It is written that to win the spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom one has to be persecuted and imprisoned for up to 10 days as an innocent person. One must be persecuted so the test of the devil sees who is good and on your side and w2ho is evil and against you and the good. Being on the side of the persecuted is all that matters.
In 2000 Feb someone orchestrated a fake stabbing in the someone neighborhood as a means of having him turn from teaching those he met in the coffee shop to seeking out larger audiences. The someone would say quoting Christ “they need God too" as Christ said to the Pharisees concerning partying with common people.
A friend had called the someone telling him that he had found some morphine. As the someone had only tried morphine once and knowing it would calm things down after the stabbing that at the time he thought was real. Industrial light and magic, people in said company, helped in the theatrics of the fake stabbing.
Sometimes high end friends pay for theater groups and other special effects as part of lessons and transcendence for the somebody.
The stabbing had nothing to do with the someone though a mutual female friend was part of the triangle that caused the alleged altercation. Same special effects came by last year to show off a fake shooting. The showing off was to prove how they did things.
The someone met the star from drag you to hell outside his house, they spoke about her movie and angels and demons that she tore apart
Someone meets a lot of interesting people at the unofficial level.
The friend with the morphine did not show up the first night and called saying he had finished the pills but had to get more. He arrived at the someone’s house a few days later with two pills. He warns him to take a tiny part of it as it was strong and would hurt him. The someone having taken a pill of that size once before takes a whole pill. He feels as if he is on a hollow opiate like feeling, he tastes bitter almonds , an hour after , alone in bed he feels himself falling all night long. He wakes up the next day feeling awful. When analyzes the pill is discovered to be a Kevorkian pill made up off a lot of arsenic. Doctors say the someone should be dead by he is not. He was not immune to the poison but immune to death or immortal. The someone’s friends actually began a program to make him immune to all poisons as nobles were made immune to poisons. After encountering Samael in august 2004 the someone is completely immune to all poisons. The story goes that the friend was stopped by individuals he thought at the time were police but might have only pretended to be and was given the pills to bring to the someone. If it had succeeded the someone would have been another drug user who overdosed on bad drugs. A way ignorance allows murder. The story was told to the someone years later, the warning do not take it it will hurt you said to the friend was conveyed to the someone was take a little. The friend suffered a fake bust causing his to obey those orchestrating the assassination attempt.
This guy is no longer the someones friends for many more reasons that this.
Bullets have bounced off things and gone through the someone and his party. Nothing explodes in his presence, except maybe fireworks. Everyone is safe in his company the danger always moves to an off shift dimension of this reality.
Yes many unexploded devices but like Enoch he cannot be hurt or killed as those with him are safe. Just being on the same side of good and peace with the someone and seeing the truth of the innocence that has tried to be persecuted wins you the spirit of this church from revelations.
Friday, June 11, 2010
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