Saturday, February 4, 2012

[PLOUTON]- keeper of the dead and warden of the corrected

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I will comment inside tjhe text with - before the comments.

Pluto [Plouton], magnanimous, whose realms profound are fix'd beneath the firm and solid ground,

- pluto whose worlds are made manefest through the concept of a ground.

In the Tartarian plains remote from fight, and wrapt forever in the depths of night;

- in tarturus the plains remote for those punished ho unlike the someone were not good gods or try to do good but fight, but pluto's caves are beyond these fights on the same plain and holy city of taurturus.

Terrestrial Jove [Zeus Khthonios], thy sacred ear incline, and, pleas'd, accept thy mystic's hymn divine.

-listen through they sacard ears and powers, of third zues of the earth and ground be pleased with the sacred hymn and divine code of those who work through your powers.
Earth's keys to thee, illustrious king belong, its secret gates unlocking, deep and strong.

'Tis thine, abundant annual fruits to bear, for needy mortals are thy constant care.

-you care for the mortals and your programs and eworks give reach fruition.

To thee, great king, Avernus is assign'd, the seat of Gods, and basis of mankind.

-oh king thy are a throne of gods and avatar from which the patterns of the universe unwind grace as paradugm for mankind.

Thy throne is fix'd in Hade's dismal plains, distant, unknown to rest, where darkness reigns;

-the throne is also of hades and fixed there, not just tarturus and mankind but hades too.

Where, destitute of breath, pale spectres dwell, in endless, dire, inexorable hell;

-in hell also you throne, these are the places of the dead thier correctiojn and purging, of gods, monor ones, humans and of shadows and the pale remnants of lesser humans.

And in dread Acheron, whose depths obscure, earth's stable roots eternally secure.

- in the stables of animals and plants the roots of life and its monitored reakity are well rooted in you.

O mighty dæmon, whose decision dread, the future fate determines of the dead,

- by demon or devils face by decisions over the dead and thier fate like a warden policing them.

With captive Proserpine [Kore], thro' grassy plains, drawn in a four-yok'd car with loosen'd reins,

-in fields like the Eleusina fields loosened are the good, redeamed and heroes.

Rapt o'er the deep, impell'd by love, you flew 'till Eleusina's city rose to view;

- here is the holy city of gods and heroes where the good stand free , like new jeresulum it is a archetypa;l prompt system and divine interface represented there of.

There, in a wond'rous cave obscure and deep, the sacred maid secure from search you keep,

in lovers caces and privacy , like athematuasus hide, overs stand in secret embarces asd you do with your mate. sacred are such soul mates.

The cave of Atthis, whose wide gates display an entrance to the kingdoms void of day.

to lands and plains obscure from our world, our sun and stranger yet as some like perpetual drakness. romantic love, as the shadow of love is such a cavem and for those like us they get wet and happy, purring as a sacred stroke makes lovers smile together.

Of unapparent works, thou art alone the dispensator, visible and known.

- of invisible worls not of the world of the aperant and invisble programs running God(s)
O pow'r all-ruling, holy, honor'd light, thee sacred poets and their hymns delight:

-enlightened way, hymns and programs to pray make poets writers of gods programs empowered and great, spreading the light of ruling and accessing God(s0 as God does.

enlightenment.Propitious to thy mystic's works incline, rejoicing come, for holy rites are thine.

mystical works and mysteries joy comes and power from rites and service

here the realms of the dead are presented, hades for the dead shadows of them selves as thier greed sent them here, of taurturus and correction of crimes and those wholike sybscript G gods failed, to the heavens of the fields and all places including places with diferent light and perpetual darkness the programs set access God as God(s) and I do.

till next week.

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