Friday, July 8, 2011

we are still kicking ass

movies that are worth seeing include the tree of life as mentioned because it includes real life footage of universes forming,

we still are under the war measures act
the someone authorised and authenticated the begining of aristopoli or as it is known aristobelle the south western part of teh new us.
During july fourth the USA was official anounced as demised , plus the A is free america lc which means larger canada, but canada is now caneda.

three days ago someone used the power pof mordedad the shaft tip was eaten by the someone making him God pieces shared
level one original even inflated in other space

see super 8 to see a real orger steve jackson with jump point to continuum of 98 that was full cosmic destruction, first and last god promised it like he and she did to noah. a real noah is he

matrea is a male father see Mi9cjeal hue

see zombie world II for details on war
disruption and piracy of even properties and internet is bad side
it is failing
thousand of nad cops were excuted in stations , agents, spies, people bother me on the internet, money attacks
everything is excutable
so be good or die by thy own will based on the lie
garbage you are to be recompiosted
watch your plans fail mother fuckers
When goddess saus be good be so or god lets you die
life is a privallege
ne worth something or be excuted
its like the twenties we called the herds
whio is next
agent val knows his international denti card section 3 level 10
the others iuse promission cards
rank highest equal to all, lest they fail
god program allows no failure.

canable body other like skins lets you eat anything
we went to vishnu's land of living trees
minet was right the someone is the cell or seed of gods throne fpor all of us
uxs awat

the harek fell, the sinologia
the brhamana falls the syndicate
old good retired retiurning to take its place
tried tested and true
up the ladder we go policing and regaining control for the good.
good night
see the new dic tracy the someone helped in that too
a somebody said death is the energy of life eternal
black universal death was them spratying all with living dead chems and death enerhy
cleaned much
more to come
trillions the meak are inhereting the earth as we are good and it workls to our advantage
anyone not on our side is arrested or dies by legal exzcution.
level three is liscence to kill
6 torture, 7 to main
must be perfect and granted by authorities otherwise use assasin, dread, sowrd or torch to police
cloak dagger so on
see earlier blog for more
we always win
billions being judged on earth trillions off earth.
time tunnel to machine was rachels exploration based on temporal reality
it passed but someone road it till he closed teh circle

see the news for more details

esxcutions are authorised ny risa and can be checked through police, interpole and esp csis anmd risa;s headquarter, valpetridis code name God death- haita (god of death)Top agent statues with risa, real internation security agency, all countries base unified authority through it and it outranks any countries agencies or equals top authority as equal, no over ranking possible for series three level ten, but we confer with equal statues
try chrysovalantis petridis( me val petridis top rank no rank beats it it stays at teh top always)., arti papadopoulos( ;level 8 nfor arti) and others like George petridis and soon to be wife( level 4 for george and wife) but going up Someone and somebody)same as val rank.., arti papadopoulos( ;level 8 nfor arti) and others like George petridis and soon to be wife( level 4 for george and wife) but going up
series three can not be fired or removed, must be tested hard to prove it.
all mentioned above are series three, csis is series two but has threes in it, cops are series one but have two and three included. This includes military rankings all agencies and authority even cosmically( alien convien is included.), top with all always. Cannot be arrested. but proved by divine means always top and by divine progranms rank 3 do not miss ever, divinely and tested perfect.

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