Monday, November 9, 2015

onwards time

trhey are runing time faster
quarts speeds up pulses by blue tantic energy expulsed
it is aroyund us
watches to clocks go faster or slower red dathic ebnergy slows it down
even comp is going fast
my device devate( cell phone) is new time runs normal
\1 fifth days is what we are experiencing
so I will post more on iliad later
I get up sometimes and teh place is closed
other days I am working on stuff
so I am reworking my schedule to have time to post
leave work the two hours turn to less than 30 min
no time makes a wasted time
so be food we will see a better sun tommorow
alot of people have died or committed suicide
9 out of ten people maybe 7 out of ten
we are safe anmd our new second harvest started sp
we will servive
as we are
peace till later this week I hope
updates to explain why people are tired
need frontal lobe to fix itself
liek alchoholic drunkerds you feel dragged out tired
this is due to repaiarble damage
see recipe previous page
the someone has repaird it full some people drink or do not eat right and go as life time uprepaired
time heals it if you do not redamge self
once repaired body and mind use tissue immune to old damager
we have now become immune to poisons
but gittering and stress , challenges ensue as you repair self
read and study
think it helps alot
it is not easy but it is possible and eneviatble if you do as we recommend
teh someone reallly was teh foist to repair 100% of brain though mosdt people were able to repair alit of teh damage caused by booze( recall alcohol is safe _ muslims gave up teh alchohol part but likeed teh polished
brain dead were some
some muslims I should say same with many world qwide
alchohol ckean is even in juice 1- 2 % feels like clean alcohol that was never prohibited anywhere the poisons were
it is vit b 4 but not booze but alcohol naturally occuring in fruit and nectors

all good later

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