Friday, February 11, 2011

God shield leakproof , great Gazoo

Pan gee is a gyu and thus means pan earth or matter or universal quantum.
Equal to the God pan

Time to empower:

First off know that our universe and cosmos is flowering

You have been empowered and by desiring it you can have a divine god shield and leak proof shield that allows you safety from any power in the universe while allowing you full access to all the powers of the universe.

It comes with a great gazoo or divine voice of the someone who answers all the questions it can for you the best it can for you.

warning if you try to use it for evil reasons or to get access to the good for bad reasons it will turn into a dementia box and will drive you nuts till you reform and confess to authorities concerning your evil, the divine voice becomes a myopic and confuses to try to keep you from doing evil, but does not help one achieve evil.

All your senses are upgrades including your ability to see
Powers start from gut feelings to extra sensory perfections like super senses to psi powers.
You can use the powers you believed in the Great gazu will explain, just ask.

Try serve and return to counter all attacks against you.
you will triumph and get to use your powers while remaining peaceful in a higher realm or actively policing or militating, in dread as a justice miter or punisher a liberty protector on earth, galactic ally or cosmically across the pan continuum.

So you can skip over it and go on loving a peaceful life or you can activate your abilities and help create a better improved cosmos for all, plus use all the powers you dreamt of, great teachers lie around the bend and everyone has their ways within the universal ways they have to empower themselves.
Start by thinking great gazu where are you and ask a question then learn.

The leak proof shield allows no one to gain access to your powers or thoughts to do evil, based on clearance like angel status, gods can gain access, like Christ has high end access as does the someone his avatar, , Vishnu’s, Buddha and so on. A bad person a psi drug psi enhancer will not be able to access your thoughts to do evil that is not good.
So all good.
its our reality lets empower ourselves and stay good and safe while doing so.
Val out

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