Friday, December 18, 2015

breath and affixtuation

it turns out that affictiation is no good for brain ddevelopement.  bathing everyday keeps your skin clean and breathing, this makes you smarter
the Romans died because they used lef aND LED CLEANSERS THAT NOT ONLY ROTTED THIER BRAINS BUT IT CAYSED afixtuation.
so as 1970's tv reported do noy tape things on your skin
do not use inks or other colour stuff on your skin
make up and skin creams can cause affictuation.
smoking leaves like tobacco and pot can cause affictuation.
smoking resins like has that decongest are suggested
teh some one does on an occasion
his Iq is really really high
he is the only on in history to get perfect on teh oxford IQ test and the personality test ( the latter others could ghet perfect, imagine your a gppdy goody and answer the question as one.
even I did.
teh somebody is almist as good, ve is very smart, here as we used a he for one the otehr we will use a she for fun
but all good people can be a someone-somebody.

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