Saturday, June 19, 2010

Full events of undercover operations of 2000

The next thing the someone did was look at various religions that offshoot from Hindu beginnings. Before I go into this tale I want to further elucidate a story I mentioned previously and will turn to the Janes and an examination of their ideas next week.

In the late fall of 1999 the someone began chilling inside a coffee time that had just opened across the street from him a few years earlier. He met various people from TTC repair workers to gangsters. Due to some of these individuals and the congregation there of in said coffee shop various police investigations had led various officers from various parts of the city to the shop. In fact, undercover began to chill in said coffee shop as well. The monitors were aware that the someone and his friends were in the middle of these situations based on association. One guy that offered free food for driving him to the restaurant as his license was suspended had people known to him that made his dealings shadier than some , though he himself was virtuous. The someone and this guy use to speak a lot about terra-forming mars and said fellow starting calling everything a conspiracy when things got more interesting.

The monitors , yes Csis, like better known USA counterparts have brilliant people working for them and take actions that sometimes seems beyond the standard notion of policing. Often such agencies use theatrics to accomplish their covert and legal goals. One guy who befriended the terra forming guy was most likely a undercover cop or agent: Most likely agent. His aura was good. As the heat increased someone sent this agent to get close to the someone and the coffee time bunch. Once it was determined that the someone's affiliation was non criminal and would stay that way, the undercover, who picked up a neighborhood girl and slept with her the first night, maintained his cover well. The someone found the same girl attractive and when the undercover no longer showed interest towards her, the someone asked if it was ok to hit on her and he was given the OK. Street smarts dictate such actions. However the girl being a lush decided during a coffee to ditch the someone who she liked a lot and go drinking with other people. At that point the someone did not care for her anymore though she was in love with him. Ditching a date to go get tank does not work for the someone.
So the following day when the undercover asked how the date went, the someone said " she took off to drink, whatever." He sounded mad and said " those people cannot drag her off like that I will deal with it and left."

A few days later after hearing that arguments over the situation had occurred and personal grudges were erected. The someone was sitting in his apartment writing a paper on Immanuel Kant's ethics( from the ground work to the metaphysics of morals) for fun with his friend the police came to the door asking questions about a stabbing that allegedly had just occurred. A female officer had accompanied him that thought she could identify the someone as someone else but that issue was dropped. The idea was to cause the fear that the someone could get in trouble as someone else if he continued to deal with the people the dealt with. The police recommended cutting all ties with everyone who was inside the coffee time as the someone was " a wise and smart person and did not need to hang out with such people"

After that the someone was stopped instantly if he drove the terra forming guy to a restaurant. The detective in charge stopped them just to meet the someone, he even told his so.

Now what happened?

The night the undercover said he would deal with the people who dragged the girl off to drink a women wearing a riders uniform walked into the coffee shop. She had the horses whip in her hands, she was a red head. ‘We must clean the stalls" was the message. Just the sight of her represented an idea the monitors knew the someone would comprehend.
Then a fake stabbing was orchestrated. The alleged victim laid low and the agent was pulled without anyone questioning why he had to leave. Being monitored the alleged stabber would have been caught quickly. The terra forming guy called it a conspiracy though 55 division Toronto used it as an opportunity to have the officers, a black and oriental. Who saw the someone disappear on June six 1998 as he walked with God. They even stopped the someone, a university friend and they terra forming guy on the way to Burger king.

It took two years before a story surfaced that the stabber commuted another similar event and was arrested. ; A planted story that the undercover still thought by many as a stabber was caught.
Those who found out it was a set up laughed in secret but no one revealed the plot to the someone till later.

Prior to this incident the girl had thanked the someone for being her guardian angel and recorded a request on the radio for him to hear as if just played in a coffee shop. The owners help orchestrate this romantic move. She had said at one point that when the someone s[poke she heard wedding bells. Once visiting the performer’s family in Hamilton she was vested by an angel who told her she would bare the someone’s child. After the incident the girl was mad that she had been thwarted from the someone and showed it each time he met her. She had started going out with someone else and had a baby. The baby was black and the father and mother had no black ancestry to report. The blood test proved it was not the guy’s child. A divine voice told the someone after he lost site of the coffee time bunch post alleged stabbing " I have brought you a prostitute my son" in fact the someone saw a hooker once who looked like her and thought the voice meant she really became a whore. However she stayed faithful. inasmuch as the someone never had conjugal relations with this women the DNA to the child match his, Once she found out that the someone figured out it was his child she believed even before testing and left the neighborhood never to be seen again. Three fates had ordained the Childs fate as " he will be a strong man' in coffee time the last time the someone saw the tarra-former and girl at the same time in said shop.

Now After the orchestrated stabbing a then friend called the someone telling him he had morphine, the someone asked if it was ok to get one or two as events were hairy at the time. He said ok but called the next day saying he had to go get more. Said individual had been once stopped for possession of illegal substances and this made him an easy mark. He was stopped and given the poison arsenic pill that was tested as a pill that should have killed the someone.
This was done because someone aware of the situation felt that the someone caused the mess and should be illuminated; an overdose on bad (prescription) drugs,. Most likely it would have been chalked up as street drugs. Someone of the things being investigated concerning pill presses. So access to even manufacturing said pill was in the capable hands of those who hated the someone.
However I will note the persecutions did not begin till after the someone became the avatar pf Christ on Jewish New Year slept 1999 their 2000. Somebody did not like Christ and the enthusiastic belief that the someone had become 1999 October while at Hamilton university the someone went from being called superstar by all the grads and profs in the department he was attending to them trying to push him out and being nervous by late afternoon, The someone actually said nothing that day to further any situation positive or negative at Hamilton

there have been other emasculate conceptions other than the girl mentioned above but the someone only knew this one girl personally, the event of a small sun, as people will orbit the new child as it grows up, appears as they are conceived, a sun not star.
The end result in 2000 was the someone was removed from the middle of a lot of investigations, crack downs and arrests. The agent/undercover was also removed . These are standard tactics. Due to the positive affiliation to the free masons, industrial light and magic ( well people from said group) to put on a special effects show to help distract the someone and teach him important things as the events concerning the coffee time bunch occurred beyond his immediate presence. This was more to help with lessons of katenasis and help the someone fully have a katebasis based on the poisoning and said special effects. This was done to facilitate the events of cleaning the stalls and removing the someone from danger. All conceptually approved of by the monitors.

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