Saturday, February 18, 2012

more systems divine and gather lock bundle serge

recall the picture describing the power systems?

well if you put a line down the outside of teh structuttre linking at a dot at the point the floor or natural ability meets nit , make this dot trisect and over lap the walls on both sides as well as the floor or line of naturaL ABILITIES, DO THIS ON BOTH SIDES ONE POWER AND ONE GRACE.

the line then continues to trisect or box around the raw to a point undernieth middle, if you triabngulate it to a point undernieth [place a dot where they meet , so a dot in the middle of the line where grace and power meet undernieth, the origin of all power and grace divine
the diadems that govern the raw and natural abilities are above
fasting is a natural ability based on the raw thing of eating, if you actively change it or add to it it is up one of the dots.
bring the universal access to be drawn into the dot where natural ability and the raw. yes there is divine powers accessed directly from the above abased on the linesup grace and power on the outside. like miracles. learning to fast longer with spell based on abnility to abstain and learn the will to do it longer, feats of ability and will are higher on other pillars. raw and universal connection of ten pillars are system built too, but diadem and god power syustem controlled., govwerned, we will through them but are set at stronger rules and act empowered are other miracles, I was humgry fasted and lived extra days. the natural; ability raw is acted on and countered by higher rules based spell used, miracles are god power controlled anmd above
now place source and universal quantuum( quantuum universal) all the way around structure, siource of raw anmd all is power grace to god powwers and link to source qu uq dirct and through all.

to use continuum powrs like load lock to a discharege see earlier blog aceesses plain investigation type powers, unload to end conversation
load lock to activate fills chambers till idea runs through discharges through them to police.

gather lock is cobntinnuum gathering plians dimentions and continnums intio bundles, so gather lock bundle then closing it to a surge where bundles ar unities of continnums are merged and sweperated to a locked enforcement of them
load lock a case gather ;ock bundle the situation to police each continnum bundle
same but diferent
one made of plains seperated to police other a continuum made up of plains and contuinnums to police bundled till they serge.

peace to next week/

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