Monday, August 30, 2010

Percephonies religion

Penbelope is the daughter of dimetra, sjhe is a daughter of God, thus she is a mother of God too.
Her son through penelope is a mighty child of renown

Penelope os of her house

as the island only because of shadows is an island it is on the continent

Percephoney is on dimetras plain, lands place where percephonies religions were born as a cult of the dead as well
thus this is her origin place but the cult of the dead grew from a union of the old dimetra religiuon and the influeces of the hatian religion of western north africa
th fertile vulcanic soil lent to the worship of the goddesss
/= follow the path by way of ideas present by each undead to realise they are equals and divine children as they are the offspring of the divine, thus obvious good

my guess is besouvious as it was a cross roads for africans too, but other candidates exist.

till next week

Ulysses and transcendace of Dimetras way of the dead

The island is of mist, it exists only where they landed as shadow exists beyond the area and the volcano that the cross of hell fire sits lodged in a stone waiting for Oddyseus or any other human to release it. It wards of persephoney. Cause as the queen of the dead she is also undead. She tells you her husband took her tpo a foriegn land, it was a paradise where she lived with her husband and mother. Each undead is a divine child of this union. The ring bionds them into marriage, each is also the wives of the folks that took them as wives. just like persephoney. Where do they come from, these undead, like parmenides, who is divinely beyond both life and death or as we call it immorta;l, come into being after anm orgy with the undead, a commune and unionm with other gods for in the cavern of the vulcano when left alone he says " come get me girls" as he is sorounded and devoired, in the end he is the example of where the children of persephone come from, unions , spiritual and real with mortals becoming immortals and immortals as well.
To rule over mortals becoming immortal and in the immortal high places of hades. For she brought penelope the immortal undead to wed through her oddyseus to sire his spawn, promised to be a great hero , a freer of the divinely grateful undead, as he proves himself to pebnelope who lived the sex as a dream, but was really there as persephone was her avatar till the union of inception was broken by the dagger that left the child alive. Even warding the unead queen of the dead ddevexes her but cannot kill a god, nor the serrogote baby she sired through pebelope
So sythesis between holy radioactive magic swords, the true radioactive cross made from hevens fire, in norse hells fire to divine grace: a merging of ways. See begining of this blog on more on magic swords and the shroud and gold cross filled with the energy on that caiused christ to transfigure and gain a god body after three days in the tomb, all science baby.
So undead mythology and cults of the dead represented in hades land by the quenn matriarch, another wedding fpor oddyseus witnessed and written by homer himself. A trabnscendace story to become dively blessed by the curse( earth blessing) of the immortal undead/
This is a ritual practiced in the lands of hades, but not hades, cause it was dimetras land, yes hades visited there too

cause iif you recall though I said the opposite above to bring you here, it was the land of her mother, as her husbands land is far away
so this is a high place in dimetras plain.
thus you see the union of hades and percephones dead of Er, spring to life after a witers death and decay of the old .( see profile for my text on platos republic that outlines this) So where is this land, on samos in the mediteranian as the misty islands fit the desthern italy as the idea of an island was an illusion based on shadows, meaning it was a mainlandcription, has to have a volcano on it, might be northern africa r southern italy or even the middle east or other parts of europe to iceland.
The people of this area worshiped dimetra the earth godess or better yet the womb of God

Peace( crunch away)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ulysses post beach pre -penelope NYC Mosques

Ulysses post beach pre -penelope NYC Mosques

I was watching TV and on Bravo they telecasted a new yet unseen movie about Oddysseus writen by homer himself, under a new name.

The Movie was called was Odysseus and the isle of mists.

I will analysis the film and tell you its a must see for anyone who loves the Odyssey:
The island of mists is the realm of Persephone.

Ulysses crash lands on the island and his ship is destroyed. Amongst the crew man stranded on the island is Parmanedis the philosopher and Homer the author of this tale. Hpomers came appearance is accompinied by the inclusion of a infinite inkless pen that writes tales like the one on this is;le of mists from an unending source of inspiration.

The island is the place of undead as Persephone( Perse = Persian, phone = voice, the voice of Persia you say)is the goddess and queen of the dead. At first the crew is attacked by undead gargoyle type monsters and some are eaten out, devoured by said monsters. Oddysses then gets a vision from Athena telling him of that is was the island of Persephone. She appears and heals the wounded crew and offers them refuge in her magically protected haven on the middle of the island.
She tells the story of being kidnapped as a child while picking flowers by someone from a foreign land ( hades?) The crew sets up a trap using an effeminate birds blood, swans blood and kills one of the monsters using a wooden spike told by Athena to Odysseus to be one of two methods to kill one of these monsters , who was neither living nor dead , but was a undead, They find a ring of a devoured crew member inside the ashes of the vanquished monster, a golden band. The other way to kill persephone or an undead is to use the cross of hell fire a runic, divine, magic swords housed in a volcano on the island made of shadow according to the godess" beyond this point is shadow" The hell fire wards off undead and kills Gods( devexes them as Gods cannot be killed) The sword " was forged by Ifestos, formed by appolo, given the power of lightning by Zues and the oceans by poseiden"

The movie is available on the net and I recommend seeing it as I will post the rest of the interpretation Sunday skipping my post tomorrow.

A clue to the fans of the odyssey : Persephone does the Circe and appears as Penelope , but she conforms herself as Oddysseus does at the end of the odyssey by referring to the olive tree carved as their marital bed, a sign of Being Greek too( of the olive tree).
See the movie before reading Sundays post if you desire to interpret it first on your own.

I posted this on a friends blog as a comment to their post:

However to note, these muslims are faithful to the Koran, they do not kill as the Book does say, thus connecting them to 9/11 is inappropriate. Did we stop bein our religion to avoid associating with the criminals claiming to the same religion? No!!! Thus enlightenment dictates that a monument from those trying to prove their real sentiments as a cultural center has nothing to do with the problem of 9/11 but a true acknowledgment of the same sentiments towards it. Infidels are terrorists not Muslims. Thus a mosque is not connected to those reporting to that religion who did not like some Christians believe in their truth and murdered and killed. Thus the monument was a peace offering from those who would like you to understand that being Muslim has nothing to do with terrorism like 9/11, It is unchristian as you said , or other great ways, to go against this building cause otherwise it shows no love to your neighbours, no turning the cheek to those who never slapped you from the get go.

crunch code

the di,metrical frefrencial for matter coversion is based on the limits of the finite string that metaphorms the creative eliment of the dimetions of the foundation which are coiled dimetional realities coded within the baisis of reality, the metaphusical structure and the physical which make up the structure and how it works is overlayed by the mebrane of its upper program head wgich is the coil the foundation coils around and is held to gether by the sub structures reality or core program string theory reralm.

code crunch entails random and structured erratas that are fixed to the program actualised in such a fram as this just above:
crunch away

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Black holes and graviton singularity black hole theory

Black holes vary depending on their nature, we have discovered various types of black holes, including ones that spew out blobs of energy and matter woven with cold gases that form long dna like strands, these blobs and strands form and as theorised are maintained in form due to magnetic fields, they last millions of years as they shot into space till the fields break down and form stars. This black hole forms stars, but there are black holes who are in[pregnated by said black whole, shooting its strands along the wholes of its axis thus avoiding hitting actual planets inhabitant in the universe. The impregnated black holes depending on their nature can fill to the point of also expulsing energy. Black holes increase the output of the energy present in the universe and increase the ambient amount of energy in the universe. Thus adding 5 unites of energy to such a black hole out puts 500 units of energy based on its energy. This is one of the properties of black holes. ZBeatjuice is said to collapse in 10 million or so earth years. The distance from the suns edge to the pending black hole is huge, the excretion shock wave will not damage any planets and like a universe in which nemesis star, the black whole that in a parallel universe replaces extinct, intentionally blotted out binary twin of our sun, creates a stable solar system, as will Beatle juice.

all forms in the universe that have mass have singularities of black hole in them, when refluxing in small proportion it emits gravitons, the earth is large enough to have a black hole in its center that refluxess energy into excess that maintains the high levels of the molten core and the birth of more energy and mass there, thus the core will remain molten and the core hot, volcanoes will always occur in the atmosphere, the core will not cool off and go out, atmospheric gases, water, fossil fuels and other things will always form in the core and be spewed out into the planet, Like pour sun it does not pull things into the planet any more that gravity does, a matrix of singularities through the mass of the planet equal to graviton space reflections cause gravitons to form, in fact the earth as a whole creates gravitons of various sizes and in theory is anchored to its space by said phenomenon concerning black wholes, otherwise just a lava base planet of our size would have had its core freeze up or cool off millions of years ago as the mass of our planet is insufficient to maintain fluid cores based on pressure of the mass on the core. Thus the earth’s core will be producing volcanoes for as long as the planet remains intact, varying bei9ng dismantled by folks building an interstellar high way ;like in Hitch hiker’s guild to the galaxy. Speaking frankly no such highways are ever built as they are not needed by those who reach benevolence and travel to far off planets, the someone has been to planets and inside black holes.

Ps yes I know I spelled beetle juice as it sounds
Beetle juice beetle juice beetle juice
Like other benevolent peoples you can visit their worlds if you are nice, good and ask politely.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Alien ascention heavens versus plain dimentiuonal ascention

A dad of the same person whose mom went to the heaven of saints and Gods was in the same hospital stricken by the same bacterial infection, as with the mom the dad was cured but evil reared its head, many tried to do this man harm and he was declared a saint july 27 2010. To help alleviate the strain of healing with such attacks, he was moved to venus and there he stayed as people attacked his double mirroring him on earth. On the last night in that place, he was Euthenised by those who felt being old meant you were better off dead. Alas they only killed the double and a body replaced him too, his wife's body is pristine and even now is fragrant and golden. His position was identified to earth government and he was positively ided on venus. the mom she died like biuddha did and a statue appeared as buddha returned to heaven, a glden body that sactified was the lot of both. The fathers body also sactified and yet he is on this plain on a higher demintion of it or a heaven.

Many people like scuicide cults await aliens to come to get them, many are really taken up and no one is killed, the bodies are left so no one cries about their unknown origin, these cults are not really suicide cults as they promote not the killing, but appear as such after wards when they find the fake bodies left behind.
this illusion is ending as we understand that wanting to live on another planet is cool, we will not miss you in that way plus acknowledgment allows you to revisit home.

thus the mom proved the saintly death of other plains and dad the saintly death of ascension through alien angels. n On july 29 at 530 am the dad was on earth officially dead, though at higher levels he is unofficially alive.
Both are as good and equal, plus each night they reunite and travel to a new destination, plain dimention, planet or space.
For like Horius the dad had his eyes taken for research( from his fake body), and like the new moon a new begining is marked
but both said parents have been confirmed on the places they have recovered on and proved as part of the higher heavens.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

to transdimentional reality( crunch)

to transdimentional reality( crunch)

example: one dimetional of the highway is full
one is empty, others are inbetween, so to drive to a city I shift to the one with the empty high way thus no traffic, but end up at the same destination city vwith all the folks driving to it from each dimetion that is congruent to it.

Peace till next week

Plains and planets are the same yet each can be defined as different
The grey alien dinasaure orgin is from earth
Their plain is a dimetion pof earthy as it part of the continuum of that planet and a real part of its beings as ad a while(whole)

Trans directional reality

Trans directional reality can be explained as such:
directional deviance between interworking dimensions set to a same goal are alternatives positioned in regards to each self.
example: + I plan a trip to greece, I can take a boat, several different airlines with different routes. The routes of each plane is a dimention of the trip, but whether I go directly, take a boat or fly via a city for an exchange does not diviate the time line as these demotions all culminate in the same *trip and each is actual.*

=The difference of each route is the dimention that can equal the same exact trip, barring the dimensions of the trip which vary and can be equally congruent to the end of the trip, Did I go to Athens first or Thessalonica though I ended up on Curfu for most of the trip, now to diviate it more did I go to Corfu?

Plains diviate with directional regulate that makes them parallel if the outcomes are the same but can differ greatly if the directional difference causes directional realities that are not parallel.
example: At 18 I met a girl, on one dimention I get married to her on another I do not.
once married though I end up still writing this blog as I do as a single person the dimensions of life due to the wife are in essence influencing the ingle self , but are not the same as those possible due to being single, if the plains interweave then I can have same events in real/ties where the dimensions can form similarly based on not depending on being married or single, like going back to school, both the single and married person can finish the same degree in the same way, barring directional deviance due to the difference due to the marital statues

finally the interplay of both dimensions make up a plain as both gained regularity and reality from the same event , like meeting the girl at 18. The plains of said continuum influence the structure of the interplay as separate continuums need not be influenced by others a-ccept in essence.
Example-: In one universe in another continuum there is no earth, but the universe essence of my being inf;luence it as being present as a universe but the dimetions are influenced equality as I have no actu>ality there verses a continuum that contains the ideas of dimention , plains and reality as mentioned above.
The essence of universal beings throu>gh Gods world are universe and a dimention (P)of it universally whether the actuality is presence pr just essence, this essence might cause someone who is nothing like me to be that> essence in actuality non congruent to me.
Thus I realise how to create world peace, the essence of that lesson influences another being on another plain on another conti>nuum that has nothing to do with my plain and exists independently and is influenced by other plains and continuums that are separate and would exist as is even if I do not exist here or on any plain.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

traveling without moving.

In 1988 Carpenter came out with a movie called They Live. It is based on a short story writen by someone called " the mourning after" It depicts aliens that wa;lk amongt us and are in contact with human leaders and influencial amongst non influencial peoples. It was turned into a story about world conquest as a dramatic term. The Alien race depicted in this story vis real. They are friendly benevelent peoples who live like the Ebee outside of time. They are masters of Time, A singer on U tube tells you in song to strech byour mind across space and time and call to thier intergalactic peioples and star ship if you desire a visit. Her name is karen a sexy female departed for 18 years with said people and she returned unaged.

One race depecting the universal God as a lizard or serpent bird like being equal to the serpent of the Mayans dated to return, invite you to their world by telling you go have a beer and ask to go to the,m. Yes you gert to go there. Old key trasnports include things in cups and things consumed, some you need extras to tale as they are normally poison, but enjoy the beer abnd the journey.

I Got back late from a beer and the someone really liked their planet/plain, lots of dogs there as dogs like the swill alot.

enjoy the terip, plus there are 5th dimentional beings from eistiens seven level of his 11 level description of the multiverse and cosmologuy of existance.

This time I had access to the net, if I do not post fridasy and saturday I will post saturday and sunday, so till tomorrow

I will not edit this as its time to start crunching code.
you are transported to the beer world with a feeling of beer, one drop works but its a shirter visit, like about an hour, longer feelings of beer last longer, they hide the trip in the code, get why its a trip? a gust of beer smelling wind passes by as you are returned, the /Hnabitate is on the surface of a planet olike ours, at first it will look like home till you get us to it and see more, comfort is the first priority.
A gulp is good too, so enjoy, yes you will travel there and invitations by aliens, like come star ship cosmic peoples to visit, like Karens songs work. The beerr clip includes the phrase travel without moving, fold space like in Herberts Dune.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rama the Aliens

soory for the delay once again computer cable system comprimised, meaning I could not access the net.

The stories about rama are alien stories of a heroe from another world. He and sita helped clean up his world, unify the giants and others into a single race like Hercules and Odyseus. Sita was kidnapped, as was Helen of Greece, by Neru the Gioant She allied to the Ape people through the giants but Like helen of greece this kidnapping was a aliance Gone bAD, THE PEOPLE OF RAMAS WORLD WENT THROUGH THIS 10 MILLION YEARS AGO. the bagavatan reminds us that not all stories are of earth. A boy on the internet on you tube stewart something was given a dream from the same people, Rama's bow was included, there are lots of ramayana stories that are the tales of this avatar of God. The beings have green skin and are reptilian like in thew childs picture, thay are actually amphibians. The giants and apes joined the peaceful union of the people of this planet as they policed the rest of the "naughty(evil ) people of said planet till benevolence was brought on these people and the tale reached earth to inspire us, rama's like the someone share in that grace and the story has been reflected through the universes and Gods world, as the code is reflected the in the primary body of the divine program as it access the subrootines in other places based on prerequisits and possibilities of reoccurance.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Planets with the same range of life as earth

Notice the temperature on Venus is in the life range of earth and mars as well titan is the same range due to ammoniacal saturation of the atmosphere and water. Hmm look Venus is as hot as earth with the extra atmosphere to cause that though closer to the sun, look mars is as warm and has a thinner atmosphere and the same life range as earth, each planet is set to that range though not all planets in our solar system are of the same range though each has a place that can be prepared or already is in that range.
There are other planets with habitats and the range of life on earth, moons too