Tuesday, June 30, 2015

iliad 1 heavens strength

What would you have done?
To this the king: "Fly, mighty warrior! fly;
Thy aid we need not, and thy threats defy.
There want not chiefs in such a cause to fight,
And Jove himself shall guard a monarch's right.
Of all the kings (the god's distinguish'd care) To power superior none such hatred bear:
Strife and debate thy restless soul employ,
And wars and horrors are thy savage joy,
If thou hast strength, 'twas Heaven that strength bestow'd;

     Here the king gets an interesting response from atrides, or is it the speaker he refers to, the sage? The other kingdoms emissary, it is teh emissary he soeaks of snd asks to go away, take flight good sir from here, your threats and prophesies of what might happen if we do not appease you did not make us withdraw, this was not a defeat, but a blessed act graced with teh strength of heaven.  I would take flight teh king says, fly not coward as a loser might, I act as a great king determined and blessed with teh strength and determination of heaven.

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