Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cattle herders, Business and Banks

The someone decided that is was important to contact the world banks concerning the ideas for world peace. Recalling the myth concerning the servant of God(s) preparing a banquet he took the ideas to the cattle herders. One would think bankers and money lenders would not be interested in a discourse concerning world peace as they are too busy with shier business and commerce. On the contrary the material was well received and many banks around the world showed interest in the material. World peace entails greater prosperity and profit is the mainstay of bankers and business people. The someone also contacted business leaders like Donald Troop and Bill Gates to mention just a few. The response to the material was very inspiring. During the days that followed the someone kept finding large wads of cash in places he did not leave money in. On one occasion while helping his father deliver scrap metal to a scrap yard recently sold to a new owner, after a argument over virtuousness practices and attempts to rip the someone;s father off the someone returned to his car to find hundreds rolled up in the cup holder next to the drivers seat The phenomena occurred till the end of summer 2006 and replied itself for a few months in 2009 sprimg.
Thus divine messages to virtuous, bankers. money menders and business people led to physical as well as spiritual reward.
World peace entails having a good monetary system that allows for business advancement without jeopardizing anyone. It is as we have already said necessary for world peace,universal prosperity and the elimination of poverty.

till next week, end the long weekend.
Like me stay in a good and positive mood, one accomplishes more and feels great doing so when one stays positive, confident and determined.

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