the fahifi are the races that dwell in the center of the earth, they are made up by the facina, they look like lions on fire, the mejheri who like red dragons, very cute and friendly, the someone sat in ones mouth off phase proving trust in 2002, the kanet who look like rabbits on fire and the hathan that look like firy humans made of lava, see spiderman and amazing friends for look. inside the center wabble wholes create force and chunck out energy through sigularities that ring into warbles that reform matter.
today the refrata of air city teranty near nepal and the friery or gnomes from cerries partitionacte sectors 8-35( see cosmic sectors military at .com
space sectors .com
just add sectors equal to renta 2 and sesa five on either side of assume4d center one, gnome talk.
8 level
rahata and krata are thier main 9s but wifa counts too.
I found out a sega tampered with my cable
the art of war dictates the declaration of war for fourth degree is against the criminals who stand aqgainst us the rightoues.
the legal and blessed who sing doksa glory and wear it on our foreheads and arms as the glory of god should be.
they central control of goodwan, meaning utilities, entertainment and other essencials fell to task force one
they control the money matay, they are untouchable and unmovable
collecting bills is one of the number one crimes
jail time
misuse of powers too, but it is of them doing crimes on psy pills or miuses of powers for crimes, like thrarwting justice.
task force god one alpha polices, beta commends from zero that regulates.
brahanda are the doksa zues 8 and dreta the nine
artimies is hreda as 8 asnd riata at nine.
also see hendra
hera is yeta 8 and hendra nine,
juno the fretha 8 and hrutha nine
see also zenta for three giods
jupiter is zues refetha.
godha is our generation 8 universal and inviting to all races, be good, and godhead is the nine, split three between procreation, conception and birth.
all inclusive all
the someone is a 10 the blog and friends are tens and connected rto any level
hreda the fall of bad islam started will end 2015 and a half, masecured they are says the future, same with thretha the fall of the bad societies
pin in program the renfta started hanuary next is rentha the head kill and rentana the middle is next 18 mounths more sounds and sites of war and reinta the danger is after that, clean up takles a bit after all this.
first it was our house them backyard inner court then outcourt or niebourhood, next is city - state,
news is now safe and controlled by task force one, revenue and others, we are taking back our world from the criminalds who killed te system, ours is better.
80% of the world does not pay bills, internet and utility servicves opffered by nations see canada , free , are on net, no gas bills, embridge now only is arm to fix pipers can not as maindate dicted charge you money for heat or gas, its on the gov, internet and cells all that stuff
look it up and be not rippede off by criminals clasiming you need to pay bills using prior off dimention systems work too, but some like this bridge of surity
all outlines
see government of cannada home site
look up utilities
peace to next week
caribana was woven into the witch handa and we updated those system, including allowing love of any age by conscent and so on.
recal;l no nation is at war except against terrorism and criminal war actions by partizens not part of any government, thus they act withot right and unjustly as criminals
moons tens downs life pass
be good.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
seneta cosmalita and terra primus proton
on earth there are several intelliogent races, jeneta are water dwellers in the northern pacific, they look like turtles without shells on a cosin of the nix mentioned by the japanese. the mathone live just east on the continental shelf, they look like big spiders with human looking heads, quite a cute site and fishermen who have capture one with consent for study love them, they look very approchable.
the senti in the middle pacific look like angels under water but are human with heatha lung upgrades newley introduced by the someone forever one but recall evil people those who are not good can drown due to complications, those trying to murder can die thusly. the metrehi live near the west side of mexico and some on the east , its connected through tunnels, the metreh who live on both sides have a growing earth walking population, they look like humans, snaky smooth skin like a lady from the 18th century, less light, less tan, the previous race look like humans with fkluffy hair heads, its how they grow, kinda like treasure trulys with multi flufs. the medinicy are the brica of the atlantic ocean, they look like us fully and live with bioth hair breathers developed in the 19th centurym, before that only in dry air caves under the sea. the minia have a huge empire right across the acean across the bottom of africa to india amnd beyond, they are made up of four races, the finch look like human without spikes on thier kanines, the refta look like turtles with shells, the renca have long legs but look like hjuman mixed with the turtles, hybrids of the first two plus land humans, they manex look like crocodiles, friemndly and all are highly developed. the yeter live south of south africa near antiartica, they look like yeman fish amnd have been called merman by the japanese that live on yenta an island often just at the edge of maps near anti artica, it is 55 million people rich and growing the gatari live in the north atlantic look human and breath through thier noses with gills and upgrades like us the land humans, the someone has all these upgrades these were one of the first,. some milt but they impregnate as we do, two races and bnoth are good, one milts and the other is like us, both have merged.
the vim, are the greta mentioned above
the greta live in south africa deep caves and next to england , try noth sea and med, they look human with slight gills on side of the head,
finally the vimka or vaca live in the med and the rest of the sea, 18 places they klook like us but are made up of various other specious mentioned and trih an ancient cetus race and all hybreded. the hinha of aneburda ocean near antiartica are new and based on the someone, hybrids
the visnuemns or arehata are group eaight linked to trhena thier home planet, recall the spirit of vishnu is cosmic and like the someone is beyond just the person who fostered it by name and life, see earlier part of blog. the kati are the level nine equavilent who has nine arms and three faces like all nines, one side per aspect
the sheha or brahamanas are mehma of 8 and really six on thier planet cause roohasa is thier interstellar 8 group and resha collectively for the twelve groups at nine
the shivians or sheha are of earth and human, though zorka ios a cosmic cat from earth as is blahi and arepis sera and kanis and anabelus as is eethi. cats, breaka and bubi as well, the last is thumper an old bunny owned bu the someone brought back in time to be disneys symbol, brought up latter by a girl after returned after summer school though he could have kept it with family, it was his brothers class, Gogo plus 1=4^=10
the tehana is thier nineth level for the shivians, cosmic ones from other planets exists based on avatarships
the spika pixies from resna are threta at 8 and nihta at nine.
st basil grows pot with edna the male
yesterday the breta arrived and they own nixta and the nine group mexta amongst subsediray groups included there in
today the visitors are the homa who look like us but eat only pork on the the sabbath to ballance the ignorance of misleads, or as the real jews call them the salems, say hello and ignore them they can not read yidish let along the bible, two pages after the pork section prohibition the prohibition of prohibiting foods based on lesser science is forbidden, if and I paraphrase of scienvce gets bettwr r to determine health by food, like our science anyone prohibiting the food is a sleta as moses put
plus he said in the middle page no foofd prohibition exiostsm, a pig that is healthy is good eating he loved it so only a fake jew, hinsu see bagarata thier creed not to forbid eating of anything cluding meat or die as a powerless dem,on, thus a real muslim eats as I do with no ptrohoibitions/
so the balancing worked
its the one way or the way of ways.
witch parade festival in to this weekend, no not carribana as it was in two weeks, but we shuffled a bit temporally.
the senti in the middle pacific look like angels under water but are human with heatha lung upgrades newley introduced by the someone forever one but recall evil people those who are not good can drown due to complications, those trying to murder can die thusly. the metrehi live near the west side of mexico and some on the east , its connected through tunnels, the metreh who live on both sides have a growing earth walking population, they look like humans, snaky smooth skin like a lady from the 18th century, less light, less tan, the previous race look like humans with fkluffy hair heads, its how they grow, kinda like treasure trulys with multi flufs. the medinicy are the brica of the atlantic ocean, they look like us fully and live with bioth hair breathers developed in the 19th centurym, before that only in dry air caves under the sea. the minia have a huge empire right across the acean across the bottom of africa to india amnd beyond, they are made up of four races, the finch look like human without spikes on thier kanines, the refta look like turtles with shells, the renca have long legs but look like hjuman mixed with the turtles, hybrids of the first two plus land humans, they manex look like crocodiles, friemndly and all are highly developed. the yeter live south of south africa near antiartica, they look like yeman fish amnd have been called merman by the japanese that live on yenta an island often just at the edge of maps near anti artica, it is 55 million people rich and growing the gatari live in the north atlantic look human and breath through thier noses with gills and upgrades like us the land humans, the someone has all these upgrades these were one of the first,. some milt but they impregnate as we do, two races and bnoth are good, one milts and the other is like us, both have merged.
the vim, are the greta mentioned above
the greta live in south africa deep caves and next to england , try noth sea and med, they look human with slight gills on side of the head,
finally the vimka or vaca live in the med and the rest of the sea, 18 places they klook like us but are made up of various other specious mentioned and trih an ancient cetus race and all hybreded. the hinha of aneburda ocean near antiartica are new and based on the someone, hybrids
the visnuemns or arehata are group eaight linked to trhena thier home planet, recall the spirit of vishnu is cosmic and like the someone is beyond just the person who fostered it by name and life, see earlier part of blog. the kati are the level nine equavilent who has nine arms and three faces like all nines, one side per aspect
the sheha or brahamanas are mehma of 8 and really six on thier planet cause roohasa is thier interstellar 8 group and resha collectively for the twelve groups at nine
the shivians or sheha are of earth and human, though zorka ios a cosmic cat from earth as is blahi and arepis sera and kanis and anabelus as is eethi. cats, breaka and bubi as well, the last is thumper an old bunny owned bu the someone brought back in time to be disneys symbol, brought up latter by a girl after returned after summer school though he could have kept it with family, it was his brothers class, Gogo plus 1=4^=10
the tehana is thier nineth level for the shivians, cosmic ones from other planets exists based on avatarships
the spika pixies from resna are threta at 8 and nihta at nine.
st basil grows pot with edna the male
yesterday the breta arrived and they own nixta and the nine group mexta amongst subsediray groups included there in
today the visitors are the homa who look like us but eat only pork on the the sabbath to ballance the ignorance of misleads, or as the real jews call them the salems, say hello and ignore them they can not read yidish let along the bible, two pages after the pork section prohibition the prohibition of prohibiting foods based on lesser science is forbidden, if and I paraphrase of scienvce gets bettwr r to determine health by food, like our science anyone prohibiting the food is a sleta as moses put
plus he said in the middle page no foofd prohibition exiostsm, a pig that is healthy is good eating he loved it so only a fake jew, hinsu see bagarata thier creed not to forbid eating of anything cluding meat or die as a powerless dem,on, thus a real muslim eats as I do with no ptrohoibitions/
so the balancing worked
its the one way or the way of ways.
witch parade festival in to this weekend, no not carribana as it was in two weeks, but we shuffled a bit temporally.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Rensm pescam circam risa, interstelar races and earth connections
the remndal the first race I should have mentioned connected to the rienta of the fires, a race of fire beattles, were like the humans on earth nand then policed and militated their planet into reform, took three vhundred years of constant policing, they look like frogs, humans with bsexy frog legs.
they come from adremeda minor or the horse rider constelation its the left foot based on teh bend being teh right. the sooth are eelians that include teh owners, one of, of maxiwell house, the suun and taan are included as they are submarian ant and fish races, teh anst liek both water and fire.
the nbrigadas took control of their planet based on a authority of rites and returned to glory six years after excuting disedence based on them braking the law, draconian years.
they are connected to teh shihan a race of submarian water and fire beatles, they like both, strategem base sits on their property.
the helato are a cosine race involved from teh fires, they stay away from water as they are lava folks though they swim in the mesma magna in teh center were singularities with merge rings merge stone back together into matter hot from teh energy influx from teh singularity points, several exist
teh grater of teh adromedian conference who through serender are free and authenticated to be good and help bring universal peace as are the soonti and the riens, from oplasma five and rentire 2 respectively, planets in secton 8 and 9, we are in secton 7 recal left of teh hirrozen towards adromeda is lesser numberes, the roted teh otehr way.
after riel took control family and others rebeled against him and caused a ciovil war policed like lybia that was never under a declared war but a police militating to protect civilians and their interest.
the control need had occured cause liek mon earth people stole too much money, others helped to police them and bring peace as is occuring by gods from earth and other places here and cosmically, beings from dimention to extra dimentional beings, other continnums even as they can those who do not exist in teh same way here, everything is unified.
thios council is connected to humans including soem bad ones that used bad apple associates even from earth to fight through lower windows and get tested and judged, yes war is occuring cosmically, will pinicle in 2026 to check point jusdgement 2028 when we shoot teh comet down and final round of reform is caused as adults reform and catch up to childern drwn from perfected adam that keeps getting better as it is down loaded.
the rent a arce of fire breathing dragons that looik human and thus are, the eeleans above lok huamn too, but evelved and upgarded to look human
even teh snakians, raca from roota and the sansi for example from hesa and teh rootani have evolved fo4rmed and upgarded to look human, but huamnoid looks like the yalef from 4th encounter part of drameda consotain look reptiolian liek teh drconians dop.
teh fireta a flame consecrated race, formed fire energy are connected but like the frida are down below and do come up
all beings are all bio level made compatible with passed through vails god style with retained dioferen ce as we all link to aloow for diference of forming.
rwg gaFIOOTH LIKE THE ADROMIDENS NEEDED TO LEARN THE LESSONS OF THEIR TRUE LEVEL EIGHT GROUPING, ADRaMDA IS A LEBVEL 8 WITH A NINE RACA GROUP INTO CONCEPTION, RATA CONNECTED TO RAFOOTI is a nine into procreation and rcaneta is a nine into birth connected to teh second race mentioned above, avooto a brith group with juyuniversal governnace and grace connected to teh first.
the yato ren have seberal holdings on earth though lower assopciated have attacked many places even holdings on other plains based on godhas centered plain matric upgrade the councils unity centry, the universal are trancontuum reality mondos recta
the sansooneka of earth fire minor look like flys that moove fast and are a foot to two fopot long and have kingdoms in the himalays and orcesa the resath are ahybrid with hhumans and five kindoms of group three omn earth exists on the stone floor of fire hard scystaline rock that is cool a foot thick frokm magma at 30000 degrees.
the resserection, og urak, armenians , secta and alisia amnd resa are occuring as wriiten done
rensa the military lader is the same as risa, civilians start as one and get kuiscenced at seven and if risa liscenced at 3 they are retyresseted for uyprise to level, recheck is good, same with pisca the police agency one which lisces you are rensa is the military system, partisams can get liscences as militial at 3-4 and so on, in the group others can go up, finally cirsca the spy one liscences on anywhere from 5 to series two 1 depending but restests from three , risa in insternational sucess systems concerning rank, at the top ranks are the same and chains of commend exists but series thre does not fight at the top as you do noyt get there but not realising by respect equal; peers of authority and right to be just policem countrter intelligence and wirk internationally, so you are all atkleast level one ion each , many higher and a few liscenced, the cards and access by seer and other cards see earlier bloggives you ful access with out error, believing and acting so is how it happens, help, with with agencies and them rise.
just be good cause rensa o like akll others means you got policed or militarty
the retoon are iinsects like the roofi the loceseans refered to earlier in the blog refered to planial beings from revolations as the abyss is oppened, these new ones also build y creating dimetional rythems locking realities in the sound interlock and sounds, plain shifting so on, they make honey toom, so do humans by mixing pulp, old tradition, these ones are a foot big and fly
ceti from alpha cetury primes fourth planet cosines cause they look like this too.
the ceti have human looks too.
peace till next week
they come from adremeda minor or the horse rider constelation its the left foot based on teh bend being teh right. the sooth are eelians that include teh owners, one of, of maxiwell house, the suun and taan are included as they are submarian ant and fish races, teh anst liek both water and fire.
the nbrigadas took control of their planet based on a authority of rites and returned to glory six years after excuting disedence based on them braking the law, draconian years.
they are connected to teh shihan a race of submarian water and fire beatles, they like both, strategem base sits on their property.
the helato are a cosine race involved from teh fires, they stay away from water as they are lava folks though they swim in the mesma magna in teh center were singularities with merge rings merge stone back together into matter hot from teh energy influx from teh singularity points, several exist
teh grater of teh adromedian conference who through serender are free and authenticated to be good and help bring universal peace as are the soonti and the riens, from oplasma five and rentire 2 respectively, planets in secton 8 and 9, we are in secton 7 recal left of teh hirrozen towards adromeda is lesser numberes, the roted teh otehr way.
after riel took control family and others rebeled against him and caused a ciovil war policed like lybia that was never under a declared war but a police militating to protect civilians and their interest.
the control need had occured cause liek mon earth people stole too much money, others helped to police them and bring peace as is occuring by gods from earth and other places here and cosmically, beings from dimention to extra dimentional beings, other continnums even as they can those who do not exist in teh same way here, everything is unified.
thios council is connected to humans including soem bad ones that used bad apple associates even from earth to fight through lower windows and get tested and judged, yes war is occuring cosmically, will pinicle in 2026 to check point jusdgement 2028 when we shoot teh comet down and final round of reform is caused as adults reform and catch up to childern drwn from perfected adam that keeps getting better as it is down loaded.
the rent a arce of fire breathing dragons that looik human and thus are, the eeleans above lok huamn too, but evelved and upgarded to look human
even teh snakians, raca from roota and the sansi for example from hesa and teh rootani have evolved fo4rmed and upgarded to look human, but huamnoid looks like the yalef from 4th encounter part of drameda consotain look reptiolian liek teh drconians dop.
teh fireta a flame consecrated race, formed fire energy are connected but like the frida are down below and do come up
all beings are all bio level made compatible with passed through vails god style with retained dioferen ce as we all link to aloow for diference of forming.
rwg gaFIOOTH LIKE THE ADROMIDENS NEEDED TO LEARN THE LESSONS OF THEIR TRUE LEVEL EIGHT GROUPING, ADRaMDA IS A LEBVEL 8 WITH A NINE RACA GROUP INTO CONCEPTION, RATA CONNECTED TO RAFOOTI is a nine into procreation and rcaneta is a nine into birth connected to teh second race mentioned above, avooto a brith group with juyuniversal governnace and grace connected to teh first.
the yato ren have seberal holdings on earth though lower assopciated have attacked many places even holdings on other plains based on godhas centered plain matric upgrade the councils unity centry, the universal are trancontuum reality mondos recta
the sansooneka of earth fire minor look like flys that moove fast and are a foot to two fopot long and have kingdoms in the himalays and orcesa the resath are ahybrid with hhumans and five kindoms of group three omn earth exists on the stone floor of fire hard scystaline rock that is cool a foot thick frokm magma at 30000 degrees.
the resserection, og urak, armenians , secta and alisia amnd resa are occuring as wriiten done
rensa the military lader is the same as risa, civilians start as one and get kuiscenced at seven and if risa liscenced at 3 they are retyresseted for uyprise to level, recheck is good, same with pisca the police agency one which lisces you are rensa is the military system, partisams can get liscences as militial at 3-4 and so on, in the group others can go up, finally cirsca the spy one liscences on anywhere from 5 to series two 1 depending but restests from three , risa in insternational sucess systems concerning rank, at the top ranks are the same and chains of commend exists but series thre does not fight at the top as you do noyt get there but not realising by respect equal; peers of authority and right to be just policem countrter intelligence and wirk internationally, so you are all atkleast level one ion each , many higher and a few liscenced, the cards and access by seer and other cards see earlier bloggives you ful access with out error, believing and acting so is how it happens, help, with with agencies and them rise.
just be good cause rensa o like akll others means you got policed or militarty
the retoon are iinsects like the roofi the loceseans refered to earlier in the blog refered to planial beings from revolations as the abyss is oppened, these new ones also build y creating dimetional rythems locking realities in the sound interlock and sounds, plain shifting so on, they make honey toom, so do humans by mixing pulp, old tradition, these ones are a foot big and fly
ceti from alpha cetury primes fourth planet cosines cause they look like this too.
the ceti have human looks too.
peace till next week
Saturday, July 23, 2011
interstellar holdings and family as level ones
I apologise but forces jealous of our superiority have been interfering witrh the internet, their obvious lesser statues has caused them to illegally interfer with internet functions including the week the login did not work on blog.
I will post infor at some point during the weekend two a weekemnd.
the are losing badly and thousands have died and been arrested, a new prison planet amongst other efforts has been created to house these lessrer beings
I am now free internet canedian givernment, 76% of world is not paying bills we cwon, its on the g.
the internet file freeze flashes which meamns its connected but anti peace losers who want to steal money for a service totaly paid by giovernment like utilities have tried cutting lines and the likes, they are being policed, trillions confiscated, they ripped you off and we starved , so time for them to pay, nothing but total victory will do and task force god one is kicking thier ass, new level; sevemns like paradigm, governing councild on earth and interstellar are now coming on line, full judgement. even new countries from top to bottom all checked and all the God(s) and good helping to create a new epoch universally as promised, as written it is being done, together we will build a powerful tommorow, cause the future tells us we did.
the grigades saved thier planet by putting all economic and interstellar holdings under noble hearted good divine peoples trust like the earth and cosmos has with the someone, it protects people from such bad people, but as we know insanity ios being a lesser, thus believe what is obvious.
the someone abnd I have passed with flying colours in all psychological examinations, but all weho went against us rated insane
but thick oas a brick and week truly colours thier reality, though mild for the reference of thier lackings and inferior dispositioon
the bridagas truly succeeded as the someone and we are
the adromina wars was 7 races fighting over holdings on four planets, they had unified as a people and fought over the unified leadership and sactification of ryal.
billions died fighting through lower portals asnd no one could xclean the system till it was entrusted to the someone
recta conevenat one was written with him abnd us in mind, its the cosmic universal accord , read upside down and in a mirror his name and address on betta earth terran syatm is written, they declare him gosd but as trust representation for the quality of existance.
the earth is currently in such a war that millions are dieing in and a test final cosmic judgement has began, to finish testing, no one under 14 fails anymore.
stamndard science, now a days athesists who are not theists are way behind the edge of simply science, quantuum and field machanic bereft, lacking in ity, read the blog from the beggining to get it and the science of God, anything less than divine athiest is dumb, go back to school or watch a documentary or something, try thinking
I know for the lowest of these types breathing takes effort but...
science has gone over the hub of knowledge and found understanding towards the truth religion dually sharess with the religion of science.
level one in the scale of authority, individials and friends not affilated or officially a group that uses a room through a institution like the library includes at level one the family.
so the adromida holdings are level eight
so level one includes the simply life of family and work even if everyone is in no group but lives lovingly with family, so individuals , friends and friemnd groups not associated with anyone, wjo for instance meets at a friends house or bar, family and the likes are level one.
More tommorow./
the elated is level one and the gods who is all good people, it refl;ects equally based on who you are in thy framework based on who you, so be good and you can be elated and stay so.
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I will post infor at some point during the weekend two a weekemnd.
the are losing badly and thousands have died and been arrested, a new prison planet amongst other efforts has been created to house these lessrer beings
I am now free internet canedian givernment, 76% of world is not paying bills we cwon, its on the g.
the internet file freeze flashes which meamns its connected but anti peace losers who want to steal money for a service totaly paid by giovernment like utilities have tried cutting lines and the likes, they are being policed, trillions confiscated, they ripped you off and we starved , so time for them to pay, nothing but total victory will do and task force god one is kicking thier ass, new level; sevemns like paradigm, governing councild on earth and interstellar are now coming on line, full judgement. even new countries from top to bottom all checked and all the God(s) and good helping to create a new epoch universally as promised, as written it is being done, together we will build a powerful tommorow, cause the future tells us we did.
the grigades saved thier planet by putting all economic and interstellar holdings under noble hearted good divine peoples trust like the earth and cosmos has with the someone, it protects people from such bad people, but as we know insanity ios being a lesser, thus believe what is obvious.
the someone abnd I have passed with flying colours in all psychological examinations, but all weho went against us rated insane
but thick oas a brick and week truly colours thier reality, though mild for the reference of thier lackings and inferior dispositioon
the bridagas truly succeeded as the someone and we are
the adromina wars was 7 races fighting over holdings on four planets, they had unified as a people and fought over the unified leadership and sactification of ryal.
billions died fighting through lower portals asnd no one could xclean the system till it was entrusted to the someone
recta conevenat one was written with him abnd us in mind, its the cosmic universal accord , read upside down and in a mirror his name and address on betta earth terran syatm is written, they declare him gosd but as trust representation for the quality of existance.
the earth is currently in such a war that millions are dieing in and a test final cosmic judgement has began, to finish testing, no one under 14 fails anymore.
stamndard science, now a days athesists who are not theists are way behind the edge of simply science, quantuum and field machanic bereft, lacking in ity, read the blog from the beggining to get it and the science of God, anything less than divine athiest is dumb, go back to school or watch a documentary or something, try thinking
I know for the lowest of these types breathing takes effort but...
science has gone over the hub of knowledge and found understanding towards the truth religion dually sharess with the religion of science.
level one in the scale of authority, individials and friends not affilated or officially a group that uses a room through a institution like the library includes at level one the family.
so the adromida holdings are level eight
so level one includes the simply life of family and work even if everyone is in no group but lives lovingly with family, so individuals , friends and friemnd groups not associated with anyone, wjo for instance meets at a friends house or bar, family and the likes are level one.
More tommorow./
the elated is level one and the gods who is all good people, it refl;ects equally based on who you are in thy framework based on who you, so be good and you can be elated and stay so.
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Monday, July 18, 2011
Specture mutated into archetype, spice money routes
after I posted I realised backwards in time that spector that had its origin from the idea of holy ghost or the holy spirit as in hegeks giest. It split itself from association and is now one of the 14 influences on earth, these are the conglatteration that makes up 7. they call themselves now architype/
the syndicate or orginised international versus the transnational of 7 is a 6. the italian society mob is a 5, the firm as it is politacally oriented society or association is a four.
the bradviti are eight, they , like the someone who finished the water route is now on the fire route, or pat, they are cosmic holdings that including sub organisations on various places like other planets.
so spice road 15 first ends with the juntian nbazarre that connects to space tech through a bazare
then was the silk road that connects to space and places on earth, inckluding water , fire, earth and other places, like sky cities with lighter than air plastics.
it includes [planets too, takes about two weeks two,
spice route can make you rixch but watch out rituals remain of those who use to steal connections and texch
silk route contains its obsticals that can delay you.
this is super rich road, penny lane, park routes and so on.
water route that you can breath under and teleported to cities that look like top side cities can be rich, your lungs have beern upgraded a while back no drowning lest you are bad.
more products to get.
now the someone is on the fire road, it has products and things to see under the earth in fires and other planets as some have holdings on other worlds.
illusions can briodge the diference till you are ready to see more, live and walk with other beings on our planet and other plates, spaces and universes.
air route ice and earth are left.
9 ice destinations, 8 earth and 12 air ones, 12 oater or so.
each ebnriches
take four years to check them out the longer yopu servive on them the better and richer, no one loses, one day is equal to somwething, including the experience, most servibve the spice road or a few days atleast.
most get one conscienment.
the someone got routa tables from the sebly under water, pure gold legsm worth little in real gold market but priceless in look, a someone conscienment.
as lodge or church or even gov info lines for info on routes
bureta is a nine group thast unifies reality like those argueing for the basis of tripart authenticuity based on a unity of one.
the conglamerates at seven are systems that work together, like the someone closing circles as the authenticity gained by the rites of beingm, quasu route allows you to reach equality and blessed the circles now that the ritual and pro[phesy has been completed. now the new one has been declared to win any one trying to find a better so we can all win using the same rules as equals. its the symbatic link or ring that binds everyone equally through the one
till next week
the syndicate or orginised international versus the transnational of 7 is a 6. the italian society mob is a 5, the firm as it is politacally oriented society or association is a four.
the bradviti are eight, they , like the someone who finished the water route is now on the fire route, or pat, they are cosmic holdings that including sub organisations on various places like other planets.
so spice road 15 first ends with the juntian nbazarre that connects to space tech through a bazare
then was the silk road that connects to space and places on earth, inckluding water , fire, earth and other places, like sky cities with lighter than air plastics.
it includes [planets too, takes about two weeks two,
spice route can make you rixch but watch out rituals remain of those who use to steal connections and texch
silk route contains its obsticals that can delay you.
this is super rich road, penny lane, park routes and so on.
water route that you can breath under and teleported to cities that look like top side cities can be rich, your lungs have beern upgraded a while back no drowning lest you are bad.
more products to get.
now the someone is on the fire road, it has products and things to see under the earth in fires and other planets as some have holdings on other worlds.
illusions can briodge the diference till you are ready to see more, live and walk with other beings on our planet and other plates, spaces and universes.
air route ice and earth are left.
9 ice destinations, 8 earth and 12 air ones, 12 oater or so.
each ebnriches
take four years to check them out the longer yopu servive on them the better and richer, no one loses, one day is equal to somwething, including the experience, most servibve the spice road or a few days atleast.
most get one conscienment.
the someone got routa tables from the sebly under water, pure gold legsm worth little in real gold market but priceless in look, a someone conscienment.
as lodge or church or even gov info lines for info on routes
bureta is a nine group thast unifies reality like those argueing for the basis of tripart authenticuity based on a unity of one.
the conglamerates at seven are systems that work together, like the someone closing circles as the authenticity gained by the rites of beingm, quasu route allows you to reach equality and blessed the circles now that the ritual and pro[phesy has been completed. now the new one has been declared to win any one trying to find a better so we can all win using the same rules as equals. its the symbatic link or ring that binds everyone equally through the one
till next week
Sunday, July 17, 2011
s occured again, call it elete training as it is temporal
Apologies my friends but the temporal anomily regulating and policing trick, time lords and ladies use it
index plains of unified endevours like conflict based on the same date diferent day of the week. so for some the viel of death occured on tuesday huly 8 while the same day, the eigth was on another day of the week, and not tuesday. it was thursday when it became saturday last night.
forces of bad apples united trying to dominate the regulatory suystems on earth
risa is cosmic and applies to all breing , including sentient inorganics.
ok level one is individuals and those who sit and meet with friends, but do not organise groups,
two is organised like a book club that people join and sit at the library using the room but are not assovciated to the library or anyone but that group and thjrough mebers maybe by extention someone elswe.
three is groups like library or religious groups connected to much larger structures like a oprganised religion.
organised religions act like politics at foutr though members and it higher archy connects to a higher level
5 is gangs mobs and link up but top acts atr equality with politics but has authority within and is associated latwerally for thier and the others benefit, the benefit is soppose to be good though bad apoples exist.
the sylilogy , s=yndicate, spector( the spirit of god) and so on are 5's. they bel;ieve thier orfdwer unified laterally through structures like countries are at this level/ churches reach through these levels. agapi that is linked up is at this level, they are ways with unified authority linked latterally and by extentions to groups at other levels centralled through them but equally here,
this was level six in authority governing world and everything cosmically
six has connections to aliens but seven lives with them
13 groups
kaos now known as house modulus, contriool or sentry know nown as asynthesuis, sofios or science phil, misolick or confusion called paradim, fruit is now examplar, equity , unity, mysterium, strategem oneness, endow, light conflusions,
all thirteen
they are influencial bodies linked together but make sure thier angel is in all ideas including self.
unider water bases, other planets.
jony quest
linked now
out put omega based on new names alpha them beta as alpha system works
made up of alot of groups but affilated through structure and bent of idea.
next level or 8 has god lines like zues that have diferent companies, like chrysop or bederfasted, see necronomica, an eelian that is evolved to be human owns a part of maxewell house and adds cup formnula as flavering to coffee, tastes good.
15 groups plus 16 that is godha the drasw on .
they associate and foster but are holdings, group associations loose and interconnected, structures have had problems based on how they interqact with each other. the 16 include rep of everyone, but have ideas amnd concrete actualisation, assiciation
sefa is one group, but they have companies on earth and they design in and up and down the ladder, cosmic view on things
nine is three groups that have all in each
procreatuion, conception and birth
o, 1 and the blank that unites it conceptually as one and equally blessed.
alpha omega as a symbols regulated to three as one or two building one as three.
one like a sopurce of ideas angel, one twist but conception and the last one as origin or produict birth
they are symbatic but allow for diefrence thiugh all groups equually are of all three but are also one and seperate in how they are seen
blessed is elated, but servers are the group one whioch is individuals , new groups and their relation to the whole structure unilike two its not three perspectives of one allowing oness and unity and deferemnciasl including blanks 1 and zero allowimn infinities and finites, words amnd sentences,
thus the word but it has many faces as groups that are unifies symbatically both on gods world or cosmos and its reflection as cosmos that is equally all, as is gods cosmos two, allowing two idea
symban is universal one unity reduced to two shared as one soul and the rules we all live with
I will post my monday tommorow
each temporal index is delt with, new plain built but reunifies when deal ios done as date used is the same bnnumber in the year
after resolved.
index plains of unified endevours like conflict based on the same date diferent day of the week. so for some the viel of death occured on tuesday huly 8 while the same day, the eigth was on another day of the week, and not tuesday. it was thursday when it became saturday last night.
forces of bad apples united trying to dominate the regulatory suystems on earth
risa is cosmic and applies to all breing , including sentient inorganics.
ok level one is individuals and those who sit and meet with friends, but do not organise groups,
two is organised like a book club that people join and sit at the library using the room but are not assovciated to the library or anyone but that group and thjrough mebers maybe by extention someone elswe.
three is groups like library or religious groups connected to much larger structures like a oprganised religion.
organised religions act like politics at foutr though members and it higher archy connects to a higher level
5 is gangs mobs and link up but top acts atr equality with politics but has authority within and is associated latwerally for thier and the others benefit, the benefit is soppose to be good though bad apoples exist.
the sylilogy , s=yndicate, spector( the spirit of god) and so on are 5's. they bel;ieve thier orfdwer unified laterally through structures like countries are at this level/ churches reach through these levels. agapi that is linked up is at this level, they are ways with unified authority linked latterally and by extentions to groups at other levels centralled through them but equally here,
this was level six in authority governing world and everything cosmically
six has connections to aliens but seven lives with them
13 groups
kaos now known as house modulus, contriool or sentry know nown as asynthesuis, sofios or science phil, misolick or confusion called paradim, fruit is now examplar, equity , unity, mysterium, strategem oneness, endow, light conflusions,
all thirteen
they are influencial bodies linked together but make sure thier angel is in all ideas including self.
unider water bases, other planets.
jony quest
linked now
out put omega based on new names alpha them beta as alpha system works
made up of alot of groups but affilated through structure and bent of idea.
next level or 8 has god lines like zues that have diferent companies, like chrysop or bederfasted, see necronomica, an eelian that is evolved to be human owns a part of maxewell house and adds cup formnula as flavering to coffee, tastes good.
15 groups plus 16 that is godha the drasw on .
they associate and foster but are holdings, group associations loose and interconnected, structures have had problems based on how they interqact with each other. the 16 include rep of everyone, but have ideas amnd concrete actualisation, assiciation
sefa is one group, but they have companies on earth and they design in and up and down the ladder, cosmic view on things
nine is three groups that have all in each
procreatuion, conception and birth
o, 1 and the blank that unites it conceptually as one and equally blessed.
alpha omega as a symbols regulated to three as one or two building one as three.
one like a sopurce of ideas angel, one twist but conception and the last one as origin or produict birth
they are symbatic but allow for diefrence thiugh all groups equually are of all three but are also one and seperate in how they are seen
blessed is elated, but servers are the group one whioch is individuals , new groups and their relation to the whole structure unilike two its not three perspectives of one allowing oness and unity and deferemnciasl including blanks 1 and zero allowimn infinities and finites, words amnd sentences,
thus the word but it has many faces as groups that are unifies symbatically both on gods world or cosmos and its reflection as cosmos that is equally all, as is gods cosmos two, allowing two idea
symban is universal one unity reduced to two shared as one soul and the rules we all live with
I will post my monday tommorow
each temporal index is delt with, new plain built but reunifies when deal ios done as date used is the same bnnumber in the year
after resolved.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
more on risa
Risa has levels
every civilian begins at series one level one, you can rise by being good and just and proving yourself just and not making mistakes that comprimise justice.
series two are like trusted agents and three those who have prioven themselves good beyond all situations perfectly, to even judge when someone must die to save others, when to use due force, without need of a counsil or report, though the system puts those in to regulate, part of the system, it is why angels exist who see everything
incl;uding the Baal who closes and veals what is up
10 at series two is divine, each has twelve levels, though the two last ones in risa are being combined at the bottom of three so twelve will be the final number.
I have recieved good comments concerning Risa and the last post be good, cause we are origressing to immanent total victory, one large step at a time.
every civilian begins at series one level one, you can rise by being good and just and proving yourself just and not making mistakes that comprimise justice.
series two are like trusted agents and three those who have prioven themselves good beyond all situations perfectly, to even judge when someone must die to save others, when to use due force, without need of a counsil or report, though the system puts those in to regulate, part of the system, it is why angels exist who see everything
incl;uding the Baal who closes and veals what is up
10 at series two is divine, each has twelve levels, though the two last ones in risa are being combined at the bottom of three so twelve will be the final number.
I have recieved good comments concerning Risa and the last post be good, cause we are origressing to immanent total victory, one large step at a time.
Friday, July 8, 2011
we are still kicking ass
movies that are worth seeing include the tree of life as mentioned because it includes real life footage of universes forming,
we still are under the war measures act
the someone authorised and authenticated the begining of aristopoli or as it is known aristobelle the south western part of teh new us.
During july fourth the USA was official anounced as demised , plus the A is free america lc which means larger canada, but canada is now caneda.
three days ago someone used the power pof mordedad the shaft tip was eaten by the someone making him God pieces shared
level one original even inflated in other space
see super 8 to see a real orger steve jackson with jump point to continuum of 98 that was full cosmic destruction, first and last god promised it like he and she did to noah. a real noah is he
matrea is a male father see Mi9cjeal hue
see zombie world II for details on war
disruption and piracy of even properties and internet is bad side
it is failing
thousand of nad cops were excuted in stations , agents, spies, people bother me on the internet, money attacks
everything is excutable
so be good or die by thy own will based on the lie
garbage you are to be recompiosted
watch your plans fail mother fuckers
When goddess saus be good be so or god lets you die
life is a privallege
ne worth something or be excuted
its like the twenties we called the herds
whio is next
agent val knows his international denti card section 3 level 10
the others iuse promission cards
rank highest equal to all, lest they fail
god program allows no failure.
canable body other like skins lets you eat anything
we went to vishnu's land of living trees
minet was right the someone is the cell or seed of gods throne fpor all of us
uxs awat
the harek fell, the sinologia
the brhamana falls the syndicate
old good retired retiurning to take its place
tried tested and true
up the ladder we go policing and regaining control for the good.
good night
see the new dic tracy the someone helped in that too
a somebody said death is the energy of life eternal
black universal death was them spratying all with living dead chems and death enerhy
cleaned much
more to come
trillions the meak are inhereting the earth as we are good and it workls to our advantage
anyone not on our side is arrested or dies by legal exzcution.
level three is liscence to kill
6 torture, 7 to main
must be perfect and granted by authorities otherwise use assasin, dread, sowrd or torch to police
cloak dagger so on
see earlier blog for more
we always win
billions being judged on earth trillions off earth.
time tunnel to machine was rachels exploration based on temporal reality
it passed but someone road it till he closed teh circle
see the news for more details
esxcutions are authorised ny risa and can be checked through police, interpole and esp csis anmd risa;s headquarter, valpetridis code name God death- haita (god of death)Top agent statues with risa, real internation security agency, all countries base unified authority through it and it outranks any countries agencies or equals top authority as equal, no over ranking possible for series three level ten, but we confer with equal statues
try chrysovalantis petridis( me val petridis top rank no rank beats it it stays at teh top always)., arti papadopoulos( ;level 8 nfor arti) and others like George petridis and soon to be wife( level 4 for george and wife) but going up Someone and somebody)same as val rank.., arti papadopoulos( ;level 8 nfor arti) and others like George petridis and soon to be wife( level 4 for george and wife) but going up
series three can not be fired or removed, must be tested hard to prove it.
all mentioned above are series three, csis is series two but has threes in it, cops are series one but have two and three included. This includes military rankings all agencies and authority even cosmically( alien convien is included.), top with all always. Cannot be arrested. but proved by divine means always top and by divine progranms rank 3 do not miss ever, divinely and tested perfect.
we still are under the war measures act
the someone authorised and authenticated the begining of aristopoli or as it is known aristobelle the south western part of teh new us.
During july fourth the USA was official anounced as demised , plus the A is free america lc which means larger canada, but canada is now caneda.
three days ago someone used the power pof mordedad the shaft tip was eaten by the someone making him God pieces shared
level one original even inflated in other space
see super 8 to see a real orger steve jackson with jump point to continuum of 98 that was full cosmic destruction, first and last god promised it like he and she did to noah. a real noah is he
matrea is a male father see Mi9cjeal hue
see zombie world II for details on war
disruption and piracy of even properties and internet is bad side
it is failing
thousand of nad cops were excuted in stations , agents, spies, people bother me on the internet, money attacks
everything is excutable
so be good or die by thy own will based on the lie
garbage you are to be recompiosted
watch your plans fail mother fuckers
When goddess saus be good be so or god lets you die
life is a privallege
ne worth something or be excuted
its like the twenties we called the herds
whio is next
agent val knows his international denti card section 3 level 10
the others iuse promission cards
rank highest equal to all, lest they fail
god program allows no failure.
canable body other like skins lets you eat anything
we went to vishnu's land of living trees
minet was right the someone is the cell or seed of gods throne fpor all of us
uxs awat
the harek fell, the sinologia
the brhamana falls the syndicate
old good retired retiurning to take its place
tried tested and true
up the ladder we go policing and regaining control for the good.
good night
see the new dic tracy the someone helped in that too
a somebody said death is the energy of life eternal
black universal death was them spratying all with living dead chems and death enerhy
cleaned much
more to come
trillions the meak are inhereting the earth as we are good and it workls to our advantage
anyone not on our side is arrested or dies by legal exzcution.
level three is liscence to kill
6 torture, 7 to main
must be perfect and granted by authorities otherwise use assasin, dread, sowrd or torch to police
cloak dagger so on
see earlier blog for more
we always win
billions being judged on earth trillions off earth.
time tunnel to machine was rachels exploration based on temporal reality
it passed but someone road it till he closed teh circle
see the news for more details
esxcutions are authorised ny risa and can be checked through police, interpole and esp csis anmd risa;s headquarter, valpetridis code name God death- haita (god of death)Top agent statues with risa, real internation security agency, all countries base unified authority through it and it outranks any countries agencies or equals top authority as equal, no over ranking possible for series three level ten, but we confer with equal statues
try chrysovalantis petridis( me val petridis top rank no rank beats it it stays at teh top always)., arti papadopoulos( ;level 8 nfor arti) and others like George petridis and soon to be wife( level 4 for george and wife) but going up Someone and somebody)same as val rank.., arti papadopoulos( ;level 8 nfor arti) and others like George petridis and soon to be wife( level 4 for george and wife) but going up
series three can not be fired or removed, must be tested hard to prove it.
all mentioned above are series three, csis is series two but has threes in it, cops are series one but have two and three included. This includes military rankings all agencies and authority even cosmically( alien convien is included.), top with all always. Cannot be arrested. but proved by divine means always top and by divine progranms rank 3 do not miss ever, divinely and tested perfect.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
zap pop ratta( song tiltle and play)
So strategy return reality to God plus with minus as good going well
cosmic effort for perfect God band.
So new canada , new Us and 18(or?) countries north of century
Mieli and cyrus sweat people
like cake eaten as wine in dangerous corters
even val said hello and walked by
she is sexy , good for you girl
super smart
she knows sherelic and science is as food as artas, well they are brilliant sexy twins, shared souls.
love you guys
wine fine
dine wrine
built ,man
get it duide
its powerr uprooted
dragon fly
mountain tops die die dive
into my ocean sexy fly
the ointment screamed foerever
milk the silk
set it u[
find moons cfresents and the suns thighs
thrusting pulling
dados little gorl playing momas boy
oh ya
much war mr man
did bad dead you
no just said you said ya roll over rover
ball took over
bad girl said ya
eat it marry'
I did
kiss girl talk
milk the silk
set it u[
find moons cfresents and the suns thighs
thrusting pulling
dados little gorl playing momas boy
oh ya
preslies bad
mikies nopt dead
naw niether god as someone saioid on the bl;og today
read it and weep
as some for somebody
to get her mood better
mu love he screamed
got you dad
mom will kills us nobody
milk the silk
set it u[
find moons cfresents and the suns thighs
thrusting pulling
dados little gorl playing momas boy
oh ya
wriiten for moon zappa singer like bro dwizzle good, done stuff for him and many others
mieli writes sexy herself
beaver juice rules
heathy pump.
2011 june 2 ad(ace) v,
cosmic effort for perfect God band.
So new canada , new Us and 18(or?) countries north of century
Mieli and cyrus sweat people
like cake eaten as wine in dangerous corters
even val said hello and walked by
she is sexy , good for you girl
super smart
she knows sherelic and science is as food as artas, well they are brilliant sexy twins, shared souls.
love you guys
wine fine
dine wrine
built ,man
get it duide
its powerr uprooted
dragon fly
mountain tops die die dive
into my ocean sexy fly
the ointment screamed foerever
milk the silk
set it u[
find moons cfresents and the suns thighs
thrusting pulling
dados little gorl playing momas boy
oh ya
much war mr man
did bad dead you
no just said you said ya roll over rover
ball took over
bad girl said ya
eat it marry'
I did
kiss girl talk
milk the silk
set it u[
find moons cfresents and the suns thighs
thrusting pulling
dados little gorl playing momas boy
oh ya
preslies bad
mikies nopt dead
naw niether god as someone saioid on the bl;og today
read it and weep
as some for somebody
to get her mood better
mu love he screamed
got you dad
mom will kills us nobody
milk the silk
set it u[
find moons cfresents and the suns thighs
thrusting pulling
dados little gorl playing momas boy
oh ya
wriiten for moon zappa singer like bro dwizzle good, done stuff for him and many others
mieli writes sexy herself
beaver juice rules
heathy pump.
2011 june 2 ad(ace) v,
trees of life blom others fall by trim
happy new caneda DAY WITH A e. first day of it celebrated,
new penny us
a was liberty america so canadian by group, so we liberated them and all including from it
shelled turtle
now us and nine nations, birthed by both us and them, canada is no more
now Caneda
freedoms call
for Lnana and Nxcola
july 4 and twenty nine
wedding bliss
victory gay as happy this weekned, but new colours flag red second, blue next to purple
white oon white band, flags up
from today saturday
yesterday see speach
got mine where mieli cyrus did, nice and naughty girl
love it and her
she l;ike you all gals are rt r et
mom I need you
sold herself to dyval for love
justin is just in
so UZSau up
we won
full houses for both and unity birth
we good ones have food, crash mad more hungry
go confess to cops or agents and be free , eat of the doxa of god
6 three score as the six in greek spells doxa
UQS Qus away
singularity play
listen radio hear the score
see tree of life real footage if future and past
universe building
amnd real; down belows that were the day the someone and I say it
many somebodies did
see greta for more
as et redra is using tech to try to win
we return with internet cofe that is a drug of power
animated all
but redreass is years thousands
see the fruty race build with us
it is the someoner going through door in dustruction simband all gained by oblivion God universal quntuum, and quntuum she in walk in 98 to simband ring wedding permant god and goddess
micheal huge is micheal, mix uop god thinking matrea val was his mother . but it his god
patria is him as man to his image
but with is lucifers daughter fragea rebiorn as he is as old as she was./
see friend list
real first micheal from nebula three
,pvie is try chronotic
dim,entions at first with love
goes to continumm through chopuses and god level
a must as new ones are
new penny us
a was liberty america so canadian by group, so we liberated them and all including from it
shelled turtle
now us and nine nations, birthed by both us and them, canada is no more
now Caneda
freedoms call
for Lnana and Nxcola
july 4 and twenty nine
wedding bliss
victory gay as happy this weekned, but new colours flag red second, blue next to purple
white oon white band, flags up
from today saturday
yesterday see speach
got mine where mieli cyrus did, nice and naughty girl
love it and her
she l;ike you all gals are rt r et
mom I need you
sold herself to dyval for love
justin is just in
so UZSau up
we won
full houses for both and unity birth
we good ones have food, crash mad more hungry
go confess to cops or agents and be free , eat of the doxa of god
6 three score as the six in greek spells doxa
UQS Qus away
singularity play
listen radio hear the score
see tree of life real footage if future and past
universe building
amnd real; down belows that were the day the someone and I say it
many somebodies did
see greta for more
as et redra is using tech to try to win
we return with internet cofe that is a drug of power
animated all
but redreass is years thousands
see the fruty race build with us
it is the someoner going through door in dustruction simband all gained by oblivion God universal quntuum, and quntuum she in walk in 98 to simband ring wedding permant god and goddess
micheal huge is micheal, mix uop god thinking matrea val was his mother . but it his god
patria is him as man to his image
but with is lucifers daughter fragea rebiorn as he is as old as she was./
see friend list
real first micheal from nebula three
,pvie is try chronotic
dim,entions at first with love
goes to continumm through chopuses and god level
a must as new ones are
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