after I posted I realised backwards in time that spector that had its origin from the idea of holy ghost or the holy spirit as in hegeks giest. It split itself from association and is now one of the 14 influences on earth, these are the conglatteration that makes up 7. they call themselves now architype/
the syndicate or orginised international versus the transnational of 7 is a 6. the italian society mob is a 5, the firm as it is politacally oriented society or association is a four.
the bradviti are eight, they , like the someone who finished the water route is now on the fire route, or pat, they are cosmic holdings that including sub organisations on various places like other planets.
so spice road 15 first ends with the juntian nbazarre that connects to space tech through a bazare
then was the silk road that connects to space and places on earth, inckluding water , fire, earth and other places, like sky cities with lighter than air plastics.
it includes [planets too, takes about two weeks two,
spice route can make you rixch but watch out rituals remain of those who use to steal connections and texch
silk route contains its obsticals that can delay you.
this is super rich road, penny lane, park routes and so on.
water route that you can breath under and teleported to cities that look like top side cities can be rich, your lungs have beern upgraded a while back no drowning lest you are bad.
more products to get.
now the someone is on the fire road, it has products and things to see under the earth in fires and other planets as some have holdings on other worlds.
illusions can briodge the diference till you are ready to see more, live and walk with other beings on our planet and other plates, spaces and universes.
air route ice and earth are left.
9 ice destinations, 8 earth and 12 air ones, 12 oater or so.
each ebnriches
take four years to check them out the longer yopu servive on them the better and richer, no one loses, one day is equal to somwething, including the experience, most servibve the spice road or a few days atleast.
most get one conscienment.
the someone got routa tables from the sebly under water, pure gold legsm worth little in real gold market but priceless in look, a someone conscienment.
as lodge or church or even gov info lines for info on routes
bureta is a nine group thast unifies reality like those argueing for the basis of tripart authenticuity based on a unity of one.
the conglamerates at seven are systems that work together, like the someone closing circles as the authenticity gained by the rites of beingm, quasu route allows you to reach equality and blessed the circles now that the ritual and pro[phesy has been completed. now the new one has been declared to win any one trying to find a better so we can all win using the same rules as equals. its the symbatic link or ring that binds everyone equally through the one
till next week
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