Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lotus versus lotos

Lotus versus lotos

Inasmuch as I have spoken about the cyclops I will look at more details concerning their story next week.

The lotos fruit is not the lotus of Egypt or the sacred fruit from India, It is not the lotus but the lotos and peoples misconception of the location of this island misled by the the idea that the fruit referred to is the lotus and not the lotos. I have seen ancient depictions of the lotos on pottery and it drawn as orange like persimmons. The chemical that purses your lips is said fruit is unripe might have a psychotropic effect on people in greater amounts, however I suspect someone out there has a better break down of the substances found in said fruit and at what amount said fruits would be psychoactive.

Ulysses and his men ate of the sacred fruit and felt outside this world, beyond the material existence of any place. The transcendent value pf the fruit is well noted. It seems the Greeks of Ulysses time could not resist the transcendence the fruit offered and its power were powerful.
The transcendent value of said fruit was so powerful one did not care about anything but the gifts it offered. One carved the abilities of the fruit even after one did not eat it for the rest of ones life.

till next week

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