Saturday, September 26, 2009

beginning book ten- Aeolus and sailing teck upgrade for Greeks

Ulysses sets sail from the cyclopes island to Aeolus. Aelis the god of winds gives Ulysses a bag of wind to use to sail back to Ithaca, In this tale the Greeks learn how to more productively use sails to allow for more efficient sailing. However the greed of the Greeks for treasure convinces the Archean to tear at the bag thinking it was treasure and that caused Ulysses to be blown back to Aeolus at which point he would not give Ulysses any help convinced that he was hated by the Gods. The hatred represents the Greek lust for power and wealth that was causing them to go far flung, once again Ulysses does not represent the Greeks that are characterised as Greedy. Aelis is the Aeolis or Greeks that formed Thessalonian or the lalians, Thessalonia was originally called Thetalia and both names mean place or seat of the leans or Aeleans. It was their technology based on an island peoples that helped the Greeks improve their sailing.

till next week val

Remeber Val's law: By being good everything works to your advantage.

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