Saturday, January 19, 2013

the authority of fleeces-note on new words.

from: Nepheles' children escaped on the winged ram over the sea, but Helle fell off and drowned in the strait now named after her, the Hellespont. The ram spoke to Phrixus, encouraging him.[7] and took the boy safely to Colchis (modern-day Georgia), on the easternmost shore of the Euxine (Black) Sea. so both freakso and helly escaped by ritual of passing over the sea to connect by right to the ;ands to the east. Thus helle which also connects to the goddess hell, fell into the hellespond , named after her, the area beside fommer constontinopol and anatolia. thus that land was granted by rite to her, where her kingdom fell. the male was given land further past in the black sea, to the east towards georgia where There Phrixus sacrificed the winged ram to Poseidon, essentially returning him to the god.[8] The ram became the constellation Aries. here the ram was sacrificed to posiedon the legendary ram god of the sea that sired it. thus the gift was returned to the god, the ram became the the autority and policery right in the area, thus a second ritual for freakso eastablished his milatation policer right over the kingdom of colcis or frathet as it was called, his wife was later queen berthuta. Ely merried druthet a soul double of the somebody, crown prince of teleth though the jagged pass was the small, but lucretive based on sea passage, later phragetha and troy found route in the origin of tehse two royalties. Souther georgia, formered nnow, area is called tuthut. still speaks helmic elesia( fomer greek) quick note dictionaries are now called lexicons and ariguk former english is called ariyethic all words new spelling, so bad magic is mispelled, no use. its Tiem( time) computer upgradedes immanant, ignore the spelling mistakes knowing the old words are disempowered, no powres lest you bind to the someones rule of God, the principals of God, thus good powers imported, diferencde is you can not do anything bad. the bind is called the bind to gods principals. allience or submission to same, pure freedom, you can never fail, all will bind to it, christ, top brethetha( buddha, ) all the godz have. all children are born bound now, under 29 terran years all already bound,

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