Saturday, February 11, 2012

program matrix astuff

we have added a few new cards as mentioned before, these are right access caommand codes.

the blessing card or right accesses blessing or dits.magic/dats
bless say blessing then conduct the idea

the cirse can be used as a blessing or curse as the rules dictate,
if you are good both blessings and curses are blessings,
if bad it is equal to a curse or lesson necessary to reform and correct you of bad behaviour, as a counter its an attack

the soothsaER CARD IS BEGIN AND YOU end the ceremony

the divine proograms at the god level or god powers are access up, you can utilise them for good but instant counters if you try to mis use them before they leave the buffer that checks the complete code
thus the bad have no effect but killing themselves.

God is the highest matrix, then form drafi though systems like nanu or nanito, see earlier part of Bl;og are systems or level three stuff stuff
divine systems. one is faces of God, 2 mature children of God, three divine systems( god powers and diadems) then spirit which is formed only as good beings
metra or beings that evolved from them in a reality matrix like our universe are like us and capable of judguing thier actions as good or bad, like the defena of secton 9 that are globula evolved beings in this universe.

next computers are live as reality matrixes like modula and crampa, that use spirit system codes as the computer leaked into reality a long time ago, all actiobns are done through a pod matrix, filtered and buffered without giving users direct main system access.
perfect for millions of years, though users have fallen before they do not represent the system.

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