Tuesday, December 30, 2014

health update

to start the year off completely I should say we have completed the disease upgrade, got rid of all the bad diseases and realises most people were suffering either hunger due to malnutrition, we returned a portion of the trans fat to our diet or they were drinking too much milk and craem, butter fat toxicity.  I have returned back to 2% and I did not suffer any symptoms.  the new ,milk called lilk does not cause toxicity, couple with teh lose of thickeners no cream can reach any level higher than 9 percent and it is safe, but use a moderate amount for better results, a lot of you are tired, sluggish and worse.  cutting breakfast out means health and energy as most of the food in the mourning turns to fat, your body is in the mode of waking nd is set to do so and take on the day so eating draws energy and goes to fat, take a break from the fast four to five hours after waking  Have a caf ( a vafa) in the mourning light on they cream,
70 percent of the aliments felt by those who survived the war is mentioned above, esp the cream lilk thing.some have reported falling
so now you know

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