Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hindu, Brahma mama, Microwave radiation experiments, the key to transcendence through the bhagavatam

The bhagavatam begins with a request for one to impress using their wisdom, knowledge and Nu Science ( NEW Science) The someone did just that impressed beginning his transcendence as a true Hindu( one of the many peoples like Elohim (Hebrews) a true member of that people and divine religion. “You have impressed my children “Means this was the key in to the Hindu server or divine structure and system.

The following day the someone kept hearing the Gods appearing through people around him, often saying good things. On his way to U of T the someone saw a great tree with leafless branches in Allen Gardens. The tree took up the entire park in front of the gardens. The someone realised this was Kali's tree or kali as described in the bhagavatam and then there is the river of kali one must cross peacefully and kali (good in Greek) to stand in the fragment sanctity of Brahma. The someone was living the program of the bhagavatam. The tree moved and offered an empty branch; the someone spiritually offered his cross which has a lint made from a lint from a string gotten from one of the holy Christian shrouds. He also offered the chain that he had fission in his microwave after attaching it to a coke can, a hair pin which was taped to the bottom of dish.
He was the first to microwave his holy relic and it vamps it up in bio regenerative radiation or the Christ energy, the chain during the coke can experiment fissioned at one link. As the apparatus was microwave the cross went up like the sun and the chain fissioned on a link. The chain was hot when removed from the microwave and the someone ingested one of the fissioned parts of the link and he felt a radiation like electric shock that was grounding liking electricity. It felt like a strong electric shock with the quality of radiation heat. The someone’s energy I guess.

Kali took the spiritual offer that manifested in his hands. The someone hung a radiation that heals and can lead to eternal life that of the cross with one that heals good, kill’s evil in everything and can lead to eternal life as the chain. A God whispered from someone walking by, " he always knows how to act" and kali offered with another branch a multi coloured gem or stone, the someone thought it was the comet that he was told will collide with the earth in the late 2020s (2028 was the last date he was given in 98) In 2009 during a temporally anomalous time while we were crunching divine code for those who were reading back then) the someone saw a vision from the future of said comet being shot down. however it is a judgment point and depending on where you sit you might be dead from giant hail like meteors hitting you, see revelations) Meaning A huge judgment will occur as it did to the dinosaurs, who live on in beings like the grey Aliens, they live on parallel dimensions and plains, but like us are native to the earth.

At school while in class Gods appeared through people saying things including comments to the lesson and compliments towards the someone, the someone acted normally and the encounter with kali was silent, all in mental speech and looked normal on the street, as it should be.

Returning home the someone experienced visions of multi dimensional city blocks, and building in a very large heavenly populated city of the Hindus (spiritual city of paradigms, like New Jerusalem) a old Hindu woman walked by with a cane, she was hunched over and looked 100 or more. The events of the Hindu city ceased as the someone passed her: The old mother of the Hindus.

The following day Sita, Ramah’s wife, put a huge giant figure in the someone’s stomach. So Rama fully hardily affected me and Sita had a figure in it. Two months later the someone saw Sita and Ramah’s in Hindu Ville in Toronto, they are both human and she is a lot taller than he is.
This was the last event concerning the Hindus. While experiencing the running of the program of the bhagavatam, the someone heard gods asking things like ' they did shape his ears?" " he was born of the sacred womb?" Did he cross the river? Just after encountering kali the someone saw what looked like a crossing of waters but it looked more cartoonist like a story program image. With Sita the program was fully run. A year later Rama left the someone’s body9 like Adam who was removed the someone is permanently linked to the spirit but the exiting of the spirit is a sign of fully uploaded program. You have gone past the program and the spirit is behind you doing the bidding of God as you do. , Rama organised an army of good against a evil human called a demon (such demons have no powers they are just evil humans)

What the someone gained was a understanding of religion as structures of actualised God that access God as God does. It is the form of actualised access of Gods infinite potential through probable outcomes and parameters of existence based on the characteristics of that existence. An understanding of the unity of religious difference based on being other equally good structures and parts of manifest God became apparent from the Hindu wisdom. The idea that the pantheon really is a monotheistic belief focusing on the angels as gods and monotheism the opposite also became apparent. The idea of building and adding to the divine structures to empower us and manifest more God became apparent.
It is obvious why the Hindus offered this wisdom and revelations.
All religions are the same and worship God and/or access God and that Universal etheric potential essence( the potential God accesses as God. Yet each is different and compliments each other as well ass adds more structure to their idea and ways of accessing God(s)

Next week I will tackle the Muslim experience, quite enlightening.

(Although shielded Microwave ovens should only be used for experiments by adults, use caution and do not try this at home unless you know what you are doing. You have been warned and the author takes no responsibility for any use of a microwave or the likes. Kids adult supervision is necessary)

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