Thursday, November 19, 2015

bella dawn unsighted

some of you might be experiencing minor ailments such as eye site blurriness, it will improve as you build up the optical areas of teh brain that some substances burnt out, mine is returning to normal, well better than normal, the mind is using the new upgraded eyes and like a new born is getting use to what it sees and is filtering out what it does not need.
Most ailments were caused by things fumed like dawn called by some drunkards bella dawn ( which is not belladonna and has no relation to it).  its green and the suds can cause blurry vision, its not you its the mist fume only clear blue or invisible mist like Palmolive blue, well let the government deal with that as fuming in public id illegal, your inside home is fine but not outside.
Gov uses clear or invisible colours like clear red or green
the grass smell people like is clear green clean air, some sod was temp now replaced, some was paper and some stuff that adds to pollen season, back to real clean stuff , and so on./

ps your eyes will improve as ares upgarded
I was always sighted even during teh mists but that stuff was annoying!!!

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