Saturday, October 29, 2011

Orpheus epoch change

Orpheus is a hero for two reasons: he was counted among them in the Golden Fleece quest of the Argonauts and he survived a quest that even the more obviously heroic Theseus failed. Orpheus went to the Underworld to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, who had just died of snakebite. He made his way to the Underworld's royal couple, charming all in his passage with his extraordinary musical skill. Then Orpheus persuaded Hades to give him a chance to bring his wife back to life. He got permission -- on condition that he not look at Eurydice until they reached the light of day. While Orpheus failed to accomplish his mission, he returned to life without need of human intervention.

According to the above our hero was part of the tale of the golden fleece and the argonauts, we will be examining the tale of jason on another occasion in the fute, there are only so many myths left to analyse, including a look at the Iliad which we have glossed but should one day look at more closely.

According to the glossed version of his trip through hades, which was orpheus katebasis or descent there are many characteristic of the tale that are similar to a walk with God as found in the story of lot which is abraham's walk with God.

The song Orpheus uses to begile hades is a divine song or judgement sound. Inasmuch as people might see his descent as an attempt to cause a resserection it might also be the song that allowed him to get a wife who like lots wife turns to into a pillar of salt.
if one thinks of orpheus' wife as christ's (mary lady despina aremathea) or lots she can be said to reflect or represent the city whose epoch was changing and was purged by holy fire during abraham's walk, the someone purged new jeresulum or toronto on his walk with God. the divine song that represented orpheus upgrade of the program set by theseus tried retriving the old which like lots wife transformed into salt to represent the fantasies she bought lot and sactified as good by God(s)' grace and purging. Homosexual sex, sex with two people of the same sex, sex orgies and plain kinkiness was sanctified and authorised by abrahams walk through the city representing the old epochm sodom, lot like adam hasem triatha found in a high room of hades who was resserected on christ's plane, lot moved to zion or the plain formed or epoch by abraham, see bible old testiment and earlier part of the blog here in. So a transition of eras occurs from theseus to orpheus whose divine song almost brings women to the light of day or the light of equality and enlightenment, which furthered theseus project of liberating women and matriarchs as equals, this furthers oddyseus and even gerculkes equality plans, no one great is not an egalitarean as they miss out on half of the population and powers of thier species and universe, God(s) is male, female, nuetral and gendered( both at the same time.
till next week, wull try to post earlier in the week but time cops moved me opne day forward so thursday became yesterday though from my garbage day on Tuesday two days past before I posted, time trick to police general plain collerctions of people doing similar crimes and deliniating them by day of the week and up to date three series, monday oct 31 week one is diferent than week two or three and so on, oct 31 for some is a monday , tuesday - sunday and so on.

Friday, October 28, 2011

To begin our walk with orpheus

I guess we will begin the next interpretation of myth, I want to more closely look at orpheus

Orpheus is a hero for two reasons: he was counted among them in the Golden Fleece quest of the Argonauts and he survived a quest that even the more obviously heroic Theseus failed. Orpheus went to the Underworld to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, who had just died of snakebite. He made his way to the Underworld's royal couple, charming all in his passage with his extraordinary musical skill. Then Orpheus persuaded Hades to give him a chance to bring his wife back to life. He got permission -- on condition that he not look at Eurydice until they reached the light of day. While Orpheus failed to accomplish his mission, he returned to life without need of human intervention.

we will examine myths and hyms concerning said heroe

see wokopedea plus

tommorow we will look at the above section and this reading
we will peace together the myth of orpheus and examine it as we have others
we will look at the wikipledea the next blog [pst then go through each hymn and story on the other site, we will all 40 hymns found second liml after the woikipledea link, we will take our time and updates on space walks of authority will be sprinkled in

peace to tommorow read the stuff for your self ahead of time.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

moon fire walking and earth crawling

we completed the aunaguaration authority rituals on the moon, in the waters, on land, on the fire and soon the air

the earth included five holdings and 8 princip[alities,jentha, organi, vahout, omayona and trahi

proincipalities included
tahi, which was tenha and draki, but are unified by wedding of ex pringipas darhali and wife megani

drapa and chani were united under old king rifta and queen tahi

magni under drahniaya
vouchi is alderun
mahamini in the south trahbakis
monita is now ruled by draki
mounita is hasradi
and cupa is under drakti

the first two are now ruled by sheti a male and droupa a female

under the water were drah and beyinia ruled by drak and yourna respectfully

along the inner fire was drakti mourani vehhna kratik and bromonia, the new tehgna was born
they are ruled by drahni verna, moukla vernea, toulmood and troupa

plus edga in the new one, he like all of them is very cool

are there any suggestions as to what we should interpret next?
I will start by looking at the myths concerning zeus himself but will look at eastern and western tales next with suggestion, a hindu one might be cool
I will now try to post thursday , friday to allow for more time on a computer for free to eliquate the interpretation of what I am analysing, thus a thank you to the community center that is closed early friday and saturday, if open saturday and not sunday
it should be good, we are working on restoring the cable, they say soon as all those tampering with them are being arrested, others like the pm of caneda has suffered it

Friday, October 21, 2011

update on bills war and stuff

ok there are 57 continums or universes plained bundles starting from the same sart stem.

thosde of terran earth prined are from galatia vourif is one name for our plain, though through the continuum window to jathna the reflection we are collecting the good people to judge those on the other side
we will fold over the reality later taling it fully as we allowed the idiots to bury it proving thier world failed without us

noticehow people orchastrate fake deaths all the time, ben ladin died countless times yet is still alive, kadafi died a few times but still lives

did you know he was of the true royal line of lybia?

the jefna unity program of the artas finished a few days go, it has allowed the females through jusna to unify through arta the host and the good guys only through the someone.

the war goes well

the metraki world is being checked and policed, Usea the new name of the former usa was chosen by obama.

the fight will continue till aug 2015 , the new countries in the former usa will be announced next year november after the election that will occur. all things are changing
up to 12 new pronvinces are being introduced in Canenda yes with an e not A.

starting this week, I will try to post during the week so I can begin a new myth to analyse, I will post Monday as my internet is on and off as idiots have tried destroying my connection because they are joulous of our superiority, obviously
found out someone had ditted a old cia code to block my phone , my siode including the task force god Alpha with assistance from the someone caugfht it and returned service

I am paying no more bills as 67% of the rest of the world, no utilities or even entertainment bills as the government had covered it over excess to the needed amount to have said utilities and services so to save money the governments of the world and by extention growing in the cosmos gotr rid of bills and took control to regulate the failed industries, we policed the criminals amd its getting better.

I will post again tommorow then start a new myth, its about time.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

impart lock

inside the locks, you can use a impart lock to further the reinforcement of the lock out of undesirable in the divine impart, even the cosmic impart is gods cosmos locked out to any bad person, use limited or access denied
gods divine cosmos is reflected through the systems of the archetypes that govern the unity of the principals fully merged with each house within it

imagine if you want these structures are archetypes and access systems, use anothers house you are governmed by thier rules, use your own you use the built systems there of, so be like us build one as god has, with a room or system connection for every way, including divine atheism,

you can say you are on the streets when born, given a place to build a house and it is good when built well, you can lose access to everything if you build it badly. no homophobia, no sexism, no anti other religions no anti alien, other beings, you can swing or have sex , record it at any age,
swinging is only allowed by cosbncent of the mate.

once your house is reflective of gods cosmos you can access it as god does.

you can leave the impart with a depart and the lock out remains against those not cleared or unable by designation to acess it, same with dimentional locks.

the impart is used also as a one systenm bundeling everysystem into one level

till next week
use the lock on any system even as the filter of the god shield or field which is complete and one cannot get around it but it filters everyone.

even the doors opening and closing between plains is set to t5he filters of triedm upper doors, lower untried limited access and the middle which is mixed but still restricted to the level of the person

Friday, October 14, 2011

Metatrons , who are tone program formers and divine song regulators and creaters

the metatrons or meta sound beings are tone tretna beings that are mythed and told about by shantha of the innuit trahana and the brehenda.

they are the sounds that tune and by tone cause things to occur,
the major tones are the diatic or tones that hard wire the reality of the divine song through therotic energies and transcended levels of existence and reality. they are infinite beings that set principals dictems into sound regularity or quntuum reality sets.

hard soft, lanmd, liquid, fluid solid, time, space, other....

megaly fell to traesga and got rehada as wife, the someone was the missing tone, tretha and rehana fell to hanena the place of the lower tone, beha was the middle tone and traha pr bridge, belt tie the highests level, the missing topne merried adrida an RT and arta married draha the somebody elsewhere or counter major tone fopr balance and harmonic opposition. hahena evolved into full beings place exposed into infinite priority existant and married atla the reverse of self but equal in all matter.

the middle tones the brenda were torn, several fell including the brahana which are gins and others, they re[present organic mechanical reality like energy or matter forms based on physics
it is the minor tines who are being interutive or formed based on living verses non living, the energy beings fit the transition of the two, but fit here not the based of their beings as is ours which is middle tones.

kraha fell to tratha which is the juristica place of reverance, like the major tones wives rehata married bahania or the someone as spiritual double, enfolding prime matter through creatic space reflected into reality based on an understanding equal to the quality of the tones ability to rangte and alter, form reality.

dreta rose to convey and trithan to melesta the middle or belt, finally bragana ta are tresereth to crata powerrs and tones that built things like waters , land, spaces and places
liquid to water, solid to rocks, earth and so on zang ran off fearing his destruction, the piter ninja found him and thought he feared wrongly, as he feared the zing the somebody would destroy him though the linked creatively. morin was seneted to trafonia of weva ebnergy curents and crasta ebnded by realising they were better off as he did from falling.

the minor tones are being the are divine at the higher level, tones of empathy, they are relational, warm love feeling, create love anmd immortality toned in synthany with the others. hartha fell to nonea and treha to frothen, martina to hietha and grupta to tritha, each a tone, the first reversed the second opposite the third retreated and the fourth triested. the fith laughed then returned the program and the last said hello but after the smaller tone, it belted one below as purging tone or fiter, four went up thr trafani, beha, rula, defta and crata each creating a greater minor tone or tie in rythem with life and relation to all, the fiftha landed in the middle and said nothing but woo, as it fliped inside out creating tone refera.this was washa refuta the l;ove relation mismic tone woven and realised.

finally the tie tones or small or smaller tones werre nine refta fell to three then returned by set free fell to 5 and created the kigdom of fire punishment, trfta fell to 12 was released and fought fell again and went to 23 created brime stone fire , bretha wanted to destroy it all fell to 96 and begged for forgiveness the some goit her to surrender to him and she created tar kolasis like punishment the third kigndom, drfta fell to 2 and created purging light fire or burning sun fire the first agreed to peace to keep his kigdom even as paradise when no one else needed healing or correction, they all were resserected in the end, the hiba became a reality and the defta upper cielings of same, these are meta form beings and tones like speach ideas formed into being based on concept reverted upon iotself
oh you can use create apply for the spirit glotomous beings rather than mesh ( messaghe or command) then apply to end the sequence.

to the tones major refta the counter married drafta arta throyugh the someone and created coiunterance and peace

the second drefta married mufet the reflected reverse tone to create counter bnalance and bread nmushin the place of being harmonised balance and self

triha married dtrafti in molen to create peace and love as a minor tone, the sm,aller tones united creating brahas and artarefta called mufin who by blessing of hratha and moon allowed her husband to rise and unify to trfta completeness as totality of love and oness.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

muslim to moslick

the universe is evolving, the cosmos is becoming upgraDED


the festival last week in st johns that was for some back on aug 27 was a big hit, it mimicked higher realities and recompenses.

,oslicks, moslims, moslems are new
good muslims
and correct moslems obey merreta laws that dictate equality of all races religions, sexes and promote monagomy
the drefa lesbos xe program persists, but it promotes equality opf the sexes at a even more impinging level
the old muslim mesma was direted and imposed to the others
if you are old sexists or bad musl;im you are powerless
draha and homata are the two other brands

Friday, October 7, 2011

moon water walk, matrix card

we just completed the water route of the moon walk, the someone made a few new conssessions and we ended up also looking into northern manitoba next to ontario Caneda.

there are eight main principalities on the moon's waters
the first is teresa which is bicameral and rerpresented by their president and officiated by their eight kings/queen treford traha, teritha moroon, bgadi braha and refretha moontoon are the state of reps names, plus gintham tretha, meckritha and gapi petredetha

the second is called brahanda and is ruled by two queens and three representative governments, they are like shangton a new country in china. bretha and hootha are the queens names

the third is trina and it is the home of one of three old emporors which are offiociated twelve countries and thier reps. the new emoporor is hinthen terhatha

the fourth is terena and it really is a small principality/country now particianed to the previous emporors, ral[ph handoorth, to brendas

the fifth is satarna and is half under water and the above is treha
it is rukled by a partician country ioof two houses of reps, and the witchea ruler called puithen trumpet( male)

the sixth is trehnouna opr trehna for short, it elects a house rep, a senate and a council of four represented by throne called a tehnia and the rulers are tehrina and banka his wift.

the seventh is justina and is ruled by thetan kalef a kalilif who predates arabia on earth, kaliff is dwelling as in kalivi they elect a council of reps and the subject house of counter thought, interesting system the opposition is the other house. state head is called the threfta and the name is sesa ruthela of bgrumbi

the eighth is tralala and housed by three houses and the fourth seneta which is the trahina place or forward house that represents trahana and is ruled by tethent rublin of the rublimins

greece is becoming elatia, teh someone now has teh riights to all banks on earth and the mortgages in caneda dn the world are absolved.

recall the wetitath is a system bornm on the moon but used in arabia minor as it like all nations obn earth are changing tio reflect the new age

the matrix card is load run , one can use ancient systenms as described in the movie

try dimentional series ( or grid) lock
it allows controlled speach over multi grips and systems, so you maintain a private conversation with one person and throw stuff at another person on another grid, you can change grids by naming them, now to grid two...
brahdi of the dehfi a human from mehrani in secton 23 5 in the grid matrix based on a 15 line grid breakling the houndred million light year secton, then parsec numbered then solar units then planets equal to about the earth
so secton 23 grid 5 and 3 parsects 4 solar units and 3 planets.

navigators use a long aproch across arcs and might say secton 23 5 3 6 1

matrix is a term found in old testiment said by god the someone to abraham who did not uunderstand it, at the time, its greek, persian, chinese and way before that, the first to use the term is grahana a space substance being in gruha or inner space based on metrical measurements of innner related phenomena.

universal quanmtuum be with you.

matricx card activate with load or relod then run.. to put into serbvice or end communication.

program matriox actuate.

qus away.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

art feastval and enlightenment there of.

the someone was visiting st johns during the great feastival that occured in toronto in septe,mber 24=26 2010. using eth continnum lanes of places that lo=k like down town place of the soemone you acn jump here and enjoy the feast.
use main corrodor of the city, it will open till it ends tonight. its called the art show, it was advertised on radio and covered by tv news.

its an enlightment festival in university district down town, it had menta rockets that use gentry energy bursts to travel, the look like fire but is trampid, the energy is equal to tahitic energy or fast sub fire heat and are cool to the touch the someone is sensitive enough to feel the heat from these exhusts. they had the moon rover, a copy, mars and venus in center mall, they had a set up of a docking center and a filter god program that governms time travel and dimentional reality, it hads molten reality screens that by touch megama or move if you have gentry power levels. lastly tenda light holes with bruta sensitive lights allow the light to change and free new comp cell phone aps games like crega on earth the cube, its working title can be gotten. great stuff.

he got a meritha sword which acts liuke a toy or training sword but it is set at plaqy level and cann only be unlocked by divine powers as it is dimentionally locked. it allows one to manipulate the hari energy that exists in teh vrandi upgrade arms.

the presi is the race of people who invented the brandi weapon they come from a planet 18 light years away center equater left center. it allows people to marshal their ideas before being able to unlock higher powers.

did yopu know the marsians thought earth was adry planet that might have water on it and ants
hmm we thought they had only worms, both planets are as bontiful of life and is under similar social conditions

I will describe more concerning the event next week.,
all is welcomew peace