Friday, December 18, 2015

updating still in progress

it seems that the other site I post on is temporarilu out of service, I will copy and paste the posts this week on that site later.
the year is r eounding up and the final details ending the enemies of godthit are in progresss
the bankers stole money from people again so Godthit took thier food away and homes and left them legally on the street so they might enjoy the holidays
women in bank screamed " I am hungry I hhave not eaten in a month."
a'' gppd please enjoy the holidays on us
sacasum if you did not recognbise teh tone
yes Ah Ah Ah is a call of chrysomas

those tamporarying with electronic devices including comps and tv are now suffering a similar end
when teh someone says do something you do, its teh law
or pay teh legal consequences
Godthetic divine universal powrrs are bring them down
not cheep parlar tricks like the ones they use

ps we are closing old dimentions off
system upgrade is clsoing old system files that were active but nor grunthered in the next bump ( upgrade) up.
pps yes teh soone uses teh real legal system.

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