Thursday, December 4, 2014

intro iliad -shift in consciousness

And this difficulty attaches itself more closely to an age in which progress has gained a strong ascendency over prejudice, and in which persons and things are, day by day, finding their real level, in lieu of their conventional value. The same principles which have swept away traditional abuses, and which are making rapid havoc among the revenues of sinecurists, and stripping the thin, tawdry veil from attractive superstitions, are working as actively in literature as in society.
The ideas of skepticism and the ideals of research and academia have led to our age where myths and reality are being stripped og misconceptions and are being better understood.

**The credulity of one writer, or the partiality of another, finds as powerful a touchstone and as wholesome a chastisement in the healthy scepticism of a temperate class of antagonists, as the dreams of conservatism, or the impostures of pluralist sinecures in the Church.

This revisionist or reexaminatory analysis has taken reliyethic fevour and is leading to temperance of society and a change in consciousness concerning how we view and analysis everything, including myths such as the iliad.

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