Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Iliad 1 prize's sacrifice

Some trivial present to my ships I bear:
Or barren praises pay the wounds of war.
[pg 008]

n  Truly pained was the way and the sheips are barren as thanks for the wounds they suffered to produce the lawfulness.

But know, proud monarch, I'm thy slave no more;
My fleet shall waft me to Thessalia's shore:
Left by Achilles on the Trojan plain,
What spoils, what conquests, shall Atrides gain?"

n  mThe prize leaves for thessalias shores  to return the prize and seed the fields of Trojan from whence the prize came. The spoils returned from the atrides, what will be their reward it will be great for suffering such indignities, of love and politics to rectify both peoples who die of plague a sacrifice wirthy of heroes, leaders and good lawful people.
What would you have done?

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