When Christ sat teaching his love Mary lady Despina Aremathea Magdalene, the later Mary Magdalene, complained to Christ saying “master master tell her to help me with the chores” and Christ replied playfully “magda you worry about little things your sister of big things (like me and God) the secret teaching to this section is the girl Christ wanted to marry was already a Mary or female apostle way before Mary Magdalene.
Their noble line meant Christ was marrying into nobility, though marrying the younger daughter is less politically powerful as marrying the older daughter would be. Magdalene did shire a baby from Christ’s seeds but not by having sex.
At Easter we celebrate the events as seen by the common person that led up to Christ’s fissioning. We celebrate that event when Christ was “no more” amongst the living.
The messiah of the time was to be like Enoch, who the Christian bible says” walked with God and could not be hurt by anyone” and as genesis says after walking with God he had children than transfigured , fissioned, like Hercules and Christ did and was no more. Due to his walk with God Enoch later became the arch angel metetron. Being touched by God transfigures one allowing one to change form and as the monophicists remind us become one with the entire essence of God as one yet still being separate in that oneness. However when one is one with God one is also one faced, monophicists with God(s).
Christ who was taken by the spirit and walked with God like Enoch and all who walk with God or walk with the person who did is invincible. In fact this invincibility is promised to all winners in God(s)’ eyes. To win one must be good, just, the best they can be and so on. Since Christ like Enoch could not be hurt The Jews say a real messiah cannot die as is the case with Christ, in fact fissioning is why he unlike the other holy people pilot saved , is remembered as the messiah of the time as God touched him , like he touched Enoch, and changed his body. Once you walk with God you are a vessel or one inside your body with God, you are throne or seat God(s) sits in and acts as one with all the authority of God.
On Easter we also recall the deception necessary to save good people like Christ from the unwashed masses f their holiness.
Christ became one with God as a consequence of changing so we reenact all these events to commemorate this holy and great resurrection to transfigured God hood beyond life and death, or to life eternal.
Thus Easter is celebrated perfectly.
It is more powerful to see how God saves his good people rather than thinking he let Christ die even to resurrect him. As the Samuel told Christ as a son of God angels save you even from having your heels bruised.
The Pharisees who liked Christ and wanted him saved put guards at his tomb to make sure no one revealed pilots deception, because that deception says the bible would make things worse if people thought it was a lie and not a blessing to save real good and holy people of such persecutions.
Three crosses were erected to make it look as if many not just Christ was crucified that day. Both were reported to be petty thieves, one regarded Christ in a positive fashion and one in a less positive fashion. These people were also not crucified, but it looked real from the street. Roman law dictates that all state executions must be on public land, thus Christ was not crucified according to law though roman record does record his trial and official sentence, which was never carried out.
As Mohamed says in the Koran, when Judgment comes one will know who the substitute on the cross was, only the true herald of these end days would know, as you all now know, the cross was empty.
We do not think God was weak or evil allowing such a crucifixion, as we do not think good people did not save him.
I know people saved in our courts of such persecutions in our contemporary world.
People envy greatness if they are not good people, but good people are great
So be great and envy not.
Does the bible not tell you that the women visiting the tomb were told by an angel, be it a fissioned Christ or another person or angel, why do you look for the living amongst the dead? He never died.
As we now know for certain.
While lying in the tomb on pilot’s potion, Christ had a katenbasis or descended into Hades as it written, Hercules for instance also descended into Hades, as did Buddha and others. The ritual death induced by those helping Christ as part of the mirage of his execution , as sitting and laying in the tomb, caused this decent into Hades. After he fissioned and transcended life and death
Thus every tenant of the Christian creed is maintained and the truth of Christ ordeal leading to God(s) being so pleased that God fissioned Christ and became the remembered Messiah of his day and paradigm to reach and go past such heights Three days of timelessness did occur as Christ transfigured.
The image of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross to teach people not to persecute good and holy people and to teach people to endure hardship as good people is good and a must at Easter as we commemorate and observe the event as a commoner did and as it was written based on record at least 100 years after, though the secret teachings are written based on what was told in a particular way allowing us to decipher the truth of the events concerning Christ and to learn the important messages represented by the holy cross, which he carried as part of his ordeal and thesis as holy as it ever was.
Blessed are all religions holy relics and symbols that focus God(s)’ lesson and love.
The someone’s understanding of Christ is good as he is christ’s avatar and the someone suffered two persecutions and paid twice the misery to figure this truth out, the first 3 and something years after he was taken by the spirit and walked with God, on ash Wednesday like Christ in exact days, a perfect reflection and the second on St. Basil's day or new year day Julian colander 2004 ending with a washing of hands in 2005 and a mirage seeming to produce due process at the age of 33 the same age as Christ, two persecutions that led to world leaders of a political and religion( UN for instance) first hearing and creating a task force in july 2004 to help police corruption and protect the someone from further events as they catch the many trying evil acts that are criminal in nature.
The truth is the good like Csis truly is the arms of God.
Thus this idea of Christ is strong and has no weakness that is not the true Christ, a son of God and powerful avatar and face of God
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