Friday, May 28, 2010

Jews and Judgment

Following emailing all the Christian churches the someone turned and began to contact the Hebrew temples around the world. As there are a lot of such temples the someone tried contacting a representative sample in each country. He also contacted Jewish professors, cabbala centers and Hebrew universities. This is on top of contacting the Israeli government but that is part of the later story. A lot of wisdom concerning the idea of judgment manifested. From the time of Christ’s crucifixion to the Diaspora in Israel is equivalent the time it took everyone to hear the message of peace and immanent evolution , a change in epoch, Rasputin gave his warnings and from his appearance to the Russian revolution is the time it took for everyone to hear of Rasputin , his deeds and his ideas. When ideas proliferate people decided whether to be good and embrace them or shun them and get excised from the collective as time passes and the ideas become common sense. The people who are peaceful remain in a territory, those who are not are arrested or worse and those who run and become peaceful in harsher diverse situations are scattered. The same thing happened to the Germans at the end of the Second World War.
In 2009 the someone got a phone call from someone who sounded like an elf or child saying” hello this is Jordan, your work is like cabbala renewed”

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