Thursday, December 4, 2014

intro ilad- analysis and its dimentions

!! Lets use !! to intro comments as ** , which is being used, was used for foot notes.
History and tradition, whether of ancient or comparatively recent times, are subjected to very different handling from that which the indulgence or credulity of former ages could allow. Mere statements are jealously watched, and the motives of the writer form as important an ingredient in the analysis of his history, as the facts he records.
!!   everything from history to tradistion is now looked at from a very new tradition than that of the past. Revisionism to redifinitions have caused examinations of even that which people took for granted and caused people to see it in a new light, to have it redefine itself in the minds of everyone in our contemporary society.

Probability is a powerful and troublesome test; and it is by this troublesome standard that a large portion of historical evidence is sifted. Consistency is no less pertinacious and exacting in its demands.
!! what is probablility based on how we see things in the world, what is possible and what might have occurred, by faith and action, by the laws of physics has caused people to think within the guild lines that allows us to realize the reality behind even the mist engraven metaphor that allows for the mythical image to have taken on the meaning and life that it has.
In brief, to write a history, we must know more than mere facts. Human nature, viewed under an induction of extended experience, is the best help to the criticism of human history. Historical characters can only be estimated by the standard which human experience, whether actual or traditionary, has furnished.
!! to understand history one must understand the range of possible realities based on the humans who experienced that history.  Hiastorical characters from chriseth to ulysis felt emotions and experienced life as we do. Thus knowing what people are capable of and how the experience and react to reality is necessary to come to terms with what really happened and what historiologist would call  the inductive of the writing : how AND WHY HISTORY WAS WRITTEN BY THAT HISTORIOLOGY.

To form correct views of individuals we must regard them as forming parts of a great whole—we must measure them by their relation to the mass of beings by whom they are surrounded, and, in contemplating the incidents in their[pg x] lives or condition which tradition has handed down to us, we must rather consider the general bearing of the whole narrative, than the respective probability of its details.

!!  the way people live today must be seen as adimention  to how people react, one must remember that technology and other things influence the greater way to which people ascribe to to create the bias and views that govern how they act.  However,  the condition of reality is based on some characteristics that are endemic to people in general, taking into account the difference people people is also the difference between range and character even today, some people like push pin and some sophea.  None the less without taking this reality into form the real character of eth historical analysis must take these factors into account if they are to unravel the truth, or atl east a better understanding of what is analysed. 

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