Sunday, May 17, 2015


Then thus the king: "Shall I my prize resign
With tame content, and thou possess'd of thine?
Great as thou art, and like a god in fight,
Think not to rob me of a soldier's right.
At thy demand shall I restore the maid?
First let the just equivalent be paid;
Such as a king might ask; and let it be
A treasure worthy her, and worthy me.
Or grant me this, or with a monarch's claim
This hand shall seize some other captive dame.
The mighty Ajax shall his prize resign;55
Ulysses' spoils, or even thy own, be mine.
The man who suffers, loudly may complain;
And rage he may, but he shall rage in vain.
But this when time requires.—It now remains
We launch a bark to plough the watery plains,
[pg 007]

Here the king requests that as a warrior to maintain his appearance of strength he asks for recompense for the return of the prize, a bride or treasure to prove good faith.  The mighty Ajax , like Ulysses his spoils even thy own mine.  Maybe a new wife might suffice as a prize of a worthy conqueror, here the king requests something to make him look good when returning the prize hostage and not look as if he capitulated to his enemies and thus invited more attacks and insults. He did not want to undermine his power and the reign of that conquest.

Here something odd I find, Ulysses has spoils?  Is his tale of the Phrygians and the Cyclops before the Iliad?  Is the Iliad after Odysseus and the odyssey?

If Odysseus is a hero of the past like ajax that the king refers to then is he older that this tale, meaning is the odyssey , which is the tale about Ulysses and his spoils, older than the iliad and odysseys only appears like Hercules does, an older hero returned to help the ancient Greeks win?

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