Saturday, May 29, 2010

Post script- Moses Program

I should have mentioned the light as the face of God took on a outline iof a bi pedal being.

In 2004 the someone was arrested for the female then a crank call to an ex chiropractor friend. They were looking for something to make him look crazy so they orchestrated a failure to comply with the police as the crown would not allow an arrest based on a disguised voice crank call. Police came looking for the someone one day after he left home and the station told him there were no problems so to relax and forget about it. He received a call . but no one at the station knew who the call was from after he called to check. He was visited again just after leaving and he had 911 operators and other officers call to check with the station, nothing again and he was told to relax. That night he saw astral hand cuffs on his hands and felt like he descended . He took his jewelry off and waited for them to come. He had heard the order “to bring him in.” It was the day after the Olympics 2004 Someone wanted to destroy the someone’s reputation. The crank call and back dated warrens were orchestrated after based on the monitors and my contacting government agencies and the UN an investigation began and people wanted to make the reason for the beginning of that investigation look as non credible. Necks were on the chopping block and to those trying to save trier skins making me look bad helped them look as if they did a service rather than frame me.
On the other side , in Jan 2004 he had his own private bail hearing and got to make a statement for the record “ I am writing a book on///” It is 2004 after contacting the UN the someone became known by governments around the world. Very important to help manifest world peace. See God’s will and the governments found out about the someone as a consequence of others trying to destroy him, they actually caused the opposite and made him a better reputation of his true innocent, good and virtuous self.

Yes after all that the someone walked away with a clean record.
Thus he is happy and determined to help the task force police and create a better country and world.

Till next week.

The Moses Program

Wisdom is a good gift to be bestowed. The someone could think about the bible and the old testament would appear like clear computer code the someone could play on his mental figures, as both computer and user.
The miracles concerning the old testament and genesis begin back in 1998, however several are worth nothing from 2003- 2004.

On Christmas Eve 2003 the someone went to the church he had attended for years. He had given a Christmas card to a female he was courting. In said card was an invitation to bring to family to the somebody’s church. The girl had brought her family to meet the someone’s family the eater prior just before leaving for the summer. The someone was away in London for school and returned for the holidays to see her. Instead of bringing her family the girl brought some friends who were dieing to meet the somebody. They had befriended her and were interested in the ideas someone sent her as part of my communications with her When the someone approached to say hello the two males blocked him when the someone asked who are you they said ‘ You will find out!!!” and pushed him down the stairs screaming death threats. The girl looked on shocked, silent and crying. On Jan 15 2004 the police called looking for a tenant or keys to the tenants apartment at another building the someone’s parents own. Said tenant‘s daughter was missing and the police had a search warrant. The daughter it turns out was always with the mother and the complaint concerning the missing daughter was a fake. The someone only found out the daughter was not missing days later.
The someone was writing an email to the girl when his mother yelled up to him “the police are here and they want to talk to you’ the someone yelled back “you have the keys go with them” the mother replied “they want to talk to you” so the someone went down stairs to the front door the police asked him to confirm his identity reached out and touched him arresting him “you are under arrest” the someone replied “what did I do? Do I not get a warning?” the police said they did not know why he was being arrested and that he would find out at the station.

Hmmm? If you were monitors you would have thought the cops arriving was for the key as did the someone. The daughter missing was the way someone had officers gets past the monitors to have him arrested; they did not know why he was arrested so the monitors did not know till later. In fact you see the conspiracy against the Canadian government, someone targeting the someone knowingly tried going around csis.

One year after the assault in the church on Christmas eve, the somebody was opening the great seals referred to in revelations, as the seal of death was opened and as written a flash of light and an earth quake brought the tsunami, which affected one third the world. The somebody did not know the tsunami occurred to later that day but felt a ocean of water and sorrow. On the exact same time as the attack the Christmas eve prior the someone heard a voice saying “ no one touches this daughter” at first he thought it referred to the girl and years later he realised it referred to him, as cabbalist claim we are all women to god. The someone was deemed fair as in just and a spiritual wife of God. It was a termination of the Moses program down load and being made one, declared before all creation as one of theirs, a Hebrew, a elohim, Moses.
On the someone’s fathers birthday that year , October 7, the someone saw a light streaming down of solid yellows and oranges, a voice said “ I could destroy you” and the someone looking at it thought’ I know many have fallen to worship you but I will not’ and the someone started to think about God energy and what form of energy the divine being took. On his mothers birthday dec 4 the someone say a large black water hanging below him in bed and a black figure came out of the water and entered his soldier. Later he realised that what had appeared on his father’s birthday was the face of God. Moses had looked away from the face and thought that this action had saved him from the destruction it announced. The someone looked at it and then realised it always introduces itself in this way.. It is also male. The water is the female and it put a figure in the someone as earth Gods do, She is the mater that matters. The face of god appears at the beginning of Genesis. The face was over the water, the wind is the person going through this program and becoming elohim by standard of the spirit of God through this text and the ideas that fed and built it. The program begins with the attack then excel of the someone from his church. As with Moses he was forbidden from returning to his holy places and homes. This also caused the task force to be created to counter escalating counter movements by dissidents and fridge groups affecting the safety of everyone in this country and abroad. The program ends with a washing of a judges hands and the show of crucifixion which was part of the task forces work. The someone volunteered for active duty by simply being his peaceful self. Guys it’s catching on and powerful people are aware of it. The more the merrier cause we all benefit. This is why I write about the experiences of the somebody because the stuff happens to him to produce greater goods though it attracts the wrong attention from the wrong people. Such people are caught I stay in a super good mood and in fact this weekend I have felt superb. Val’s law is; stay good and everything will work to your advantage.
Ps the second girl illustrates the type of conspiracy some people are willing to engage in as an attempt to quell the popularity of the our ideas concerning world peace and to destroy the person who walked with God and is now monitored by csis and the likes.
Why, cause the ideas effect people and are causing more peaceful relations to occur world wide. It is happening and we are helping it along. They cannot silence peaceful universal ideas no matter how they try. The someone is now safe from being set up through the justice system, the task force has made sure of it and they are pissed as someone breached their security and tried circumventing the Canadian government and their agencies.

Pps the someone was the same age as Christ when the second set up occurred. Twice the misery with spiritual and yes real world benefits for the someone who stayed positive minded and good. The girl was unwillingly used. Court documents were doctored, warrants back dated, a failure to comply with police was orchestrated to have the somebody arrested for a crank call that was somebody with a disguised voice. Even 911 operators and other police were lied to have the failure to comply occur.
Big time trouble, glad the someone was law abiding and contacted the right good people, including those that were already around. See why being monitored leads to powerful people and agencies seeing the evidence of people trying to destroy someone who they could not kill cause like Enoch he walked with God and no one could hurt him.
All God’s will and necessary to produce the peace that is manifesting as we speak, to make higher virtuous being common sense and concrete existence.
The universe was created for the good and virtuous.( see gospel of John)

Love you guys stay good

Friday, May 28, 2010

Jews and Judgment

Following emailing all the Christian churches the someone turned and began to contact the Hebrew temples around the world. As there are a lot of such temples the someone tried contacting a representative sample in each country. He also contacted Jewish professors, cabbala centers and Hebrew universities. This is on top of contacting the Israeli government but that is part of the later story. A lot of wisdom concerning the idea of judgment manifested. From the time of Christ’s crucifixion to the Diaspora in Israel is equivalent the time it took everyone to hear the message of peace and immanent evolution , a change in epoch, Rasputin gave his warnings and from his appearance to the Russian revolution is the time it took for everyone to hear of Rasputin , his deeds and his ideas. When ideas proliferate people decided whether to be good and embrace them or shun them and get excised from the collective as time passes and the ideas become common sense. The people who are peaceful remain in a territory, those who are not are arrested or worse and those who run and become peaceful in harsher diverse situations are scattered. The same thing happened to the Germans at the end of the Second World War.
In 2009 the someone got a phone call from someone who sounded like an elf or child saying” hello this is Jordan, your work is like cabbala renewed”

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cattle herders, Business and Banks

The someone decided that is was important to contact the world banks concerning the ideas for world peace. Recalling the myth concerning the servant of God(s) preparing a banquet he took the ideas to the cattle herders. One would think bankers and money lenders would not be interested in a discourse concerning world peace as they are too busy with shier business and commerce. On the contrary the material was well received and many banks around the world showed interest in the material. World peace entails greater prosperity and profit is the mainstay of bankers and business people. The someone also contacted business leaders like Donald Troop and Bill Gates to mention just a few. The response to the material was very inspiring. During the days that followed the someone kept finding large wads of cash in places he did not leave money in. On one occasion while helping his father deliver scrap metal to a scrap yard recently sold to a new owner, after a argument over virtuousness practices and attempts to rip the someone;s father off the someone returned to his car to find hundreds rolled up in the cup holder next to the drivers seat The phenomena occurred till the end of summer 2006 and replied itself for a few months in 2009 sprimg.
Thus divine messages to virtuous, bankers. money menders and business people led to physical as well as spiritual reward.
World peace entails having a good monetary system that allows for business advancement without jeopardizing anyone. It is as we have already said necessary for world peace,universal prosperity and the elimination of poverty.

till next week, end the long weekend.
Like me stay in a good and positive mood, one accomplishes more and feels great doing so when one stays positive, confident and determined.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A statement to capture the change.-postscript to last post

Schmitt a mid to late 20th century political theorist foresaw what would occur as the politicization of violence and conflict as a means of delineation from the other and the politics of difference. In his work The Concept of the Political Schmitt claims that as the politics of difference and conflict begin to end and nations beginning to work together as a cosmopolitan union, the politics of war will have no choice but to turn to fighting crime internationally and in nations suffering it, where ever it is found. As murder is considered a crime the war on terrorism and conflict fits Schmitt concept of the beginning of world peace. It is policing as peace keepers who are helping protect most of the population of nations with full consent of that almost unanimous population is why war is turning to crime fighting and not boarder disputes. The few criminals who use violence and other tactics are sometimes caught over her in north America. We police this strongly and its part of national security which in Canada is CSIS. The inability to police such criminals adequately in places like the middle east has necessitated policing peacekeepers who are trying to protect the population that requested them long enough to strengthen their policing of their own nations. It is illegal in Canada to blow buildings up, it is illegal to do so everywhere (excepting by permit in such things like demolition). See? You are witnessing a transition that we all are part of and help foster. We are policing the world and moving to settle national differences and conflict resolving them as we unify into a more peaceful co-operative world. Once our economies unify and we see each other as equal citizens of a one world prosperous planet and specious we will both prosper as a whole and bring peace by turning and eliminating real crime from the world. Its happening and we are helping it occur.
Interesting times we live in.


Need for a new economic world order for peace and end of poverty.

A centralised governing system for the world economy is the only way to unify all peoples and researches for the benefit of all peoples. This is the only way to eliminate world poverty and the scarcities of poverty. No there are sufficient researches that if used through a centralised governing system bent on equalisation that the world would become more efficient and capable of sustaining the prosperity that is dissolved in the adversarial system due to nations that need each other being unable or unwilling to save their own economies by acting in the best interest of the other nations.

Yes if this cetralised economical system is coupled with politics it entails a one world government, but it does not have too, a economic governing board necessitates being given the power and political authority to enact and implement its economic endeavours but this does not have to entail political governance of the world as one world, yet it is both a stepping stone towards a unified peaceful earth, as un-unified conflict theory dictates group theory and competitive paradigms will cause conflict that deters from a peaceful prosperous world. Thus starting with a unified economic system will lead to world unity whilst starting with world unity entails economic unity.
There is no world peace without world unity, be it a loose alliance of all nations or a unified one world government.

They once thought Europe would never unify and it has ; it started economically and is also politically become one, a united states of sovereign states acting with one governance and economy made up of many economies.
In the same way the world is becoming one cosmopolitan city.

As we have it now not one boarder war is occurring on this planet, some nations are in civil unrest, some provinces of nations have conflict, but the world is more peaceful today than it ever was. Yes there is conflict in Africa and some parts of Asia, but it is different, internal and slowly being settled by the people involved and the world when called for.
All nations including the legitimate leadership of countries like Afghanistan are working together in a new world order.
It is changing fast and only looks more peaceful and unified in the future.
All nations treated as equals without any special compensation to larger versus smaller nations.

So no more world poverty if all nations work together and unify to allow their efforts to be enacted globally with equal propensity from one centralised governance.


tomorrow I shall return to the tales of the someone from 2006.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To produce co-operative versus adversarial economies.

Co-operative economics does not entail any competitions, rather it necessitates a centralized or loose association of all nations in which, like the German chancellor, understands why instant action must be taken to stabilize all economies economies, benefiting everyone. In this way no rescissions can be caused by an economy faltering. In a similar way to the use of the IMD a central process reacts to the nations as if each were a province or state in a union. All nations would have autonomy but no longer can the adversarial sentiments of any nation’s citizens jeopardize the interlinked world economy. For exam, such a governing body could allocate money to control its use in nation’s wer4re the economy falters in some way, yet transfer and domestic product, minus taxes paid to the central governing body is controlled by the nation. Thus in the situation of Greece the money would have bailed out the country without causing people to lose their confidence in any economy and the controlled projects help prompt economies up and functions as if the world had a centralized government when it comes to international affairs. The more prosperous every country is the more prosperous all nations become based on trading with a market capable of buying and selling goods. The end product is a world where every country is prosperous and safe from economic woes and thus dragging or being dragged by the other nations. It is a safe system where every nation is prosperous and each compete for superiority without the expense being exacted from another nation and the transfer being possible to make sure the world is safe from negative effects.
It may take years of controlled and transfer programs to equalize the world to a level that makes all nations prosperous enough to be happy while allowing countries to excel in their own ways without any adversarial side effects that hurt economies that already depend on each other for their economic prosperity.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Adversarial versus co-operative economics.

What can we deduce from the events in Europe? Why did the recession happen and why did it last as long as it did? Did it end?
The world has evolved based on a group theory dynamics in which different countries try to better the other countries. This competitive behaviour has spilled over into the economic environment of the day. In the past few decades the world has become more and more interlocked and each nation’s economy have become more interdependent. An economic slump in one nation leads to economic down turns in the world economy. The adversarial system of economics leads to countries hurting, hindering and not assisting the very nations they depend on for their prosperity. For example Germany's xenophobic seclusions led to a loss of confidence in the Euro because the population like football fans waving their flags and colours clung to a sick national fervor that was based on seclusions superiority by bettering ones own nation at the expense of the other. If Germany had not been reluctant and bailed Greece out at the beginning, confidence in the euro and Germany would not have faltered. Germany had no choice but to bail the Greeks out as it rally on the euro for its economy.
Many USA companies screamed bloody murder based on the outmoded seclusions tactics that Obama himself regretted with every meeting with a world leader. Ya the low end of the population is into that our school is better than theirs and it gained Osama’s much popularity, but he knew America first included Canada and Mexico and so on, as the US economy relies on trade and is so interlocked with other economies only it cannot survive without the prosperity of the other. So a co-operative economic world leads to prosperity. Germany knew it needed Greece to survive to survive itself and Portage, Spain and so on.
So how this is achieved, a co-operative versus adversarial world economic system?

More tomorrow

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The happinmess of the enlightener

The someone thought it were wise to mention that no matter what envious evil people have tried to do to him he has no criminal record, a task force was created in 2004 July to police the corruption that flocks to him like moths to a flame and they protect him from further persecutions. They have done quite amazing and no legal problems have arisen since their inception in 2004. God(as) used the events that occurred to create a force that works together to help[p create a more peaceful law-abiding world. One of the last persecutions which was not a legal matter began with someone calling the someone’s brother and warning him that is the someone does not silence his attempts to produce world peace, universal belief and love of all the ways of God(s) and all peoples no matter their origin, he would get in trouble. These people did not like the fact that people like us reading this blog are learning ways to think and behave more handsomely in society. They do not like empowering people rather hope people remain powerless shackled to the same conflictual misnomers they are. Never let them silence you because if you are good and promote good things people will end up praising you as many of the world leaders the someone met last year. In the long run it is worth suffering to help eliminate suffering and be praised for the good you do and stand for. There is nothing to regret on the part of the someone and had led to some very important people becoming part of the experience of life for the someone and many other people. God organized a group of people God loves to do God's(good) work to improve humanity and existence itself by policing the wrongs that rear their heads around them. Truly God(s) created an army the someone helps as an equal. Praise God: It worked.

Friday I will analyze the world economy and offer the suggestions as to rectifying economic woes and economic slumps forever. till then...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Quaker shakes and Pentecostal tongues

We have just analyses the myth of Christ using the same tools as we did with more ancient myths. This one was shrouded in metaphor that portrayed the story as the grin word of mouth of legend.
We have now gotten to the bottom of the divine inspiration and true events depicted in the bible.

The someone continued to email the various Christian churches before moving to another religion. Each religion and its myths will be looked at in the same manner as the someone and we will look at how and why each granted the someone a gift, a gift that you too can access.

Inasmuch as each Christian church had its own holy energy and distinct spirit two notes are worthy of mention:
In 2002 after the someone's first persecution, he began experiencing tongues and other Pentecostal Holy Spirit phenomena.
Mo matter the religion, the powers believed in there in became the powers of the someone, including the common and uncommon powers of said religions.
His ears burn when spoken about, he has all the powers psychics and palm readers claim to, including magicians and illusionists. He has experiences some of the greatest God powers and been part of great feats and miracles.

The girl involved in the first crucifixion of the someone was Pentecostal and was hearted from going out with her to teach the someone the rules of obedience to injustice, which the someone did not comply with and has caused people around the world to scream at the same injustices. Quoting the girl" I did not want trouble I just wanted to go out with him!!!"Quoting the bad apple police" we do not care if she wants to marry you or go out with you, when we tell you not to talk to anyone you do not, for look who talks like this?: beautiful souls, brilliant auras" to which the someone replied " I DO!!!" as do many good people around the world.
This girl was Pentecostal and that summer in 2002 the someone experienced all the Pentecostal experiences as the girl’s parish thought he was a saint and holy person to have had to suffer such injustices as a totally innocent person. . Quoting duty council that night “it is not the girl but the cops who are getting you in trouble because you were told not to talk to a person they told you not to though this person wanted without complaint to talk to you. Thus as Christ 3.5 years after being taken by the spirit and walking with God, on the Gregorian ash Wednesday the someone was put into custody for talking to a girl romantically referring to religious ideas in in emails and a card such as her beautiful soul and brilliant aura.
In 2006 the some emailed the Pentecostals and relived the wonderful experiences of the Pentecostals, which rear their head every so often.

Every since the someone was younger, he experiences a shaking of his head that led to certain tones being produced. It was voluntarily experiences though it had an energy of its own. When the someone emailed the Quakers he instantly felt a shaking and realised that this was a quake. It is a pleasant uplifting feeling. Gnomes have a distinct quake as do the Quakers my friends. The quake is a communion, communication upload/down load system. The tome is the carrier signal for all events in the quake. Once the some one wanted to pass on a message to some one the someone knew, the someone quaked just after the person who wanted to send the message then the intended person quaked after the someone. It acted; like a conveyer of a message that is impressed on the psyche of the receiver. Each quake adds ideas and impressions to the collective quake, when received it builds ideas by conveying and sharing ideas. Thus it is a commune. There are many types of commune systems that act like quakes, the chills or energy of God, squeezing your eyes till it should like thunder in your head and so on, including watching TV, esp. those watching the same show, but everyone in such a delta wave state. Being exposed to incense and so on. A contagious yawn can act like a commune system.

till next week., like

Friday, May 7, 2010

Romeo and Juliet’s truth as Pilot’s gambit.

What was Pilot doing in Judea his his time? Josephus tells us that there were many messiahs in Judea in Pilot's time. Pilot was trying to maintain order in the roman province. He found out about the prophesy concerning the Messiah and used it to save holy people persecuted in ways that Rome could not condemn, The Roman's believed in all god(s) and avoided persecuting holy people esp. those who healed. Moreover, persecuting such people causes them to become martyrs and this causes one more problems. Thus Pilot made martyrs that made Rome look good as these people owed their life to Rome. He could after that say" What execute him again, we tried that and the God(s) have spoken” This is similar to people being put in the electric chair and if they survive the second shock they are allowed to walk away fully serving their sentence. So Pilot’s soldiers fed Christ a bitter potion and kept tapping him till he was numb. As is the costume with a lot of death cults, like the Skulls (see the Movie, the Bushes were members of this club, a death trance was induced. Christ was carried down to the tomb where he lay dead for three days. He had his descent into Hades during this ritual as sometimes happens in such a ritual, see Plato's Mythologizing the Myth of Er by Chrysovalantis Petridis, ink water press, (see profile for more info_) In fact such a potion was used on Romeo and Juliet and she laid dead and was found in such a trance like coma state by Romeo, who allegedly took is own life thinking Juliet was dead. Then Juliet awakes finds Romeo dead and kills herself. In fact,, the secret teaching of Romeo and Juliet is they both faked their death and walked away to live happily ever after with both feuding families thinking they were dead and thus not seeking them as living.
So Christ rose and transfigured (fissioned) and the three days of timelessness reported as his death occurred. Christ body looked dead to most people unaware of the death trance medicine and people saw the body placed into the tomb.
So pilot tried saving Christ by making him another messiah but the transfiguration caused him to be remembered as the messiah of his time, representing every good person considered a messiah, for what ever reason, by those of that time.
Praise pilot

Ps Doubting Romans doubted the transfiguration and Christ proved it to him by forming his body with holes in the hands.

The funny thing is records and real history promotes this and only this version of the bible, but the myth of Christ being the crucifixion is a strong image for what it has always meant. Enjoy it.
Hey they thought Hercules killed his family and did not.
Original apostolic letters and writings indicate the pilot gambit as the secret teaching concerning Christ and not a real cruel crucifixion.
Pilot is a holy man and saint as is his wife.

This rendition of the Christ’s story does not in any way take anything away from the divinity of Christ though it does empower him and causes him to fully fulfill the prophesies about being a messiah of one’s time. For example, Christ like the someone was like Enoch invincible. Im Fact messiah needs to be everyone and represents all the good people of ones time .

Monday, May 3, 2010

The inspiration of empowering Christ beyond the myth of execution.

When Christ sat teaching his love Mary lady Despina Aremathea Magdalene, the later Mary Magdalene, complained to Christ saying “master master tell her to help me with the chores” and Christ replied playfully “magda you worry about little things your sister of big things (like me and God) the secret teaching to this section is the girl Christ wanted to marry was already a Mary or female apostle way before Mary Magdalene.
Their noble line meant Christ was marrying into nobility, though marrying the younger daughter is less politically powerful as marrying the older daughter would be. Magdalene did shire a baby from Christ’s seeds but not by having sex.

At Easter we celebrate the events as seen by the common person that led up to Christ’s fissioning. We celebrate that event when Christ was “no more” amongst the living.

The messiah of the time was to be like Enoch, who the Christian bible says” walked with God and could not be hurt by anyone” and as genesis says after walking with God he had children than transfigured , fissioned, like Hercules and Christ did and was no more. Due to his walk with God Enoch later became the arch angel metetron. Being touched by God transfigures one allowing one to change form and as the monophicists remind us become one with the entire essence of God as one yet still being separate in that oneness. However when one is one with God one is also one faced, monophicists with God(s).
Christ who was taken by the spirit and walked with God like Enoch and all who walk with God or walk with the person who did is invincible. In fact this invincibility is promised to all winners in God(s)’ eyes. To win one must be good, just, the best they can be and so on. Since Christ like Enoch could not be hurt The Jews say a real messiah cannot die as is the case with Christ, in fact fissioning is why he unlike the other holy people pilot saved , is remembered as the messiah of the time as God touched him , like he touched Enoch, and changed his body. Once you walk with God you are a vessel or one inside your body with God, you are throne or seat God(s) sits in and acts as one with all the authority of God.

On Easter we also recall the deception necessary to save good people like Christ from the unwashed masses f their holiness.
Christ became one with God as a consequence of changing so we reenact all these events to commemorate this holy and great resurrection to transfigured God hood beyond life and death, or to life eternal.
Thus Easter is celebrated perfectly.
It is more powerful to see how God saves his good people rather than thinking he let Christ die even to resurrect him. As the Samuel told Christ as a son of God angels save you even from having your heels bruised.

The Pharisees who liked Christ and wanted him saved put guards at his tomb to make sure no one revealed pilots deception, because that deception says the bible would make things worse if people thought it was a lie and not a blessing to save real good and holy people of such persecutions.
Three crosses were erected to make it look as if many not just Christ was crucified that day. Both were reported to be petty thieves, one regarded Christ in a positive fashion and one in a less positive fashion. These people were also not crucified, but it looked real from the street. Roman law dictates that all state executions must be on public land, thus Christ was not crucified according to law though roman record does record his trial and official sentence, which was never carried out.

As Mohamed says in the Koran, when Judgment comes one will know who the substitute on the cross was, only the true herald of these end days would know, as you all now know, the cross was empty.
We do not think God was weak or evil allowing such a crucifixion, as we do not think good people did not save him.
I know people saved in our courts of such persecutions in our contemporary world.
People envy greatness if they are not good people, but good people are great
So be great and envy not.

Does the bible not tell you that the women visiting the tomb were told by an angel, be it a fissioned Christ or another person or angel, why do you look for the living amongst the dead? He never died.
As we now know for certain.

While lying in the tomb on pilot’s potion, Christ had a katenbasis or descended into Hades as it written, Hercules for instance also descended into Hades, as did Buddha and others. The ritual death induced by those helping Christ as part of the mirage of his execution , as sitting and laying in the tomb, caused this decent into Hades. After he fissioned and transcended life and death
Thus every tenant of the Christian creed is maintained and the truth of Christ ordeal leading to God(s) being so pleased that God fissioned Christ and became the remembered Messiah of his day and paradigm to reach and go past such heights Three days of timelessness did occur as Christ transfigured.

The image of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross to teach people not to persecute good and holy people and to teach people to endure hardship as good people is good and a must at Easter as we commemorate and observe the event as a commoner did and as it was written based on record at least 100 years after, though the secret teachings are written based on what was told in a particular way allowing us to decipher the truth of the events concerning Christ and to learn the important messages represented by the holy cross, which he carried as part of his ordeal and thesis as holy as it ever was.
Blessed are all religions holy relics and symbols that focus God(s)’ lesson and love.
The someone’s understanding of Christ is good as he is christ’s avatar and the someone suffered two persecutions and paid twice the misery to figure this truth out, the first 3 and something years after he was taken by the spirit and walked with God, on ash Wednesday like Christ in exact days, a perfect reflection and the second on St. Basil's day or new year day Julian colander 2004 ending with a washing of hands in 2005 and a mirage seeming to produce due process at the age of 33 the same age as Christ, two persecutions that led to world leaders of a political and religion( UN for instance) first hearing and creating a task force in july 2004 to help police corruption and protect the someone from further events as they catch the many trying evil acts that are criminal in nature.
The truth is the good like Csis truly is the arms of God.
Thus this idea of Christ is strong and has no weakness that is not the true Christ, a son of God and powerful avatar and face of God

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Judas’ story from the bible goes like this:

Judas was a Pharisee sent to test and see if Christ was a (The of the time) messiah.
He infiltrated Christ’s group and became a friend of Christ as he had seen many miracles and events confirming the divine nature of Christ. Just before the last supper Judas revealed himself in private to Christ and Peter. A plan was created to have Judas go back and report his findings to the Pharisees. The idea was that Judas would defend Christ hoping to appease the Pharisees and make sure Christ did not suffer any trouble. Many Pharisees were already on Christ side. For example Pharisees asked Christ why he partied, smoked and drank with common people, Christ loved partying and had even visited orgies with Romans, he only observed the festival but he was like me and the somebody open to peaceful consensual events. Christ replied that these commoners needed to hear and learn about God as they do. The Pharisees left happy that Christ was acting like a rabbi trying to enlighten people to good ways as they do. At the last supper Judas partook in the holy substances and “tripped” with the other apostles during the enlightenment ritual of Christ’s holy potion that was his blood and body already collected by the earth goddess to attest to his enlightenment, as was the case with Buddha and all other enlightened wise ones( wizards).” Pay her back twice the potion and twice the misery you caused” says revelation, thus you become crowned an early king (god). She came as his mother. Thus Judas who also went up on mount Tabor was enlightened.
After reporting his findings Christ according to the canonised bible says “do nothing to Christ for he is a good man” he defended Christ’s and literally said body not harm him. This is no traitor and all Christians who belie3ve he was should learn to read and as Luther said read the bible themselves rather than thinking they can put money under free parking in monopoly because they have been told they can in the past by someone else who never read the rules. The Pharisees paid Judas for his surveillance of Christ. He threw the money back saying he did not want it as he believed in Christ. They gave him the money and were asked to prove his belief in front of Pharisee scrutinizers and soldiers. As a Pharisee of standing he proved it by walking to Christ and kissing him calli8ng him master (rabbi). For a Pharisee to do this means he really believed in the goodness of this rabbi. The Romans had been looking for Christ for days based on the accusation that he admitted to speaking to pilot of doing God(s)’ work and healing people on the Sabbath. The roman’s recognised him so this kiss was not as some say simply to help identify Christ. The Judas kiss is the highest sign of respect by a Pharisee of his standing. The fact that the Romans were already looking for Christ because a few jealous idiots had tried causing him redouble prompted Judas to reveal himself and plan a way to save Christ from this trouble. Thus Judas was trying to save him.
Judas did not know that as the canonised bible says Pilots wife was visited by God as Jupiter and told this gifted women to tell her husband to save him. Judas also did not know that pilot was going to save him as he had the power to do so. He tried saving him offering Barbarus and him as a Passover peace offering. He made sure Christ was crucified on private land belonging to his father law Lazarus land. His wife Lady Mary Despina Aremathea (Mary Magdalene sister) was kept a secret due to persecutions, but a perfect rabbi must be married. Yes Christ was young and the word virgin back them meant nothing but young without children. Furthermore the roman’s loved Christ as a holy person and even blind folded him, hitting (tapping) him and having him psychically guess who tapped him. There are party games that include the same procedures
Judas first tried hanging himself after Christ’s arrest thinking Christ was about to be executed, he failed at hanging himself and threw himself into fire ending his story. Pilot saved a lot of good holy people by having them lay dead in a tomb for three days and declaring them messiahs, Israel was full of messiahs in that time. However something unexpected happened and Christ fissioned while sleeping in the tomb, transcended death to being beyond life and death. The radiation that centered in him was a life giving bio regenerative power that vamped his body to a higher state of being capable of shape shifting/ The shroud of Turin dated to 0 ad based on a spore from the thorns Christ wore while carrying the cross as part of his way of looking as if crucified grows only around Jerusalem. Previous erroneous carbon dating has been retracted and the only one that exists now is the one dating the shroud to 0 AD and thus confirming its authenticity. When the someone realised what had happened to Christ during the crucifixion he heard Christ’s voice saying “here is my myth you are the only one who unraveled the truth about it”
In 2006 the Eastern rite and western write replied to the someone to show their support of the Judas story, said churches began to archive the someone’s work, as did the Vatican. Once this message was sent and a fully articulate accurate account of Judas based on the canonised bible was offered concerning Judas the Christian community agreed that they could release the book of Judas and defend themselves using the someone’s work and the canonised bible.
This is an example of the things the someone has caused without need of direct credit, though all involved who knew of his work have noted it officially in their archives
Now the canonised bible's Judas and the apocrypha like the gospel of Judas coincided. Christ wife was confirmed by bishops based on secret teaching and apocrypha all Christian churches have. Each year Christians celebrate Easter commemorating pilots maneuver to save Christ and to remind people not to persecute holy people doing miracles whether its on a holy day or not. The someone also felt secure as he was ensured he would remain a member of his church even though he was universal and believed in all religions, including science. Like pilot, greats save and do not persecute holy people sent by God to enlighten people. Thus not only was the someone safe from excommunication, but he was welcomed and loved for his ideas that began changing religion with months of his contact with said religions. Not one person from any religion with any level of enlightenment or learning thought anything less that highly of the someone based on his work.

Peace till next week.