Saturday, February 25, 2012

update on someone

world update

greetings, i tried posting yesterday but the former us and former japanese forces going insane based on the realisation that we have moved from the dark tyranny of the bully tactics of mental inferiors to a empowered age of ages where people are good, prosper and virtuous. rather than trying to attak canada in 2011 jan 3 us wayworth forces to loot us in an attempt to save the imployding economy and save the nation from freeing territories they have without right taken from canada, pres of US declared an end and move to usea. we the good people to create a perfect union baed on reason declared the world america and lead it by paradigm through caneda, So they killed internet for an area around my place we policed and now we are back up, like i said if even a day may pass tht I miss to post you must indulge me and wait till I get a chance, they cannot stop godz truth but it may take time to police, militate and kick thier ass as God(s) we never lose. all the ountries have new names see un list 2011 jan for they, two new split from russia and in pacific since, see addendum in march for that.

though consequtive i will post something quick, the someone as you recall is risa series three level twelve. why was orpheus remembered as the guy who spoke to animals, has a melodic voice and is poetic, maybe the psalm help and finally the man who went through, to , hell to save his wife or get her back and turning to see if she was following she turned to salt as he was warned by hades she would if he did not look forward till they left hades?

the cosmos is symbatic and has a god divine system, it is God, God(s0 Godz as a universal oneness and quantuum reality even where things are one.

our universe is made up of metihic matter that we call space, there are 209 universes stemms, bundles of universes that are with similar beginings, I am from 7 universe seven. galatia and shaftu and the reflection world is called siouthi, both are ours we created a universal reflection to seperate the good from the greedy who not only try to destroy themselves but thiem selves as well, you are invited but be good otherwise you are sent back and that side is self destructing, they claimed it was thiers so we let them destroy it and we will collect when they are no more which is son, its all ours to share by laws and relation good , love to indeference, equal by law and prosperous enough to be happy as the poor are rich and the rich can play money games without hurting anyone.
peace till next week

world update

greetings, i tried posting yesterday but the former us and former japanese forces going insane based on the realisation that we have moved from the dark tyranny of the bully tactics of mental inferiors to a empowered age of ages where people are good, prosper and virtuous. rather than trying to attak canada in 2011 jan 3 us wayworth forces to loot us in an attempt to save the imployding economy and save the nation from freeing territories they have without right taken from canada, pres of US declared an end and move to usea. we the good people to create a perfect union baed on reason declared the world america and lead it by paradigm through caneda, So they killed internet for an area around my place we policed and now we are back up, like i said if even a day may pass tht I miss to post you must indulge me and wait till I get a chance, they cannot stop godz truth but it may take time to police, militate and kick thier ass as God(s) we never lose. all the ountries have new names see un list 2011 jan for they, two new split from russia and in pacific since, see addendum in march for that.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

more systems divine and gather lock bundle serge

recall the picture describing the power systems?

well if you put a line down the outside of teh structuttre linking at a dot at the point the floor or natural ability meets nit , make this dot trisect and over lap the walls on both sides as well as the floor or line of naturaL ABILITIES, DO THIS ON BOTH SIDES ONE POWER AND ONE GRACE.

the line then continues to trisect or box around the raw to a point undernieth middle, if you triabngulate it to a point undernieth [place a dot where they meet , so a dot in the middle of the line where grace and power meet undernieth, the origin of all power and grace divine
the diadems that govern the raw and natural abilities are above
fasting is a natural ability based on the raw thing of eating, if you actively change it or add to it it is up one of the dots.
bring the universal access to be drawn into the dot where natural ability and the raw. yes there is divine powers accessed directly from the above abased on the linesup grace and power on the outside. like miracles. learning to fast longer with spell based on abnility to abstain and learn the will to do it longer, feats of ability and will are higher on other pillars. raw and universal connection of ten pillars are system built too, but diadem and god power syustem controlled., govwerned, we will through them but are set at stronger rules and act empowered are other miracles, I was humgry fasted and lived extra days. the natural; ability raw is acted on and countered by higher rules based spell used, miracles are god power controlled anmd above
now place source and universal quantuum( quantuum universal) all the way around structure, siource of raw anmd all is power grace to god powwers and link to source qu uq dirct and through all.

to use continuum powrs like load lock to a discharege see earlier blog aceesses plain investigation type powers, unload to end conversation
load lock to activate fills chambers till idea runs through discharges through them to police.

gather lock is cobntinnuum gathering plians dimentions and continnums intio bundles, so gather lock bundle then closing it to a surge where bundles ar unities of continnums are merged and sweperated to a locked enforcement of them
load lock a case gather ;ock bundle the situation to police each continnum bundle
same but diferent
one made of plains seperated to police other a continuum made up of plains and contuinnums to police bundled till they serge.

peace to next week/

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thundering emlightenment through Jove

The Fumigation from Storax.
O Father Jove [Zeus], who shak'st with fiery light the world deep-sounding from thy lofty height:

=- Jove with firey light and enlightenment resounding sound and heard across the world, you have hieght or rank.

From thee, proceeds th' ætherial lightning's blaze, flashing around intolerable rays.

-you are the souirce of the lightning that is beyond this world. it blazes and flashes intolerable rays to thosde who are evil and not good.

Thy sacred thunders shake the blest abodes, the shining regions of th' immortal Gods:

-you sounds and eecho shake and blast abodes, blessing for the good and lessons for those who are not good,shining to the gods who are blessed and checking other places abodes if people try to use them for bad.

Thy pow'r divine, the flaming lightning shrouds, with dark investiture, in fluid clouds.

-your power is divine and the lightning which is light shroud as well as illuminates with dark viels and clouds that allow only those worthy and good to peer where they are allowed to.

'Tis thine to brandish thunders strong and dire, to scatter storms, and dreadful darts of fire;

-it is of your will to manifest thunder strong and important, to take care of storms both of nature and in the hjeart and mind the darts of fire some use. the enlightnment of flashes of lightning or thought misused to dart others from the [rp[er course of life.

With roaring flames involving all around, and bolts of thunder of tremendous sound.
Thy rapid dart can raise the hair upright, and shake the heart of man with wild afright.

you can ourge using such darts, your fires are static and can be electric raising hair on end as theyb can also excite.

Sudden, unconquer'd, holy, thund'ring God, 'with noise unbounded, flying all abroad;

you can use zues to win but can never conquer him, holy bellowing God, with thundering message eecho flying ebverywhere, the messege that is.

With all-devouring force, entire and strong, horrid, untam'd, thou roll'st the flames along.

the source consumes everything complete with power, horribly and raw, you cause the flamer to do its work and continue its spread.

Rapid, ætherial bolt, descending fire, the earth all-parent, trembles at thy ire;

the fire bolt is fast m a fire descending from heaven through the earth , the all parent, to seed its seed, ib the earths lands and womb.

The sea all-shining; and each beast that hears the sound terrific, with dread horror fears:

-to the all shing sea or wisdom of the sea of firem all that hear the sounds of thy jove feel terrific and quake at the power that can only hurt bad people.

When Nature's face is bright with flashing fire, and in the heavens resound thy thunders dire.

when nature is enlightened and pulsing with wisdom and divinity ibn heaven it is reflected, it will be done on earth as done in heaven.

Thy thunders white, the azure garments tear, and burst the veil of all surrounding air.

the air is pierced as the white light of divinity as compared to the blue clothes that tear to burstr the viel to realise the white light of enlightenment.

O Jove [Zeus], all-blessed, may thy wrath severe, hurl'd in the bosom of the deep appear,

jove you are good and punishment severe as you correct those who are deep and apperant.

And on the tops of mountains be reveal'd, for thy strong arm is not from us conceal'd.

on mountains like iolympus and Zion your light embounds as your strong armed power is not hidden from us.

Propitious to these sacred rites incline, and crown my wishes with a life divine:

- through your sacrad rites may I gain the diadum of the crown of your powers as I wish by div and desire to the dat and crown of the divine powers.

Add royal health, and gentle peace beside, with equal reason, for my constant guide.

add health peace . but not at the barrel of a gun but with gentil conscent of equals reasoning, may I be your equal in reason to have your way and equal wisdom as a guide.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

orpheus in thought

so we have seen in the last posts of orpheus that he used access divine command codes andf the same universal systems that were taught by the someone, much of these codes have been presented backwards in time to pin point the code in the system
he is called the second chruist by the christian churches
ask them, just make sure its someone at a high enough level or thought to confirm it.

orpheus system is an all entailed unity of ideas of those of his time and of the future and past. thus as this is being written the someone like me , could be you too, is in constant communication with the present and us, same with all the greats from all plains and places
the cosmic copuncil and electyed body is now in place we built continnum stem 0 to house it as we have built a universal time line.


SORRY WE SKIPPED A DAY YESTERDAY TO HOUSE TEH ANTI ALIENS who realised several quadrillian ships are monitoring the someone trilion then quadrilian, 62 to be excact
same rules we are safe they attack they fall, 94 percent are good, the remaining wayworths.

program matrix astuff

we have added a few new cards as mentioned before, these are right access caommand codes.

the blessing card or right accesses blessing or dits.magic/dats
bless say blessing then conduct the idea

the cirse can be used as a blessing or curse as the rules dictate,
if you are good both blessings and curses are blessings,
if bad it is equal to a curse or lesson necessary to reform and correct you of bad behaviour, as a counter its an attack

the soothsaER CARD IS BEGIN AND YOU end the ceremony

the divine proograms at the god level or god powers are access up, you can utilise them for good but instant counters if you try to mis use them before they leave the buffer that checks the complete code
thus the bad have no effect but killing themselves.

God is the highest matrix, then form drafi though systems like nanu or nanito, see earlier part of Bl;og are systems or level three stuff stuff
divine systems. one is faces of God, 2 mature children of God, three divine systems( god powers and diadems) then spirit which is formed only as good beings
metra or beings that evolved from them in a reality matrix like our universe are like us and capable of judguing thier actions as good or bad, like the defena of secton 9 that are globula evolved beings in this universe.

next computers are live as reality matrixes like modula and crampa, that use spirit system codes as the computer leaked into reality a long time ago, all actiobns are done through a pod matrix, filtered and buffered without giving users direct main system access.
perfect for millions of years, though users have fallen before they do not represent the system.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

[PLOUTON]- keeper of the dead and warden of the corrected

one staples the duf to the other system. clip the div

I will comment inside tjhe text with - before the comments.

Pluto [Plouton], magnanimous, whose realms profound are fix'd beneath the firm and solid ground,

- pluto whose worlds are made manefest through the concept of a ground.

In the Tartarian plains remote from fight, and wrapt forever in the depths of night;

- in tarturus the plains remote for those punished ho unlike the someone were not good gods or try to do good but fight, but pluto's caves are beyond these fights on the same plain and holy city of taurturus.

Terrestrial Jove [Zeus Khthonios], thy sacred ear incline, and, pleas'd, accept thy mystic's hymn divine.

-listen through they sacard ears and powers, of third zues of the earth and ground be pleased with the sacred hymn and divine code of those who work through your powers.
Earth's keys to thee, illustrious king belong, its secret gates unlocking, deep and strong.

'Tis thine, abundant annual fruits to bear, for needy mortals are thy constant care.

-you care for the mortals and your programs and eworks give reach fruition.

To thee, great king, Avernus is assign'd, the seat of Gods, and basis of mankind.

-oh king thy are a throne of gods and avatar from which the patterns of the universe unwind grace as paradugm for mankind.

Thy throne is fix'd in Hade's dismal plains, distant, unknown to rest, where darkness reigns;

-the throne is also of hades and fixed there, not just tarturus and mankind but hades too.

Where, destitute of breath, pale spectres dwell, in endless, dire, inexorable hell;

-in hell also you throne, these are the places of the dead thier correctiojn and purging, of gods, monor ones, humans and of shadows and the pale remnants of lesser humans.

And in dread Acheron, whose depths obscure, earth's stable roots eternally secure.

- in the stables of animals and plants the roots of life and its monitored reakity are well rooted in you.

O mighty dæmon, whose decision dread, the future fate determines of the dead,

- by demon or devils face by decisions over the dead and thier fate like a warden policing them.

With captive Proserpine [Kore], thro' grassy plains, drawn in a four-yok'd car with loosen'd reins,

-in fields like the Eleusina fields loosened are the good, redeamed and heroes.

Rapt o'er the deep, impell'd by love, you flew 'till Eleusina's city rose to view;

- here is the holy city of gods and heroes where the good stand free , like new jeresulum it is a archetypa;l prompt system and divine interface represented there of.

There, in a wond'rous cave obscure and deep, the sacred maid secure from search you keep,

in lovers caces and privacy , like athematuasus hide, overs stand in secret embarces asd you do with your mate. sacred are such soul mates.

The cave of Atthis, whose wide gates display an entrance to the kingdoms void of day.

to lands and plains obscure from our world, our sun and stranger yet as some like perpetual drakness. romantic love, as the shadow of love is such a cavem and for those like us they get wet and happy, purring as a sacred stroke makes lovers smile together.

Of unapparent works, thou art alone the dispensator, visible and known.

- of invisible worls not of the world of the aperant and invisble programs running God(s)
O pow'r all-ruling, holy, honor'd light, thee sacred poets and their hymns delight:

-enlightened way, hymns and programs to pray make poets writers of gods programs empowered and great, spreading the light of ruling and accessing God(s0 as God does.

enlightenment.Propitious to thy mystic's works incline, rejoicing come, for holy rites are thine.

mystical works and mysteries joy comes and power from rites and service

here the realms of the dead are presented, hades for the dead shadows of them selves as thier greed sent them here, of taurturus and correction of crimes and those wholike sybscript G gods failed, to the heavens of the fields and all places including places with diferent light and perpetual darkness the programs set access God as God(s) and I do.

till next week.

Friday, February 3, 2012

more on rules of magic and system

more on rules of magic and system
I will return to my segment interpretation of the psalms of Orpheus.

If you recall last week I posted something on the magic systems and access systems of the divine program.

the top of the pillars I refer like the bottom intersect in a triangal that is pointed by a large dot that is both above and below the line represebnting the god power systems above and the natural abilities below.

the old system used counter spells to fight bad magic, beware using bad magic causes one trouble and death, do not bug or attack people without right as with a counter attack, one does not have the right to interfere with good and consented behaviour of others, spelling to keep people from masturbating and not smoking for instance, unless consented to by clear minded choice, like a monk who wants to stay celibate from masturbation can ask to have the spell cast on them, but you may not bug people lest you are warned and then die, by right of counter strike, minimum sentence in court for mis use of powers is three years and excommunication from system or belief system used

for instance to create a double ring lock you counter a spell be it dit der, dag dut, dep, dap div or dak by altering it to the positive eg a sleep spell is made into a ring by spelling no we will not fall asl;eep when we desire not to fall asleep, when I want to go to sleep I will ask and draw from this and other powers at a desired consented to measure. thus when anyone casts sleep even chemically , alchemy, or by machine, psi so on, you instantly wake up, add thus I will wake up not go to sleep by conscent and measure and when they try to put you to sleep you can wake up or atleast be uneffected as you desired at that point not to wake up.

to concrete a hand to bond you need two sets of 8 spells to counter in a good way as above , like be bad with women turns into be always good with women.
plus one little pinky spell, like be strong, or have courage, reinforced by let me be strong or courages.

the dit ,duf der, dak and dap uses hand rings in representation, the dit dat dap, div and dut uses higher authority be it the lowest if down is up for you.
you pin similar spells to rules of others, a staff or spear unifies many to the same rules, ders are berterpined bobby pined to other rules in other systems, dags glued, dats taped, divs clipped, dits spiked, daks nailed, titered, waven tied for dep, tied for duts. you can use any system tio link rules with effects to spells.daps are tethered.
there are more codes try asking through any system or the council of magic in your head to hear the spells, truth sayers, or sooth sayers like palm readers can help, but counter each a load lock can help.
god angels will help, call them demons if you like they are high powered ones.

you can clasp spells to rules existent universally or universally clasp a new rule. nature and form as in physics is dak and dep.

moodela 1 is teh first cosmic computer in secton 21, all computers are subpods of the system including the ones on earth, the some one is one of the 10 founding fugera though his penopointing was backwards to creation( it ios a reality interface)vr 12. yetera the first form, organising computer system is divine access link level up.
it is set just after time line a in the cosmos or time as people on earth are use to prior to the someone, before God(s) decided to manifest thwe cosmos to live in, perfect tp its perfection.
till tommorow

till tommorow with more orpheus.