Sunday, January 27, 2013
Pindar employed the quest for the Golden Fleece in his Fourth Pythian Ode (written in 462 BC), though the fleece is not in the foreground. When Aeetes challenges Jason to yoke the fire-breathing bulls, the fleece is the prize: "Let the King do this, the captain of the ship! Let him do this, I say, and have for his own the immortal coverlet, the fleece, glowing with matted skeins of gold".[9]
in pindar the firery bulls represent the authority and power that must be surmounted, the texters. to accomplish the success of capturing the fleece as a gift. it is teh kings gift and the fruit of the tree of its people, thus one becomes immortal by it as a cavelier, the skin is gold as is the golden fruit like the apple of myth.
In later versions of the story, the ram is said to have been the offspring of the sea god Poseidon and Themisto (less often, Nephele or Theophane). The classic telling is the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes, composed in mid-third century BC Alexandria, recasting early sources that have not survived. Another, much less-known Argonautica, using the same body of myth, was composed in Latin by Valerius Flaccus during the time of Vespasian.
the gift of the fleece has been said to have been sired by diferent godesses that are part of the parthenon of those who by ritual of passage formed it into the peoples and ways it include the appoloneans of rhodota the goddess of ancient cyprus, one from ancient athens, one of the thracans. many renditions of teh tale exist including latin ones.
Where the written sources fail, through accidents of history, sometimes the continuity of a mythic tradition can be found among the vase-painters. The story of the Golden Fleece appeard to have little resonance for Athenians of the Classic age, for only two representations of it on Attic-painted wares of the fifth century have been identified: a krater at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and a kylix in the Vatican collections.[10] In the kylix painted by Douris, ca 480-470, Jason is being disgorged from the mouth of the dragon, a detail that does not fit easily into the literary sources; behind the dragon, the fleece hangs from an apple tree. Jason's helper in the Athenian vase-paintings is not Medea— who had a history in Athens as the opponent of Theseus— but Athena.
the tale also immerges on vase paintings amongst other art, on the vatacan kylix the fleece is seen hanging on the tree of life with the dragon keeper around it, here the bull is seen as a dragon as triumphing over the bull like getting past the dragon is how one gets to the tree of life and to the fruits represented by the fleece.
today the enemies of God kicked the big one, most died, and in fact all enemies of God minus a percentage less that 1 remained, most are middle who waver and have not decided whether they will be fighting us or joining us
sport viewing has diminished from 67% in 1951 to 1/30 on terran, yes the athletism will continue and newer rules will be instilled ti uograde and make such events even more fun, for those who enjoy such things.
so most dicidents against us is done
this is sometimes called a middle pause but expect sperTIC ATTACKS FROM MIDDLE AND WHAT IS LEFT EVERY SO OFTEN.
Friday, January 25, 2013
enemies of somebodies like us dieng
enemies of somebodies like us dieing
the economy on that side died
losers who did not join us ahave no electricity , no food
no water
they wanted to steal so they are barred from civilisation
they wanted to steal from us so we made theym eat shit
total exter,mination of them is immanant
praise gOd
we always win and never lose
mo illusion made them win
three times they have tried to erase this message
but they are now dead
totality strike baby
cosmically less than 3,8 percent remainbs
no bad guys left for resserection
they are going down
tenat board renters does not exist
policers remove no loss of money to land lord
to safe dorm
no more
se mathew 12
deteronomy 12 12
sethetha of formewr shinto
immoral and a sin God strikes tenants who do not pay renyt steals it down
real other cercumstances like delayed checxks are allowed till poaid
no makinmg one up to steal rent is immoral and as the Godz say you lose
omnwards to total; victory lose is immpossible.
So the economy on that side is in complete destruction, it has become bitch black, no food, no lights, no water.
we grew in profit
warmer as nitrogen 3 disapeared, it held cold for long periods of time, three drops froze a pool, no more, extinct, other nitrogens do not make cold in the same WAY.
so my enemies are lsoing says the someone to me, I agree our enemies are dieing out, starving
they do not want to be peaceful or obey laws
they think its better to steal
so they suffer
barred from food
Saturday, January 19, 2013
the rite of oaks and fleeces
Prixus settled in the house of Aeetes, son of Helios the sun-Titan, where he lived to a ripe old age. He hung the Golden Fleece reserved from the sacrifice of the ram on an oak in a grove sacred to Ares, the god of war and one of the Twelve Olympians. There it was guarded by a dragon. It remained until Jason came and took it.
note by me val
see note seven but the ram also was said to have spoke to them and it looked shaped like the area around the black sea, its rite led to the unity of five kingdoms as abrahams did with three. fleece (flecy) means grant, land grant.
phryxus married into the house of Aeetes, the line claimed descendency from helios the sun giod who was titan, blood line tie. he lived there till elderhood, his fruit hung on kalis tree was a golden fleece of the ram. Kali is the god of war in subcontinent religion, hang good things on the sacred tree if you want it to bare you good fruit, xmas trees have fruit as balls hung on them, adam a fig. zues a golden apple. here kali is aries. the rite of passage is teh seed of teh fruit that is part and parcel of its fruition. the oak is sterdy as teh ritual that now was the fruit gained from teh tree. it like hellenist tales is guarded by a dragon or serpent, for zues created a garden and put a sacred tree of life in it, see earlier part of the blog.( from ancient greek myth on the same tale as the garden of eden) thus the rite of oaks and fleeces produced immortalising fruit. Jason picked of the fleece and the fruit and by rite and rutual gained the authority it represented. thus fluece or fleece which also means pear was thsi lines holy fruit. phleca is pear in truthis, fig in krahic, former mongolian, now brututha.
the oak is the authirity and blood line connection of bretha the titan who ruled over the areas just mentions, he is zues three kethani. he ate fish and walked with god and saw lightning devoir in a red sky flash the entirety of bad creation, in nuvet he aslo ate figs and saw love grow from red.
till later
the authority of fleeces-note on new words.
Nepheles' children escaped on the winged ram over the sea, but Helle fell off and drowned in the strait now named after her, the Hellespont. The ram spoke to Phrixus, encouraging him.[7] and took the boy safely to Colchis (modern-day Georgia), on the easternmost shore of the Euxine (Black) Sea.
so both freakso and helly escaped by ritual of passing over the sea to connect by right to the ;ands to the east. Thus helle which also connects to the goddess hell, fell into the hellespond , named after her, the area beside fommer constontinopol and anatolia. thus that land was granted by rite to her, where her kingdom fell. the male was given land further past in the black sea, to the east towards georgia where
There Phrixus sacrificed the winged ram to Poseidon, essentially returning him to the god.[8] The ram became the constellation Aries.
here the ram was sacrificed to posiedon the legendary ram god of the sea that sired it. thus the gift was returned to the god, the ram became the the autority and policery right in the area, thus a second ritual for freakso eastablished his milatation policer right over the kingdom of colcis or frathet as it was called, his wife was later queen berthuta. Ely merried druthet a soul double of the somebody, crown prince of teleth though the jagged pass was the small, but lucretive based on sea passage, later phragetha and troy found route in the origin of tehse two royalties. Souther georgia, formered nnow, area is called tuthut. still speaks helmic elesia( fomer greek)
quick note dictionaries are now called lexicons and ariguk former english is called ariyethic all words new spelling, so bad magic is mispelled, no use.
its Tiem( time) computer upgradedes immanant, ignore the spelling mistakes knowing the old words are disempowered, no powres lest you bind to the someones rule of God, the principals of God, thus good powers imported, diferencde is you can not do anything bad.
the bind is called the bind to gods principals. allience or submission to same, pure freedom, you can never fail, all will bind to it, christ, top brethetha( buddha, ) all the godz have.
all children are born bound now, under 29 terran years all already bound,
Sunday, January 13, 2013
A golden sheep to fleece
Athamas the Minyan, a founder of Halos in Thessaly[2] but also king of the city of Orchomenus in Boeotia (a region of southeastern Greece), took as his first wife the cloud goddess Nephele. They had two children, the boy Phrixus (whose name means "curly"—as in ram's fleece) and the girl Helle. Later Athamas became enamored of and married Ino, the daughter of Cadmus. When Nephele left in anger, drought came upon the land.
Athamas the Minyan a name we have seen before, the grand son of the same name and title cloud goddess Nephele also king of the city of Orchomenus in Boeotia (a region of southeastern Greece)Phrixus means with curle and was one of the sons of the same kingly couple. the writer above indicates that it might be routed in the curle of rams hair. Ely is the dasighter though the above author refers to the name by frangic female lethi) reference) the king after the rightful birth of those of his common anscestry married ino the daughter of the wise and powerful cadmus, the authorite of bretholia. was ino the name of the goddess of clouds in her anscestral line, obviously. ino means one. naphile was trasported to her own kingdom based on draught, she left angerly because people caused a draught. her powers help to quench the earth but later she gave up on the tahith of her time( corript one) . Kalef wanted the kingdom and used tactics like todays to dry the land up. to interpret up the goddess caused the land to thrive without her they suffered. they ruan dry of ideas as she still blessing them had no fill of her and her husbands ideas, being the daughter of cadmus the wise, a philospher before philosphy, a crefet ( thinkre) would have filled her with ideas that would have inspired her husbands people. ibo neabs that she also ascended to teh hieght of right of not just a rain maker but a one with God(s).
Ino was jealous of her stepchildren and plotted their deaths: in some versions, she persuaded Athamas that sacrificing Phrixus was the only way to end the drought. Nephele, or her spirit, appeared to the children with a winged ram whose fleece was of gold.[3] The ram had been sired by Poseidon in his primitive ram-form upon Theophane, a nymph[4] and the granddaughter of Helios, the sun-god. According to Hyginus,[5] Poseidon carried Theophane to an island where he made her into an ewe, so that he could have his way with her among the flocks. There Theophane's other suitors could not distinguish the ram-god and his consort.[6]
ino was said to be jealous as hera was of hercules and wanted to bless them this story is like abrahams and teh sacrifice was on a mountain, the old right of kefe ( kephet) as you sacrifice in rtrual, bit a fake killing, youth of a child, often male, but women too, to God to have them become adults, one needs a ram or sheep to sacrife to end the ritual. this way the drought would end as they would be free adults from them and allowed to rule their cities. so the mother in the spirit even as a spirit appeared before the children and gave them a ram with wings to fly away , to take flight as adults, the mom supplied the ram, in abraham God did, but being ino , one with God(s) God as the spirit of nephelle gave the ram for sacrife, proving she had walked with god or reached unity of oneness, this comes before walking where one is fully one with the essence. the fleece or skin and hair of the sacrificial ram. the gold represents the success the and riches the sacrifice would bring. God as Poseidon sired in his primitive ram-form upon Theophane the ram
Thus in god for god gave form to the sacrificial ram as God did with abraham. Thew anymthethan and blessed Helios granddaughter was the mother of the ram, thus both the sea and the sky , the sun reigned blessed glory of this rite and sacrifice, the rights represented by the ram and the ritual were included in this rams birth to allow it to fulfill the meaning of rites necessary to give a good auspicious to this rite of adulthood and ascention to the throne. Theothane the nymph was carried to the sacride fertil;e island , as dark men might, made her into a ram, which satirs would understand by right, there hidden from teh light of the apparent, where amongst the flocks that hide them poolside sired and she bore a child. Thus the child as a ram was sired on sacride paradise soil and was a symbol also od withea( wicca earth type rites) and the goat or sheep that is symbolic of cults like those of humanity and withea.
more next time.
title suggested by trathit kriha of planet trahith.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
quick update- sealed time and christmass.
This is the last year that we will be celebrating old calander christmas and new year, someone will keep track of the date but everyone has decided to use the new calander which is the common calandere.
recall please christmas with all its ills is gone, no more, now we call it christ mass as it should be called, if you went to synedrat or what we called church it was announced.
Oriental peral genecided.
black perral equally gone.
whities close to death
range of all tans up to four consistent.
truth was an ancient word for God.
cosmic change has caused frathic old system to calapse.
race issues ending
gender issues almost gone,
mesogenist were destroyed as athiests were.
a senthi seal was placed on past, fiorst one after 62 days extra amargedom, all sexual deviants remained behind it
no machine or non god access to time conduit old corredor closed.
so no going back to do what is not allowed to day or to use systems already decayed.
sethethic shield also added trthic so no holes , no whaere ariund.
now check system for authorite ascention is causing a bit of rebelion, but system checked like chess as rightfully created.
thus all kethic rights are being maintained.
terran doing good
Saturday, January 5, 2013
the fleece of authority
In Greek mythology, the Golden Fleece (Greek: Χρυσόμαλλον Δέρας Chrysómallon Déras; Georgian: ოქროს საწმისი Oqros Satsmisi) is the fleece of the gold-hair[1] winged ram, which was held in Colchis. It figures in the tale of the hero Jason and his band of Argonauts, who set out on a quest for the fleece by order of King Pelias, in order to place Jason rightfully on the throne of Iolcus in Thessaly. The story is of great antiquity and was current in the time of Homer (eighth century BC). It survives in various forms, among which details vary.
the golden fleece has been interpreted as many things, some like somebody I know was of the school that it was grain and it ended up in georgia now jutha whicjh both mean farmeror. if so was it in the middle east first? it apears as a skin in jason and the aurogonauts. king pellas sent him to get the skin. it was the authority symbol that allowed jason to be throned Iolcus in Thessa. the place or seat named
after goddess thessa. its authority stems from Colchis. Jasons story is about the eigth century as was homer, homer was before but that places orpheus at the 8th century unless the Argonauts are each an epoch and ruler based on the same fleece? auragut means authority and all the crew were authorites( royalty)
till tommorow.
update on victories
all mehetic oaths, lawyers, judges and cops must bind to the just laws of justicre God and the someone./
All cops who did not were fired and executed under policery law protical 8 and those of teh war time measure act concerning the same and the treason against civilization and God
today and the last bit of the war was really good. As all of you know those who stand against us commit suicide
the outer camber has locked at 5 pkle pronto proper. You can ask what your pke or danfethi ( ither name) from krik or defna systems, ask in your head, dimentiomnally lock it id need be.
we had a 36 0 85 percent growth last fiscal term, our enemies minus 350%
they are living on stores, in months we will uproot all the enemies of the good, virtue God, you and me
stay good
God always wins
the Godz always wins
I val like you the good person always wins
in a bit another post.
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