY PLAYED IN KLIFE AND ON BOARDS. OF FANTASY ROL;E PLAYING AND DRAGONS TOO, DRAGONS AND DIVINBE SHE AS HG=HE IS POWERFUL. Drakaina IS THE WOMEN'S GAME PLAYED PEACEFULL WITH pALLAS IN PEACEFUL UNITY. A MATRIARCHAL SCOCIETY O'er the Phlegrean giants rous'd to ire, thy coursers driving, with destruction dire. --OF THE ALIEN FIRST OF WOMEN THEN UNIFIED WITH THE ICE GIANTS KNOWN AS Phlegrean AMULGIMATING AS ONE PEOPLE AND DESTROYING THE CORRUPNESS OF THE OLD.bELIEVING OF BOTH SEXES OF GODS. Sprung from the head of Jove [Tritogeneia], of splendid mien, purger of evils, all-victorious queen. --WITH THE Tritogeneia A MATRIARCHAL ATHENE THE WIFE ALSO DIRED OF THIS IS THE NEXT RACE TO ALLY WITH YOU PALLAS AND ATHENE. THE TIOTLE GROUP OF VICTORIES QUEEN BY THE SAME NAME AND title. of good demeaner and appearances. rich in splender Hear me, O Goddess, when to thee I pray, with supplicating voice both night and day, --heere we pray to the goddess and god as these including goddess uquantuum universal we pray for godess this includes the wife and all the good as goddess, qwomen and men. And in my latest hour, peace and health, propitious times, and necessary wealth, --help us be happy, healthy, pursue a good and prosperous life. And, ever present, be thy vot'ries aid, O, much implor'd, art's parent, blue eyed maid. of pall;as and athene to all the gods bring us victory and wisdom of arts as you are all ever present

Friday, June 1, 2012

Plainier continuums

Plainier continuums a continuum plain is a plain split place found in a continuum stem that is its own place based on its own continuous reality from a set start point and insertion point, as you recall insertion points can be billion of years from the drawn continuum from its start point. If I create a energy like crathic energy that help built the correction plain the guy in tree of life walked on that looked like a desert, he started at teh atrium in Torono area. the film shot minus teh middle shot of teh star is real footagem as are teh universes inserted created and drawn back millions to billions of years from teh insertion of its full range energies that created it.. Thus a place or space created from the range of energy that is not drawn through a stem root like those that include the terran earth but sometimes a open continuum with dimensional plains separating its realms that have nothing to do with scientific evolution. each dimension or sub-plain dimension can be rooted or created from the range of energies if that continuum stem. The Q continuum is a plain space. if the energies used to build such a space is of a range of a particular stem it would be listed, bundled in that stem. there are also plainial dimensions in any plain, these are dimensions that act like stepping stones to other plains or self independent plain , like a plain or dimension on a plain where water is light blue, but it is not another plain, each person is a dimension of a universe which is ultimately a dimension of the cosmos as a whole, the symband which means it all, existence , potential or actual. become adam and you become a plain, so your dimension in our plain universe is a stepping stone door , if you meet the requirements (like being a good person) to pass through to the plain you built to populate, see earlier part of blog.