Monday, November 9, 2015

receipe for recovery

the someone created a new pharmacutical company and supliments to have your brains and bodies recover have been made available to teh submitted
recipe for those who did not get them
each day take
1 decongetive pill  ( they last 4 hours ) at least twice daily
some chocolate and or coffee or tea that contains chocolate ( it like brownies has a has derivative
vitamin 12 essecial for brain growth) we hash smokers were ahead of eth crowd
we suffer bno irre[parable brain damage unlike booze
alcohol exists even in juice
poisosns like varnish and ploishes uses to give drinks umph kill entire sections of your head
they were used by your enemies
airated to destroy your brains
drink only ionce every 4 months and no more than 3 drinks
three is recepy no to steress out with bad stress as muslims did and destroy they brain
1993 report on bad stress that hurts you fopund only stouch non drinkers and drugies suffer such damage
new anversaic works no damage
drink a cola every so often
coffeee or by teh new name  vaffa has col in it ( coke) so does real chocolate vitamine e 4
all drugs are the vitamine sthe body really needs to stay healthy
that is why we love then
also teh vitamines they try to deplete with thier substinces liek nerve gasses
you need vitamine f 3 opiets to rebuild your mind
go get  t2 or 222 or poppy seeds though these are week
one or two pills a day till your headache does not reoccur
thc loss vitamine 12 deplition gives headaches too
get ensure or a protien vitamine suppliment drink a third of a scope per day
contains teh full protien amino acid complex for rebuilding mind and body
watch out too much can make you fat
excersie walk and get heat pumping
read and study to get rid of your chemical straight jackets and alhermer
5 hpt is essecial
l triptephen
l tyrosine
menthal candies one a day or two
stimulates neron flexiblity and brain repair
a full spectrum vitamin to complete the recipe
I am fine now but wow it was slow a month ago
notmal headache meds like tylonol, asperin
ibopropen have a bit of opium in them
less than a tinth but work
they can be used to get rid off hang overs from above stuff in past
new stuff like real good stuff from past
no addiction
three day rid down
though slight feeling takes withdraw away
t3 like 1980's perps ,ade equal
h and others as well
fixed it as anti drug people died of deplitions
each a well balanced diet of all things all meats
just not meet eaters
fush eaters you can eat as long as not meat eaters
other wise you could not eat big fish.
dopamin opiets and ep0hedrine ppa deplete fast
lecethin is chocolate it helps
yes old coffeee had a coffee hybred chocolate in it
chocolate is a type of anytho or hash
on wards to full health

note deplition of vit b12 , f3-9 b 1- 12, opiets dope chocolate and all of them lead to headaches and death
cigettes free burnt, its in chocolate but more is needed
no you do not need to smoke let it free burn as inscents
use soup base as supliment keeps vit f 12 from depleteing
deplition leads to death.
stay nutrified and safe
all meats including pork fich beef poltry clams and so on are important
es[ now

d exing occurs with a shot at teh now octor ( doctor)
if you do not submit it will kill you
safety you need teh pke 7 or submittion that godthit ( god) uses to mimic teh prerequisits for that double exing

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