Sunday, July 29, 2012
When rushing furious with loud tumult dire, o'erwhelm'd, they perish in your dreadful ire;
--when in haste with dired desire and thought, tulmultious fervour, when they think you over welmed, thy enemies dire on your holy plain or ire.
nommatter the number they are attacking fully with desire , even when outnumbered by thy enemies all the enemies die on your sacred plain.
And live replenish'd with the balmy air, the food of life, committed to your care.
--living always youthully with full strength, regenerated and always full heakthy. healed, eating immortal foods of life, those that grow on your plain anmd other heavens committed to your committed to your care to regeneratehea, enlighten and make those who are good immortal as part of the blessing all high gods hasve.
When shook by you, the seas, with wild uproar, wide-spreading, and profoundly whirling, roar:
--when moved by you, its the seas, the roar of the wold upheaval, far spreading and capable of not just vengence but enlightenment as profound
capable of loud roars.
The concave heav'ns, with Echo's voice resound, when leaves with ruffling noise bestrew the ground.
--heavens that are rolling up covering the vista in hiden edges beyond its 00concave, where voices echo full and rich and the quite sounds of rustling leaves can be heard under foot.
Curetes, Corybantes, ruling kings, whose praise the land of Samothracia sings:
-- the currettes, the corenets , all the blessed kings of Samathacia all song in praise in the poetry and songs of its people.
From Jove [Zeus] descended; whose immortal breath sustains the soul, and wafts her back from death;
--from God as Jove ) or God(s)) the holy spirit, ageo pnevma sustains the interaction of the soul as being in the presence of being and both resserects as well as frenmanates it to life and death, with each breath of is both living and dead but always immortal.
Aerial-form'd, much-fam'd, in heav'n ye shine two-fold, in heav'n all-lucid and divine
-- formed of etheric essence ( angel ariel as well) , potential and actual proceding from the essence, in heaven you are Dio, twi, two, a twin of God, here you shine as yourself and as a representative of face of God. In heaven all is clear and lucid as well as divine and blessed.
Blowing, serene, from whom abundance springs, nurses of seasons, fruit-producing kings.
-- both blowing with strength and calm with serenity, you bring plenty and abundance , nursing and making the seasons better, you help form thier passing, and from thing great people and leaders spering
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Demi and imperiates
Demi and imperiates
The last few days have been exceptional, last year as you recall the someone collected the bathic rites to represent God in the cosmos and inaugurate authority , both social and political by blessing and authetic rational and sympathetic thought.
as you recall there is a political system called teh celestial system that includes one cosmic government that represents everyone existing and beyond existants that exist in what ever way they do.
the earth has a detheta council made up of the demi councils or teh good former mob as well as new good people, they society police and get paid by the government to do so as part of the society policing system. Parentarchy of the religious heads, patriarchs and matriarchs, vote for a member in the damot or empirate part of teh political system, the demi council or dethata votes for one representative that is equal to the religious rep. These are the demotwho sit in the dretha council who elect dethibas or the next level who elect drathi who elect the imperate central council. the present and elected house is elected by teh demos or people and the senate is based on imperal monarchical land representation rites called the refata versus the cratha on planets and senate of solar systems based on the latter rites, the former rghts ( same as rite root there of) On terran earth stem seven hianda seven 2 posithy, there are nine imerial rites and 109 cratha or monarchical rites.
the demi is the name of the organisation, the demirye the leaders, the demiryeey ( demi ge ee) the demathat are the normal people though the demoyata or those not part of this system but always part of socity in general and interactive with teh demi anyways, as the demi police and help guild society including store, it was teh old good side of teh mafias. their leaders are elected, the demithea otr goddriven are the gangs who through the demithea demi are a demi and part of teh dethata council. The bikers now called riders are part of the de0thethea demi which is in the detheta system. recall the directive councils vote in the central council inm the solar system government.
in the imperial system teh central council is central for all dethereas which are imperetta by another name, each has a legislature based on popular votes and a senate based on imperiate rules, imperiates use ordinaces while demi rules and religions dictems.
the presedency for the imperiates is voted in by the all dethereas or imperetta. this causes balanced juxtaposition and antistancy between demos, imperial area/ ancestry rites and teh social religious element of the polity. it has been up since last august 5th and like the cosmic national side of politics has agency and policing as part of the whole cosmic system. For instance demi help police things on planets as part of the cosmic demi system and the demithot( political side) , the cosmic demi includes everyday business but is part of teh demithotic system
recall teh senate made from teh universal councils and divine interstellar councils vote all togetehr for reps, there are about a 1000 of each of these prganisations, made up of high end gods and start electing senators at the galixy and higher level. each sends deligates and represent teh conceptual evolution of the cosmos as universal councils and much more and teh business security side of authority and diviny used by all, like god ha and tyratham, godhead is of teh former groups as is dentha. see earlier part of teh blog
orpheus tomorrow.
now the moral side of the society or religion and the ethonos side of teh demi are represnted in cosmic fovernment and this instills peaceful prosperity and policing, safety through teh system, the above , below and moddle weave. teh who system is called demithot.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
The Fumigation from Frankincense.
Brass-beating Salians, ministers of Mars [Ares], who guard his arms the instruments of wars
--Salian (people) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Linguistically, they belonged to the Rhine-Weser group of Germanic-speakers. At this time they were divided into three groups: the Salians, the Ripuarians,.
--Curetes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. The term Curetes may refer to: The dancing attendants of Rhea, also known as Korybantes.
--the german peoples of silian are ancient hellenists and aryany who are those of aries
the sons of aries is an idea I had back in the early nineties. who are guardians of teh ways of holy war wich is peacemaking and defence.
Whose blessed frames, heav'n, earth, and sea compose, and from whose breath all animals arose:
--the breath of life in all animal life including human, those whose holy frames and framework make up.
Who dwell in Samothracia's sacred ground, defending mortals thro' the sea profound.
--of the islands of samo to the german rhine, through former poland. defending miracles and mortals to sea to sea, baltic to mediterranean.
Deathless Curetes [Kouretes], by your pow'r alone, initial rites to men at first were shewn:
-- immortal curets by thine power through gone alone initial rites to humans wwere given, thus the first to create rituals of divine religious rites were of the cyrettes, the first beings of space and tiome, named those on earth terran by the same name, same blood line but ages forth, as thy are deathless.
Who shake old Ocean thund'ring to the sky, and stubborn oaks with branches waving high.
--the old ocean thunder judges to teh sky the strong oaks not changing thier good ways tower to the sky, as pines to up north and in elacia too.
waving touching the sky from root to branch spaning all.
'Tis your's in glittering arms the earth to beat, with lightly-leaping, rapid, sounding feet;
--earth to bear as lovers springs , beat the ground to reach the sky with swift feet over come and run, leap up high. beat and bring peace to all on earth and the sky, flying to planets beyond terran earth,.
Then every beast the noise terrific flies, and the loud tumult wanders thro' the skies:
--to every beast and human kind, aliens who of equal earths do fly through the skty to distant places as engines rumble noise to thundered to such places.
The dust your feet excites with matchless force, flies to the clouds amidst their whirling course;
the dust on thy feet , the earth always with us, no matter if we fly to clouds and cities way above, to other planets, universes and spaces, places , water and wells, cause no matter thier wirling ways, sure footed we remain.
And ev'ry flower of variegated hue, grows in the dancing motion form'd by you.
and every flower of different fragrances and colour
Immortal dæmons, to your pow'rs consign'd the talk to nourish, and destroy mankind.
--cosmic demons to thy powers wev use and learn to nourish and can fix making by destroying it, meaning repairing by the logos of logos, desmantal and recreate it, it like the face of god can destroy yopu, but can nurish you with grace and power
the next part we will look at next week.
When rushing furious with loud tumult dire, o'erwhelm'd, they perish in your dreadful ire;
And live replenish'd with the balmy air, the food of life, committed to your care.
When shook by you, the seas, with wild uproar, wide-spreading, and profoundly whirling, roar:
The concave heav'ns, with Echo's voice resound, when leaves with ruffling noise bestrew the ground.
Curetes, Corybantes, ruling kings, whose praise the land of Samothracia sings:
From Jove [Zeus] descended; whose immortal breath sustains the soul, and wafts her back from death;
Aerial-form'd, much-fam'd, in heav'n ye shine two-fold, in heav'n all-lucid and divine:
Blowing, serene, from whom abundance springs, nurses of seasons, fruit-producing kings.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
update on economy
the economy on terran is in bad shape. The Former europe is in economic hard ship.
former china also calapsed as did the former us, all reported on the news. The situation on that side is not good.
On our side we had a profit, unlike them we do not steal poor peoples money
Usea grew 12% stadard diviation by economic per capital values more like 11 off the bottom as low as 4 percept, caneda grew by 11%
the lowest growth was 8% in places like crathet an island in the pacific, considered by many to be one of the poorest countries in the world.
If anyopne has not piented, signed on to this side, see contracts concerbning them, one is secure and incapable of loss, food on this side is cheap, thier old system corrupt prioces for meat is several times more expensive.
No stealing here and once that side starves to death based on thier own ignorance and corruption we , who still have reflections there, will retake that side and thier mismanagement of the system ends.
diference is the system linked everything through one right that entails all rites cosmicallty, yes on terran earth too.
the system is regulated, one dioes not lose money based on scams such as a monetary system that competes with each other, here all dollars and equals are always and permanately at par, we grew they economically declined, forbes calls the permanate paraty, head editor of forbes that is, " brillinat move to establish a new economically prosperous today and tommorow" Leti.
no one can steal our property and its the systems busness to make sure of it, though one can sell property as before though hadeta akes sure it is done properly between lawyers, buyers and sellers.
No utility bills, some fools have signed mortgages that the central banks world wide discharged based on corrupt bodies renegining them 4 times in 2011 to get the gov to pay them in full, I should know I am the head trustee and financer of the international banks, see yje bank of canedas trustee list.
so why be taken for a ride by theives, report these corrupt citizens to the police or agencies pronto. people foolishl;y signed morgates and paid people to protect the thier utilities when the governments made sure they were covered and secured by gov institutions. these other thieves steal money and get rich on idiots who continue to pay them for what was covered, like free utilities, by systems that are trustworthy, on this side, rather than run by thieves starving people and claiming they have to stay with them cause our system grows and thier prosperity econoomically calapsed and these folks thought it was better than us, hmm,
Please save yourselves and join us, talk to people ask and you will find, contact any gov agencies for more.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Update on resurrection and continuum plains
So we just past the middle of the middle war or the long hull. We began resurrecting people and continuing the judgement, People of the past, animals, even trees were resurrected as humans and educated as we are given the same chances as everyone of this age was to allow for a fair even judgement.
The resurrections will be completed next june 5 as scheduled aloowing two years for the war and judgement to end.
This is a cosmic judgement and the someone and I as all the good always win, for we obey the laws of God and civilisation, God, Goddess and teh universal Quantum, quantum universal be with all of us, universally and quantum.
The nethentic realms or powers are setting into place, the future and past are setting properly.
The continuum and cosmos are priming though new correction plains are twigging of plains in stem continuum and the branching plains are rooted in beginnings that are set improving though trunks of plains similar branching after a long continuum of timelines separated, like thouse plains with -Terran earth in it branching from other plains not connected to our Terran. Correction plains twig from the continuum tree but branch off and are part of continuum root of the plain it twig off of if it primes from its secondary state of being impossible to exist in the state it is as it can only break divine safeties if it is a correction plain ope died to based on doing injustice and evil. A continuum twig either becomes a living branch or dies as it closes as a correction plain or purging for that matter, Hades twigs from terran 7 stem 7 down 2 posity over, Hades hetha that started this way is now a prime plain activily equal to my hom,e plain, 7/7 +2 our reflection plain for folding people over is 7/8 -1( stem 7 8 down one nigeti to the )
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Fumigation from Frankincense.
O Mighty Titans, who from heav'n [Ouranos] and earth [Gaia] derive your noble and illustrious birth,
Our fathers fires, in Tartarus profound who dwell, deep merg'd beneath the solid ground:
Fountains and principles, from whom began th' afflicted, miserable, race of man:
Who not alone in earth's retreats abide, but in the ocean and the air reside;
Since ev'ry species from your nature flows, which all prolific, nothing barren knows:
Avert your rage, if from th' infernal seats one of your tribe should visit our retreats.
oh titones who receive grace and power from the heavens and matter universe(s).
Of thy heaven taurturos and the holy places blessed for and by thy. profound in thy high rooms and not where the corrected dwell. One with teh places below solid earth as in ground. The profound fires of enlightenment burn with the blessings of Taurorus the place of teh tauras, a later child of the titans and these names.
Judged by principals and fountains of all kinds the misery of those corrected and interned began because enlightened they were not. Afflicted miserable ones who were not virtuous amongst humankind. fountains pour out it graces and goods.
Said titans were not just below the ground in paradises of matter but also had havens nad paradises in the waters and the air, including teh okeanos or oceans of space and the cosmos.
As all your powers and bequeaths bound all life and all beings share in thy blood line and stem as reinforced foundations in existence. like all humans we are one hybred of all beings and compatible to all. Nothing is berran or without prepented ( underpinning and founded by right(rite) existence, grounded in existence by you and through you and for your existence as well.
Be you be gracious and merciful if any of your peoples and tribes that strech from you, as all things by nature flow, does anything needed correction, but be just to rid the world of evil and those incapable of being good though claim to be of you or to represent you or the God(s)
Sunday, July 8, 2012
The Fumigation from Manna.
Hear me, Jove's [Zeus'] daughter, celebrated queen, Bacchian [Bromia] and Titan, of a noble mien:
Oh Artemis saughter of God, noble of heart of titan liniage, of titanic authority and bachian fertily and sexy blessed. crown of God,
In darts rejoicing and on all to shine, torch-bearing Goddess, Dictynna divine;
--with dartig speed of thought and power to take things down with a little thing, thine shine of divine grace, even messages to dart, goddess of enlightenment , dictating oneness with the divine, commanding power as the divine.
O'er births presiding, and thyself a maid, to labour-pangs imparting ready aid:
-- with all births presiding, as fruit birthing from gods vines,. a maid and hero a labouring to help all,
Dissolver of the zone and wrinkl'd care, fierce huntress, glorying in the Sylvan war:
capable of disolving and reordering realms and zones , the belts s[aces places. huntress glory og ancient and modern wars, the sylvarithy of old elves top some and ancient humans to others, the hunter always captures by rite the prey of the programs in space and in all places.
Swift in the course, in dreadful arrows skill'd, wandering by night, rejoicing in the field:
-- capable of change on the cutting edge inm ways and powers that fly like arrows ( like green arrow with more) of the dark women night and romantic delight of the field worship that heavens the fdertile reality, the field is a place where peoples can meet, fight,. love and be.
Of manly form, erect, of bounteous mind, illustrious dæmon, nurse of human kind:
--a true dikey , of maleness oneness, capable of taking any form and capable to stand straight, to get mal;e fertility powers too, of a mind bounty in thought m a head full of things. nursuing the peoples of humankindwityh demonic powers of strength and policing, demon as meant by them divine one.
Immortal, earthly, bane of monsters fell, 'tis thine; blest maid, on woody hills to dwell:
immortal born avatars of earth, meaning all artemis including RT, the problem to bad beings who fall, tp thy blessed clkeaner hera of God, house keeping by order, blessed on holy mounts and dales.
Foe of the stag, whom woods and dogs delight, in endless youth who flourish fair and bright.
aversery of the stag who is hunted in woods and by dogs delighted, by blessing of hunt and sacred rite mot to turture but compete as foes in sport teams. endlessly young parthena vergils ( virgins) fair daughter of adam just and bright of gods light.
O, universal queen, august, divine, a various form, Cydonian pow'r, is thine:
-- universal queen rising to hieght like summers heat and empowers of the cosmos. divine rise and of various forms, Cydonia (region of Mars)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Coordinates: 40.74°N 9.46°W
Small part of the Cydonia region, taken by the Viking 1 orbiter and released by NASA/JPL on July 25, 1976.
Cydonia is a region on the planet Mars, and has attracted both scientific[1] and popular interest.[2][3] The name originally referred to the albedo feature (distinctively coloured area) that was visible from Earthbound telescopes. The area borders plains of Acidalia Planitia and the Arabia Terra highlands.[4]
The area includes the Mars regions: "Cydonia Mensae", an area of flat-topped mesa-like features, "Cydonia Colles", a region of small hills or knobs, and "Cydonia Labyrinthus", a complex of intersecting valleys.[5][6] As with other albedo features on Mars, the name Cydonia was drawn from classical antiquity, in this case from Kydonia, a historic polis (or "city-state") on the island of Crete.[7]
Cydonia contains the "Face on Mars" feature—located about half-way between Arandas Crater and Bamberg Crater[4] The ESA "skull" formation is a few kilometres south of the "face".[4]
Dread guardian Goddess, with benignant mind auspicious, come to mystic rites inclin'd
thus goddess you have mars aries and worriopr war powers which include producing peace and order.
-- gaurdian goddess with benevelent brilliant mind auspicious ( of blessed aspect bornm, bread and are) come to these rites as blessing and state of oneness.
Give earth a store of beauteous fruits to bear, send gentle Peace, and Health with lovely hair,
And to the mountains drive Disease and Care.
-- bring arta of providence and make life fertile and the earth equal blooming. bring peace and gentil times bring health to the mounts of heaven be and we will be with thy.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Gradulas secrad transcendance day. and Dog days of summer
For those who remeber the mention of the break down of the time policing days, day one and two were merged and day two was removed, so I experienced July gourth as a friday and thursday the day after. This means that the policing of these days changed thier procedure as if route 8 became nine as a bi way. The judgement is on going and this year all amerathans celebrated unity day on july 1, including usea and the middle countrioes including the rest of the world. July 4th is now only the dog days of summer, the goddess refrethas day of conquering death as a paradigm to teach of eternal life and make those who live understand and transcend death to immortality, as she was seen living after death on the hospital servailance and by the someones somebody friend, who knew her well.any great holy people are celebrated on this day, the draha of mars, the dony of terran, eastern eurin( old europe) the dothi of frathi in secton 2 ( cordinates in secton., 95-122, 92- 15, 21- b94, 17-21 and 94-1, 15-1, 12-2) the zanthi of old xanthi or tratha and youpa to name a few, blessed be it all.
So Goddess trathena as she is known in ghanahathatha see the hyrothrant for more, second torah, in stores now day is not connected to any country on terran, its a ritual rite day as it was when celebrated way before egyptians of ancient times did.
peace next post later today
Monday, July 2, 2012
Fingure of God
A few weeks ago the fingure of God came down on everything. In 2004 september the someone while being persecuted as an innocent person, quite a martyr and super guy. While walking with a friend he saw a huge fingure as part of a hand come down from teh sky and it hit with full range denthical God force and energy. it was likea nuke only that the emination point was the index fingure, the energy cleaned progessors bells close to white, seee arlier part of the blog for details concerning her lectures and links to view them.
in what looked like fire and energy, some design an image of her rose with white clean close, onto a winner God giives them white clothes, see revolations, they are the close of justice or elohim valkeries or teh space ghost you see in space, see beginning of the blog for more info on Valkerie. the someone achived his in a court room in aug 2004, the room got cold, sheet like ghosts looking like fat pregnate women in ghost look wrapped themselves around his mother and him. They are bestoad on only good people who are just and suffer injustice themselves or with others and stay meek and good during the martyrdom.
the fingure of God blesses and upgrades teh good,purges teh bad or the non thinking, which is the same, and allows them for atleast 6 weeks to contemplate the good and how thier actions should be good.
it makes sure they all understand what is good and what to do, alas some after teh 8 weeks start taliking to friends and start living the same mistakes, but no one can now say that they did not understand that which would kill them if they do bad, like spelling heindas or apotets which are failed mesmettas and cause instant death, backfire with no chane of servival, like trying to spell hate to ruin a relationship
everything cast with the mismic relations as the essence of the mesmatta or all powers and spells is safe,
take the god principal and realise your powers do not work that way and you acknowledge that you cannot do evil and the system , God, universal quantuum, matrix has symbatic safeties that allow you to be safe always by the rules of conscent, full minded to all ultimates now and with full knowledge of what is occuring or wull. you control the measure.
if one fails tpo purge and acts badly they die of the failed judgement, asometimes by thier own hand opr giving us and God the chance to live in real time your divine self killing yuou as that person , even God, so trying to shoot me you shot yourself as me who aklso had a gun but never misused it m and thus you gave me the pleasure of shooting you.
after the current fingure of God purge 3/5 of the cosmos has died at all levels, next wave of resserections have begun, when done anyone failing fies goes through correction and purrging till they have a divine will and are sealed proved by God, thus you either learn in life to purge yourself, correct and become a good person or lose die and become so harshly, yes they are sifter on people who euthenise themselves verses die trying to murder someone unjustly.
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