Friday, December 25, 2015

iliadic moving love- analitic thoiught

I will post tweo readings from the iliad this week, access to the file from this comp is failing.
all good it is the holidays.
but if you notice the first Homeric tail truly is a love story that explains why the greeks are considered romantic, esp on the continental north but else were too.
it also explains the love a war prise as a lover can be and the troubles that can arise if they are the type that some are, including objected too by people of the kazdoms that the wither comes from.
should they have kept the women?
are thesethe same aggomenmon that merries Helen the bueatful and great?
if they are diferent was their true love fulfilled, they loved each other enough to hope each was happy and blessed in life.
each was send home with ritual and holy honours.
ythe respect was tatamount to bring peace.
truly this was true love and the admiration of great people who put feelins aside to fulfil their mandades as rulers.
can you feel it?
I do as I relate to it as a thought
very moving
peace till later

why chrysomas

in 1978 the name chrystiougena was changed to chrysougena to represent the changes to the way we celebrate it.
the holiday we decided will include gift giving by all involved including all old religions transusting to the new.
we decided to add gift giving to esthen and aug goddess celebrations, called the enlightenment of the divinely egalitareated  and illuminated.
so chrysomasd means mass of gold, to celebrate the golden truths and births of the divine and everyone. 
on wards.
ps 1812 it changed from Christ mas  1210 from chrystmass. so forth aqnd so on...

Merry Chrysomas and happy new year

merry Cjhrysomas everyone.
all things are going well and I hope the same for all:
happy new annum!!!
to more prosperity
praise godthit.

new engins

the new engines as the sprout rises
the seed broken represents a past
now down in the grottoes of the past decayed
as the humus of its birth is the old founding the new
\giving way but being part of the notorious of this
the new beginning

note to add credit for gothit in papers add a period after the last period of the paper on the next line or next to the last if it means not printing an extra page

Friday, December 18, 2015

stay hood, blog caught up

I have finally caught up with teh posts.
the old dimentions sometimes are stories to events to explain why things are the way they are.
affixtuation can cause your back to bend and make one deevolve into apes.
the chinese british for instance use tsaha and it deevolves them, frontal lobe decays
thier backs breaks, its a type of cirn in hand creams,. cameo, ( cameo makes on retard3ed due to affixtuation)
portaguese use to use it.
till later

Iliad 1 DEmnds Sacred Haralds

The army thus in sacred rites engaged,
Atrides still with deep resentment raged.
To wait his will two sacred heralds stood,
Talthybius and Eurybates the good.
"Haste to the fierce Achilles' tent (he cries),
Thence bear Briseis as our royal prize:
Submit he must; or if they will not part,
Ourself in arms shall tear her from his heart."
The unwilling heralds act their lord's commands;
Pensive they walk along the barren sands:
Arrived, the hero in his tent they find,
With gloomy aspect on his arm reclined.
At awful distance long they silent stand,
Loth to advance, and speak their hard command;
[pg 013]
Decent confusion! This the godlike man
Perceived, and thus with accent mild began:

The army had retird to sacred not war maneuvers. Thus they were peacefully in prayer.     Atrtedes was still chrged up as  Briseis leaves.  The people heralding teh return keep pensive vigil demanding teh prize return and the king bow his authority to thiers, these not teh first seem the enemies that are trying to undermine the ancient Greeks victory and prize, submit to thy, I do not think so, you should have nothing to do wirthis...
We have already comented that Briseis’ people not her were part of the biological warfare.
I have a suspicion there are going to be fetalities later amongst these people, we will seee later in the tale what is going on. 
“Submit he must; or if they will not part,
Ourself in arms shall tear her from his heart."
They really declare power over the ruler as if they have the strength to force the issue.
Though sacred Talthybius and Eurybates are reflecting the sentiments of those they represent ( though you might not bevel this the work has edited itself twice to point this out)
They two heralds are reflecting sentiments that get a lot of people connected to teh rpize in trouble, the prize is more than the female but teh authority of teh victory that caused the attempt to court her, sje is on teh rulers side though obedient to teh necessity to try to stop the desease plagueing teh Ancient Greeks.
The rulers heralds are reluctant to act as they empathise with teh plight of teh ruler, Atredes, and those heart broken by events, including those suffering teh plagues.  They are with proper propriety towards the ruler and act slow allowing proper semblance and propriety to rule the authority of their hands and what they need to do.\
For the ruler is holy and divine and a good one, thus this extra heartache and sacrifice to save his people is felt and appreciated with the solemn grace of admirers and friends who feel for him and everyone else respectfully.  Godlike was substituted by teh spirit of this tale to explain, that they did not see him as  a God but more godlike like a saint, goodly some might say, they spoke mildly rather than harshly as what he did was appropriate to his commission.

from :

breath and affixtuation

it turns out that affictiation is no good for brain ddevelopement.  bathing everyday keeps your skin clean and breathing, this makes you smarter
the Romans died because they used lef aND LED CLEANSERS THAT NOT ONLY ROTTED THIER BRAINS BUT IT CAYSED afixtuation.
so as 1970's tv reported do noy tape things on your skin
do not use inks or other colour stuff on your skin
make up and skin creams can cause affictuation.
smoking leaves like tobacco and pot can cause affictuation.
smoking resins like has that decongest are suggested
teh some one does on an occasion
his Iq is really really high
he is the only on in history to get perfect on teh oxford IQ test and the personality test ( the latter others could ghet perfect, imagine your a gppdy goody and answer the question as one.
even I did.
teh somebody is almist as good, ve is very smart, here as we used a he for one the otehr we will use a she for fun
but all good people can be a someone-somebody.

updating still in progress

it seems that the other site I post on is temporarilu out of service, I will copy and paste the posts this week on that site later.
the year is r eounding up and the final details ending the enemies of godthit are in progresss
the bankers stole money from people again so Godthit took thier food away and homes and left them legally on the street so they might enjoy the holidays
women in bank screamed " I am hungry I hhave not eaten in a month."
a'' gppd please enjoy the holidays on us
sacasum if you did not recognbise teh tone
yes Ah Ah Ah is a call of chrysomas

those tamporarying with electronic devices including comps and tv are now suffering a similar end
when teh someone says do something you do, its teh law
or pay teh legal consequences
Godthetic divine universal powrrs are bring them down
not cheep parlar tricks like the ones they use

ps we are closing old dimentions off
system upgrade is clsoing old system files that were active but nor grunthered in the next bump ( upgrade) up.
pps yes teh soone uses teh real legal system.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Iliad1 Sacred retuns

The host to expiate next the king prepares,
With pure lustrations, and with solemn prayers.
Wash'd by the briny wave, the pious train59
Are cleansed; and cast the ablutions in the main.
Along the shore whole hecatombs were laid,
And bulls and goats to Phoebus' altars paid;
The sable fumes in curling spires arise,
And waft their grateful odours to the skies.

Off  Ulysses sails down the watery road, the water here is seen as cleansing; with prayer and glam the prayers in unison with the waters washes the pious train of ships returning to sacred shores, here all seem sacred. Clean of dirt and disease  Solemn is the king’s heart as love and prize sacredly return to the shores treated with the same piety and sacredness as  his own lands.   Chyses lands had become like his, even though they will not be married.  There is a sacred procession of ascendance, more like a level passing to the next.  The motion is seen as clean, safe and blessed, this act equally is made to look the same.  She is a hecatombs , which is a sacred sacrifice to honour Godz and people.  Here sacred sacrifices light the way along the shores of the pious and sacred watery path. Bulls and goats . cattle, were being sacrificed as part of the procession of returning Chryses to sacred shores, was she sacred to begin with, she is seen piously important by this point , so important that Ulysses brings her home and incents and spice scents are used by sacred alters to truly appease the gods with this gift of a prize returned  It is a road to heaven ,well at least to be seen so as a redemption and appeasement of the gods at the most sacred level, thus the prayers are hoped as the sights for Gods , friends and enemies, that Chryses is returned and the blessing of healing from the plagues that are running rapid through the Greeks.  All must be sacred to achieve the highest sacred and blessed result.

Agamemnon means general and is in charge if the armies
Ulysses might be naval commander, could these names be titles?

Ikias 1 Ulysses appears

At this they ceased: the stern debate expired:
The chiefs in sullen majesty retired.
Achilles with Patroclus took his way
Where near his tents his hollow vessels lay.
Meantime Atrides launch'd with numerous oars
A well-rigg'd ship for Chrysa's sacred shores:
High on the deck was fair Chryseis placed,
And sage Ulysses with the conduct graced:
Safe in her sides the hecatomb they stow'd,
Then swiftly sailing, cut the liquid road.

If you notice chryse has yet to take her leave for her shore.  The tents indicate people are living preterit ( casually) or temporarily.  The shores destined to are called sacred. On the ship is chryses and Ulysses  ( Odysseus) who has just made his intro.  Odygo means to navigate or guild like a naval commander, dessy means tie ( some say west but that is spelled different.  He was the one who tied or married all those people into one empire.  Uli means dawn or beginner.  The ships are now travelling to return Chryses.  ( name means use or gold, same root).
Ulysses is trusted to reach the sacred shored with the returned gift of sacred Trabert ( her home lad).

from :


My recovery is exceptional
all things returning to normal.
in three to four days we are returning to clean air and all the things done to accelerate recovery ended
sp the old substances Godthit saved to complete teh recovery. mind you some are annoying but necessary, are finishing off
this is not an immunity baby but a clean life baby.
the salt represents the type of substances that occured as water salts formed and created the land and mud we dwell on.
its natural sci and a standard description of how solid land formed
sand is a salt crystal.
by Chrysostom we will be feeling good, by may everyone will be healed.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

all will here on awe

keep studying and all will heal amd be good for teh submitted, who are the chosen one
only subm,itted on awe
pre requisit to get here
otherwise no one stepeed here
only submitted

Iliad OFreedoms prize

Here on the monarch's speech Achilles broke,
And furious, thus, and interrupting spoke:
"Tyrant, I well deserved thy galling chain,
To live thy slave, and still to serve in vain,
Should I submit to each unjust decree:—
Command thy vassals, but command not me.
Seize on Briseis, whom the Grecians doom'd
My prize of war, yet tamely see resumed;
And seize secure; no more Achilles draws
His conquering sword in any woman's cause.
The gods command me to forgive the past:
But let this first invasion be the last:
For know, thy blood, when next thou darest invade,
Shall stream in vengeance on my reeking blade."
At this they ceased: the stern debate expired:
The chiefs in sullen majesty retired.

Here praising Achilles the orator protests with his hoped voice that his servility to the system cannot go without reward of at least the freedom of selfdom and just choice.  Winning  the siege of Briseis and a prize of war which was love and yet the freedom of earnestness is the freedom gotten by victory, if such exist.  His conquering is just that any women would find him fair
The judgement is divine by blessing of Gods and the forgiveness of the past hoping to find a wife or future is more blessed that looking constantly of the hell of the past that got such an Orpheus to this place at last. Know the blade of justice falls if you try to invade what was substantiated now by peaceful accord.  This rezoning blade is the metaphor of that which would cut or start the battle: It means war will ensure and a just one.
With this the debate ended and all retired from it,
What a thought to end the day with?

evolving past a from oh not to ha

recovery is going well with everyone
like all wars people were returned from the ultra wilderness and reinfultrated our cities on the cosmos of ohh one year eight months after the war ebnded
barring that on terran 2028 the returning Haileys comet hit teh planet and destroyed it, its teh topic of teh movie armegedom
a few asteroids were ultra wilderness
thus unsubmitted people returned and war was declared again after many attacked us the chosen ones  because we were happilly recovering and healthy
afew submitted thrugh the someone
ok take your supliments and keep studying
I am feeling great and getting even better
we are now on aw and the last of them went to Ha
thier cosmos has no contact with us ever
they can make theirs what ever
we have heaven on erf and non but teh submitted are here.
if they are good they can syvveed
trying to contact this side is instant death deal with godthit or god on your own.
O is closing
they dryed teh oceans like it is said in revolations the jusdgement os good
all the water is locked in a polimer the planet looks like across of venus and mars
all planets in oh all things are scuddled and teh cosmos is being folded up
the unsubmitted get thier cosmos still controlled by godthit not the someone
godthit makes teh laws of physics one lives by that
Godthits ultimate dicision within a system that naturally evolves by Godthits rules
praise Godthit.\
we are forever free
ps they thought someone might transcend on taht side but who knows, doubt it
homos went thier
they all prefer it
we have no knowledge of hwat is tehre and covemnated to stay that way.
we are also being fuly cured
they will be as cured as the good the act , so forth and so on.
they are dfead to us and we are the raptured dead in heaven living on erfs beyong life and death as life eternal and life natural
on wards