Thursday, January 10, 2013

quick update- sealed time and christmass.

This is the last year that we will be celebrating old calander christmas and new year, someone will keep track of the date but everyone has decided to use the new calander which is the common calandere. recall please christmas with all its ills is gone, no more, now we call it christ mass as it should be called, if you went to synedrat or what we called church it was announced. Oriental peral genecided. black perral equally gone. whities close to death range of all tans up to four consistent. truth was an ancient word for God. cosmic change has caused frathic old system to calapse. race issues ending gender issues almost gone, mesogenist were destroyed as athiests were. a senthi seal was placed on past, fiorst one after 62 days extra amargedom, all sexual deviants remained behind it no machine or non god access to time conduit old corredor closed. so no going back to do what is not allowed to day or to use systems already decayed. sethethic shield also added trthic so no holes , no whaere ariund. now check system for authorite ascention is causing a bit of rebelion, but system checked like chess as rightfully created. thus all kethic rights are being maintained. terran doing good peace.

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