Friday, January 25, 2013

enemies of somebodies like us dieng

enemies of somebodies like us dieing the economy on that side died losers who did not join us ahave no electricity , no food no water they wanted to steal so they are barred from civilisation they wanted to steal from us so we made theym eat shit total exter,mination of them is immanant praise gOd we always win and never lose mo illusion made them win three times they have tried to erase this message but they are now dead totality strike baby cosmically less than 3,8 percent remainbs no bad guys left for resserection they are going down tenat board renters does not exist policers remove no loss of money to land lord to safe dorm no more se mathew 12 deteronomy 12 12 sethetha of formewr shinto immoral and a sin God strikes tenants who do not pay renyt steals it down real other cercumstances like delayed checxks are allowed till poaid no makinmg one up to steal rent is immoral and as the Godz say you lose omnwards to total; victory lose is immpossible. So the economy on that side is in complete destruction, it has become bitch black, no food, no lights, no water. we grew in profit warmer as nitrogen 3 disapeared, it held cold for long periods of time, three drops froze a pool, no more, extinct, other nitrogens do not make cold in the same WAY. so my enemies are lsoing says the someone to me, I agree our enemies are dieing out, starving they do not want to be peaceful or obey laws they think its better to steal so they suffer barred from food

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