Saturday, February 26, 2011

the stone and the sword (under it)

The next part of Theseus concerns his father Aegeus had commanded of him when he reached the age of manhood. He was told to go fetch his fathers sandals and sword from underneath the stone they had been hidden under.
The sword represents the arms the Greeks had that had been hidden from the public eye. Why? The arms represent the military authority Theseus' father had prior to the occupation of the minions. Thus the Greeks did not control their own military destiny but in fact were a subject nation that kept arms hidden to rebel with and gain their freedom when the time was right. In other words the kings arms were hidden and given to Theseus in secret when he reached the age to be able to wild them and the military might they represent and even free the Greeks from the minions. Think king author

as I just posted the sites we are using to interpret Theseus I will let you catch up with the tale, I might use other tales.

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