Saturday, December 14, 2013

cadmatic paradigmatic polhleyetics

so where ever the religion went to lay that was teh path cadmus was recommended to use to become the paradigm represemtative, teh krithit ul;timately, of his epoch. The cow , whcihc was probably of teh calt of artemis or lethera as it had a moon as its symbol as well, the latter is the daughter of goddess ARTEe (rt) The sacrifice through teh face of athena the goddess representing divine wisdom and teh calt of serres drama where camdfus originates from the drgon representing teh power of authority of teh old must be slain to empower teh paradigm of the new versus those who cling to the old power of teh old system. its child is part of teh new but the establishment has to flip laterral power through teh new system and utilise symbols representing the new., these symbols help bind the unity thropugh the paradigms it represents, like cadmus.
the rebind through athena is an attempt to unify northern and central preauthotity symbols through a single paradigmatic symbol of oneness, if teh symbol be also a person then the symbol becomes teh vihecle for chanbe by living teh paradigm in embodied person, without hypocracy, not even hidden as it will surface in conversations and dayly life, in nuiunces and sublime, subtle indicators. thus teh human representative must embody the new as a oneness of person and sensibility, and must encompasss teh common as much as the proriety of high educate without seeming anything but common, well mannered, intelligent but not snobby or unreachable. If teh vihicle is self entailed to teh same cause, even in priivate the same solution redifines itself in every movement and formulation originated in unisen or by one self, Thus cadmus was teh embodiment of teh force of change that encompassed all the sentimenys of that which was required and demmed teh educate level of appropriate upgrade to the system, while the past seen more barberic or less refined is abandoned in its ways to teh new way that entails fully everything that was needed to be saved in its new way to make the new full of teh goods of eth past and devoid of all demmed inappropriate to maintain teh higher civility of the new system as it tries to echoe in a better reflection teh symbatic laws that instill and are based on teh elementary rights and laws that have and will always be jusdged at their base the important factors for building civility and law everywhere.
its reasons are teh rythem of eth laguage used to reflect the very common aspects of life and existancwe, including cadmunian laws concerning conscent and not harming others. at the base conscent and non harm are teh isssues in many laws, including what is allowed as a standard for food quality. Serefas institutionalisation of eth paradigmatic translation of eth al;ws for calt follwing enstills teh grace instilled in the laws and portarays teh divine orgin of teh foundation of this and any house pf damicilic noblatic epohetics that stands teh test of time even if it had to be rebuilt to reflect the idiology and archetechure of the archetypes and ideas of teh new age.

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