Friday, December 11, 2015

Ikias 1 Ulysses appears

At this they ceased: the stern debate expired:
The chiefs in sullen majesty retired.
Achilles with Patroclus took his way
Where near his tents his hollow vessels lay.
Meantime Atrides launch'd with numerous oars
A well-rigg'd ship for Chrysa's sacred shores:
High on the deck was fair Chryseis placed,
And sage Ulysses with the conduct graced:
Safe in her sides the hecatomb they stow'd,
Then swiftly sailing, cut the liquid road.

If you notice chryse has yet to take her leave for her shore.  The tents indicate people are living preterit ( casually) or temporarily.  The shores destined to are called sacred. On the ship is chryses and Ulysses  ( Odysseus) who has just made his intro.  Odygo means to navigate or guild like a naval commander, dessy means tie ( some say west but that is spelled different.  He was the one who tied or married all those people into one empire.  Uli means dawn or beginner.  The ships are now travelling to return Chryses.  ( name means use or gold, same root).
Ulysses is trusted to reach the sacred shored with the returned gift of sacred Trabert ( her home lad).

from :

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