Sunday, July 10, 2011

more on risa

Risa has levels
every civilian begins at series one level one, you can rise by being good and just and proving yourself just and not making mistakes that comprimise justice.
series two are like trusted agents and three those who have prioven themselves good beyond all situations perfectly, to even judge when someone must die to save others, when to use due force, without need of a counsil or report, though the system puts those in to regulate, part of the system, it is why angels exist who see everything
incl;uding the Baal who closes and veals what is up
10 at series two is divine, each has twelve levels, though the two last ones in risa are being combined at the bottom of three so twelve will be the final number.

I have recieved good comments concerning Risa and the last post be good, cause we are origressing to immanent total victory, one large step at a time.

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