the remndal the first race I should have mentioned connected to the rienta of the fires, a race of fire beattles, were like the humans on earth nand then policed and militated their planet into reform, took three vhundred years of constant policing, they look like frogs, humans with bsexy frog legs.
they come from adremeda minor or the horse rider constelation its the left foot based on teh bend being teh right. the sooth are eelians that include teh owners, one of, of maxiwell house, the suun and taan are included as they are submarian ant and fish races, teh anst liek both water and fire.
the nbrigadas took control of their planet based on a authority of rites and returned to glory six years after excuting disedence based on them braking the law, draconian years.
they are connected to teh shihan a race of submarian water and fire beatles, they like both, strategem base sits on their property.
the helato are a cosine race involved from teh fires, they stay away from water as they are lava folks though they swim in the mesma magna in teh center were singularities with merge rings merge stone back together into matter hot from teh energy influx from teh singularity points, several exist
teh grater of teh adromedian conference who through serender are free and authenticated to be good and help bring universal peace as are the soonti and the riens, from oplasma five and rentire 2 respectively, planets in secton 8 and 9, we are in secton 7 recal left of teh hirrozen towards adromeda is lesser numberes, the roted teh otehr way.
after riel took control family and others rebeled against him and caused a ciovil war policed like lybia that was never under a declared war but a police militating to protect civilians and their interest.
the control need had occured cause liek mon earth people stole too much money, others helped to police them and bring peace as is occuring by gods from earth and other places here and cosmically, beings from dimention to extra dimentional beings, other continnums even as they can those who do not exist in teh same way here, everything is unified.
thios council is connected to humans including soem bad ones that used bad apple associates even from earth to fight through lower windows and get tested and judged, yes war is occuring cosmically, will pinicle in 2026 to check point jusdgement 2028 when we shoot teh comet down and final round of reform is caused as adults reform and catch up to childern drwn from perfected adam that keeps getting better as it is down loaded.
the rent a arce of fire breathing dragons that looik human and thus are, the eeleans above lok huamn too, but evelved and upgarded to look human
even teh snakians, raca from roota and the sansi for example from hesa and teh rootani have evolved fo4rmed and upgarded to look human, but huamnoid looks like the yalef from 4th encounter part of drameda consotain look reptiolian liek teh drconians dop.
teh fireta a flame consecrated race, formed fire energy are connected but like the frida are down below and do come up
all beings are all bio level made compatible with passed through vails god style with retained dioferen ce as we all link to aloow for diference of forming.
rwg gaFIOOTH LIKE THE ADROMIDENS NEEDED TO LEARN THE LESSONS OF THEIR TRUE LEVEL EIGHT GROUPING, ADRaMDA IS A LEBVEL 8 WITH A NINE RACA GROUP INTO CONCEPTION, RATA CONNECTED TO RAFOOTI is a nine into procreation and rcaneta is a nine into birth connected to teh second race mentioned above, avooto a brith group with juyuniversal governnace and grace connected to teh first.
the yato ren have seberal holdings on earth though lower assopciated have attacked many places even holdings on other plains based on godhas centered plain matric upgrade the councils unity centry, the universal are trancontuum reality mondos recta
the sansooneka of earth fire minor look like flys that moove fast and are a foot to two fopot long and have kingdoms in the himalays and orcesa the resath are ahybrid with hhumans and five kindoms of group three omn earth exists on the stone floor of fire hard scystaline rock that is cool a foot thick frokm magma at 30000 degrees.
the resserection, og urak, armenians , secta and alisia amnd resa are occuring as wriiten done
rensa the military lader is the same as risa, civilians start as one and get kuiscenced at seven and if risa liscenced at 3 they are retyresseted for uyprise to level, recheck is good, same with pisca the police agency one which lisces you are rensa is the military system, partisams can get liscences as militial at 3-4 and so on, in the group others can go up, finally cirsca the spy one liscences on anywhere from 5 to series two 1 depending but restests from three , risa in insternational sucess systems concerning rank, at the top ranks are the same and chains of commend exists but series thre does not fight at the top as you do noyt get there but not realising by respect equal; peers of authority and right to be just policem countrter intelligence and wirk internationally, so you are all atkleast level one ion each , many higher and a few liscenced, the cards and access by seer and other cards see earlier bloggives you ful access with out error, believing and acting so is how it happens, help, with with agencies and them rise.
just be good cause rensa o like akll others means you got policed or militarty
the retoon are iinsects like the roofi the loceseans refered to earlier in the blog refered to planial beings from revolations as the abyss is oppened, these new ones also build y creating dimetional rythems locking realities in the sound interlock and sounds, plain shifting so on, they make honey toom, so do humans by mixing pulp, old tradition, these ones are a foot big and fly
ceti from alpha cetury primes fourth planet cosines cause they look like this too.
the ceti have human looks too.
peace till next week
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